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dave birch

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Posts posted by dave birch

  1. Riversider, It isn't the Federal government that have closed down anything, other than people coming from abroad*. The States have been closing their own borders, and they've been doing it at the drop of hat, when covid cases increase.

    *The Federal government have been facilitating the rich and famous, sporting teams and movie stars to come here with allowances to isolate in their hotels or holiday homes. Everyone else has to go into mandated places for isolation.

    And that is what's pissing a lot of people here.There are some 300000 aussies worldwide that have been trying to come home since the start of the pandemic, and the federal government has paid lip-service to their plight.

    Our Prime Minister (AKA Scottie from Marketing) casually ignores these people.

    The other thing here is a little matter of delta stopping crowds at games. Our State Premiers are bricking themselves should an outbreak occur, look at NSW at the moment.

    There'll certainly be no UK supporters allowed into the country,though local  UK supporters will watch on TV if they can't get into the grounds.

    If it goes ahead, I'll be at the front of the queue at Morrisons office (he's my local MP) giving it to him large, for not helping those stuck overseas.


    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, AllRoverAsia said:

    Mowbray like it or not is the mouthpiece for the Club.

    No one else there says a fucking word.

    If that lunatics banal drivel doesn't get to you well you are lucky.

    It seems that acceptance that he is a lying self-serving toady is the way to go for peace of mind.


    You're right of course ARA.

    It's all going tits up.

    So frustrating!

    • Like 1
  3. Here are the individual replies from the clubs involved.

    Make up your own mind as to whether there is any sincerity in any of them.

    "The Arsenal board said they did not intend to "cause such distress" and that they joined the Super League because they "did not want to be left behind" and wanted to ensure the club's future.

    "Our aim is always to make the right decisions for this great football club, to protect it for the future and to take us forward," they added.

    "We didn't make the right decision here, which we fully accept."

    Manchester United said that they "remain committed to working with others across the football community to come up with sustainable solutions to the long-term challenges facing the game".

    Liverpool said the club had "received representations from various key stakeholders, both internally and externally" before reaching their decision and thanked them for their "valuable contributions".

    Levy said that Tottenham felt it was "important" to take part in "a possible new structure that sought to better ensure financial fair play and financial sustainability whilst delivering significantly increased support for the wider football pyramid".

    He added: "We should like to thank all those supporters who presented their considered opinions."

    Chelsea said that after having had "time to consider the matter fully" they had decided that their "continued participation in these plans would not be in the best interests of the club, our supporters or the wider football community".

    Manchester City said they have "formally enacted the procedures to withdraw from the group developing plans for a European Super League".

    I'm with AllRoverAsia on this. They must receive some kind of sanction because of the underhanded way they did this, behind the backs of other football clubs.

    • Like 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, AllRoverAsia said:

    It was indeed and India had no answer. I'm glad I tuned in to witness it.


    I had India winning this test based on their first innings effort.

    If anyone can get a vid of the India 2nd innings do it, it's well worth while, and it's not long, only 21.5 or so overs.

    Two makeshift openers for the Aussies showing what could have been.

  5. 1 hour ago, AllRoverAsia said:

    I'm watching Aus v India

    Carnage with India 6-19 and Kohli gone

    .......... not long later ........

    India 9-36 and Shami retired hurt, so all out in their 2nd innings. 

    Aus to bat in their 2nd chasing 90 to win.

    An interestong session incoming.

    ARA, that was a fast bowling masterclass.

    Not one ball wasted, no extras, not one Indian batsman reaching double figures. Hazelwood and Cummings, words can't describe how well they bowled.

  6. Just now, roversfan99 said:

    The "badly advised" line is the biggest cop out and avoidance of responsibility you could wish to see. It doesnt wash, the buck falls with them.

    I too find the blowing of smoke up their arse simply because they havent upped sticks (as if its that simple) very difficult to stomach and certainly not recent to be thankful.

    Well, front up to them and tell them to fuck off...

  7. 6 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    The old badly advised excuse rears it's head again. There is a letter in circulation signed by John Williams, Tom Finn and Martin Goodman which was sent to them telling them exactly what was happening and they ignored it. They were the then incumbents and wrote the letter in the best interests of the club and Venkys. That was probably the best advice they could have had and it was ignored. A turbulent decade later we are £175m in debt, have had some real dubious people in positions of power, two relegations, 10,000 lost fans and many, many other things and we have to thank them for paying the bills?

    You can give them credit if you want to but don't insult me by asking me to.

    Ever had to make a major business decision?

    If you have, you'll have had various opinions one way or the other, that's the decision the Venkies would have faced. Yes, they took the wrong way, but we are talking NOW.

    I'm not giving them credit for their original decisions, but for the fact that they have stuck around.

    If you feel insulted, well, feel insulted, it wasn't intended.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    There isn’t one, so we will continue for evermore in this bizarre embrace where the lights are kept on but the club continues to shrink.

    It was their own arrogance that ensured they took this fabled ‘advice’, these were the bosses of an international conglomerate, not the local butcher. It is these owners that have reduced this club to a mere shadow of what it was a decade ago. Trashing the legacy of Jack and the likes of John Williams that had built the most successful town club in this country.

    Yes they pay the bills, but it is all a mess of their own creation. The club is now in a position where we will never achieve anything with them, but would also be in severe strife without them.

    So forgive and forget? No, nay, never.


    So, what's your option. Let's be in "severe strife"!

    No doubt they regret their decision to buy into football, especially now.

    It's not the Venkies you should be upset with, it's the people that sold to them, and those that advised Venkies to buy.

    2 minutes ago, Crimpshrine said:

    Thanks for the advice!

    They don't miss the money and I doubt it causes them any angst at all.

    I would swap all the money they provide in return for the club's soul.

    If you've ever had  or have a business, you always watch the cash, if it drops, you want to know why. This will be affecting their thinking , no doubt.

    So, you would accept a club, without funds for the "clubs soul".

    Clubs, at this level need funding, otherwise it's sayonara.

  9. Guys, It's about time that the Venkies were given a bit of credit.

    OK it's not because they attend every game.

    OK, they were misled, badly advised and took time to get things right.

    From my point of view, it's because they are funding your passion that you should cut them some slack. They could have left six or seven years ago, saved themselves a lot of angst and money, but here we are, in 2020 still being funded by them.

    Isn't it time to forgive and forget?

    If not, point me in the direction of the next generation of multi millionaire benefactors that want to fund BRFC..

    Finally, I was very critical of them initially, but time and circumstances have managed to change my mind.

    • Like 5
  10. Mike, you might be playing sooner, now that the R & A have decided to implement new procedures. Procedures that we have been playing to for four or five weeks.

    Since their introduction down here, the longest round I've played was 3 hours 15m and that included a fair amount of waiting as we caught up with the group in front.

  11. 1 minute ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    Yeah, I thought he was on his way back after that goal. Didn't he have to be subbed after Lucas Neill got sent off shortly afterwards ?

    Me too, I thought he's regained it, but alas, not to be,

    I was reading an interview Matt gave a few years later, where he said he cried his eyes out when he got home. Whilst he'd scored, he knew it was the end, and he was never going to get back to "normal".

    I'll try and find it to post later.


    Yes, wasn't that the game where Neill did a bit of GBH on Carragher?

  12. Just now, Mike E said:

    Wish we were the same, unfortunately golf is completely locked down too.

    Not that I've ever been within 2 metres of another player thanks to my wicked slice.

    Mike, I know what you mean, I had a slice that was sooooo bad. Fixed it by bringing my top hand more over the club shaft.

    Try it and keep the leading arm as straight as possible at impact. It feels awkward to start with but muscle memory makes it easier after a while.

  13. Mike, we're playing two balls.

    Stricked conditions, no touching the pin, no rakes in bunkers, always stand 2 meters away from your partner, no warm ups, arrive 10 mins before tee off and leave upon completion.

    This should happen all the time. I've been getting round in under three hours, which is magic on the course I usually play.

    • Like 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Stuart said:

    Thanks for that den.

    Really lovely to read this, it brought a tear to my eye...

    And for the few hours that Tony is with his Sporting Memories family, Natalie added: "I have my dad back, the man I remember and grew up with."

    Meanwhile, we deliberate over which of the training pitches to rename. If we are even deliberating at all.

    Stuart, you should start on brain training now, if you want to avoid a similar situation.

    I'm not being flippant, I'm now 73 and can see/feel differences. That little bit slower to realise things (even though I feel "quick" to me). Spacial awareness is a big thing.

    All I can suggest is, be aware of what is coming, and prepare for it.

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