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Posts posted by miqaayil

  1. 7 hours ago, Upside Down said:

    I couldn't even imagine wanting to support another club.

    As shit and disgusting as this one is now it'll always be my club.

    If my son asked me to take him to go and see City or god forbid, the red scum he'd get a very blunt response along the lines of "you can fuck right off. If you want to go there you can fucking walk you little cunt."

    I couldn't even imagine how my old man would have reacted to me wanting to support the red scum. Fortunately I was born a true believer.

    There's only two things you can't choose in life. One is your family and the other is your football team.

    You support your own local team. That's the law. Anything else is heresy and should be punished with severe flogging.

    Hmm are we related ? 


    my mrs saw me miserable and bought newcastle jerseys for me and as i do watch newcastle games since shearer was there on/off ... but it's just not the same ... even when saudis bought them , yea i was happy for them .... but cursing our luck as we got chicken fukers ... 


    When will our misery end... i heard rumors of bahrain investment interested in us but i also heard the effing shielding around the Raos is impenetrable ...

    keeping my ears close to ground , praying for a rescue 

  2. fina effing ly...


    i was on shoddy internet watching ...suddenly score was 0-1 ..i was thinking we can come back in second half ... then suddenly it was 0-2 and i'm thinking damn ...there's still second half ...then i come in here at page 8 ...only then i realized we leading 2-0 ...


    Just then i realized how used to losing we have been ...a draw seemed like victory ....


    Great job guys.. finally a fukking good week ahead ...

    God bless 



    • Like 3
  3. 17 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    A fairly pointless and uninspiring interview whereby just about everything Broughton says is caveated.

    "We already have clear plans of what we are trying to do" - that doesn't mean those plans will be followed or accepted by upstairs

    "I have been told that it won't impact our transfer business going into the summer" - being told something doesn't mean shit especially at Ewood Park

    "A geopolitical challenge" aka being investigated by authorities for illegal activities

    "Hopefully have the squad to come out of the summer in a better position", hopefully isn't good enough for me.

    What we can see here is a clear divergence between Broughton and the 'others'. Like JDT before him he is using the media to show those who can read between the lines where the real responsibility and decision making lies and it isn't with him. He can do all he can but it is meaningless if the board and owners don't follow it, which they won't because they don't care what the underlings think, they'll just do whatever it is they fancy doing from one window to the next. 

    If they're in a tight spot or short on cash they'll reduce the squad to rubble without a second's thought. If they're interested or having fun they'll ignore huge bids for out of contract players. 

    I don't blame Broughton, it seems to me he has been brought here to do a job that is now impossible to perform, working for liars and charlatans who have made it mission impossible. 

    Think back to last season, a hair's breadth from the playoffs and FA Cup semi final, bright ambitious young manager, bright good young squad. 

    Could that have been more comprehensively demolished, wrecked, undermined and undone in the space of 6-9 months? I doubt a dingle paid to deliberately ruin the club could have done more to wreck us than our great 'well meaning' owners and board.

    Read the piece .... Now i'm seeing a certain similarity with Steve Kean

  4. 3 hours ago, 1864roverite said:

    The books are open and have been since they took over - the FA - EPL before - have to see them every season so it’s a mute point you make.

    There is NO money laundering through Rovers and BRFC are not under investigation NOR are they linked to anything Venkys have done with their Indian tax returns!

    I'm sorry but i respectfully disagree ... the books sing according to the lyrics of the songwriter 


    i don't think i ever mentioned laundering ... for that you need to own the money you are moving to avoid taxation.

    BRFC cannot come under investigation as its not an Indian Registered Entity. 

    i look at things from a simple law of business simply put " Juice is worth the squeeze " ... but also i could be completely wrong. 


    i also believe these recent news of not wanting to sell is a form of reverse advertising of a willingness to sell at higher price , i may also be wrong but i judge the fire by the smoke as i'm far from the burning ground.

  5. Guys .... they can't sell because 

    1) Books will be open 

    2) They can't write off the losses as they gotta pay SBI back..unless SBI writes it off as bad debt ,which RBI(Reserve Bank of INDIA) will come with pitch forks together with Finance Ministry and it's election year...


    if only ROVERs trust or BRFCS takes out a one page in "TIMES OF INDIA" or start a twitter or facebook campaign ...



    "BLACKBURN ROVERS FANS looking for owners" 


  6. 5 minutes ago, tomphil said:

    The SBI debt will be secured and under pinned by Venky assets/land in India so they'll be risking that being seized if they default.

    The way it seems structured is the VH group bank account pays Rovers losses from its vast turnover and as for the Indian govt they've already stepped in obviously and i'm talking about how it'll be portrayed in the media and by some of our delusional fans in order to defend Venkys.

    If it's secured and underpinned , the judge won't order you to put an equivalent deposit before sending over. 


    The loss itself is questionable and nothing has been paid back as SBI has not called it.So from my study of situation Venkys have never funded us and never will and the assets of Rovers is being stripped. 


    The local residents need to pressure the MP for loss of revenue due to mismanagement of club and mention in parliament the mismanagement by an INDIAN business , this will hit home harder under current political climate (don't want to explain) 

    • Like 4
  7. 6 hours ago, tomphil said:

    I've already called it they are gradually and tactically withdrawing.

    All blame will go onto the Indian govt when we go down skint and having sold everyone and everything, this season or next. Then a few years in league 1 'poor old Blackburn the owners want to fund the club to the Prem but aren't allowed'  then we get forgotten about.

    Sit in the corner of their portfolio now costing less than 10 mill a year including levies, fixed assets off the books then punted to one of Balaji's son's mates in 2028.

    Indian govt is the new FFP.

    No on this i disagree ...they are spending SBI's money not their own on a misrun failing business ..Why would the indian government step in ? They smell something rotten and V's might be backers of the opposing regime. They are on course to liquidation unless a miracle happens

  8. 19 hours ago, Exiled_Rover said:

    Who has to see the books in a sale? Just the buyer's legal / finance team, right? What are the legalities here?

    Hypothetically speaking - if they did sell it to someone (dreamland being a local business owner), could they not simply come to a gentleman's agreement that whatever they find in said books isn't released to the public / government? i.e. "yes, you've used Rovers to siphon money out of the parent company with your incredibly dodgy, flat, £20m 'debt' every year, but we won't tell anyone 'cos we're desperate to buy the club and get you gone".


    Nope if found out after the sale ...its aiding and abetting 

    • Like 1
  9. I'm sorry guys ...i don't see us being sold unless someone with serious financial and political clout steps in and make them an offer through political channels which they can't refuse for the sake of the parent company. 

    If i was in their shoes the only exit i see is liquidation .. not even Administration as both administration and sale will open the books over 10 years minimum. For that the EFL needs to step in , who's fit and proper test these guys cleared. Its a total mess which is why i'm still praying for a sovereign wealth fund like the BAHRAINI or Brunei or some royalty to get interested in us for their public image 

  10. 5 hours ago, lraC said:

    I am hoping that Venky's have been well and truly rumbled this time.

    For those who don't know, I went in to see Waggott in November, after E Mailing him about the article in the Indian press about illegal payments being made by the owners.

    I asked him about the court hearing carried out, prior to my meeting with him and he was full of bluster about how this was always going to be a formality and given that they had "set a precedent" he enthused that the meeting in March was just to rubber stamp the next tranche. He also disclosed that there was enough money in the bank, for the club to meet it's obligations until February.

    One thing I have always had at the back of my mind, is that Venky's stated that they were protecting their investment, by sending these funds, which I guess is a backdoor way of saying that unless they are allowed to send further funds, their investment goes bump.

    As we know, they are under deep scrutiny at the minute, so perhaps someone has had a close look at their investment and maybe decided that pumping £200m into it and finding it to be worth around a quarter of that amount (if that) means any further funds are highly unlikely to be protecting anything, in fact quite the opposite, the funds are simply diminishing almost instantly.

    It is speculation on my part, but if the Indian authorities are scrutinising funds leaving the country, then maybe they want to know that it is a sound investment and perhaps they are beginning to realise it is far from sound and are on the verge of stopping any further funds being sent.

    It is then either put the club up for sale, or administration, which may well happen anyway, between now and August.


    Guys this is not about funds leaving india... their instruments are from SBI , State Bank of INDIA and constant Loss in investment which affects the bank and economy. So the gov is suspecting some kind of funneling which is why they ask to put equivalent amount in pledge before sending out more of SBI monies, which they won't ...i'm not a financial forensics expert but from what i understand this is in nutshell , The gov is worried SBI will write it off as bad debt... and they afraid to open books in UK incase of a sale which they must.


    This is my only logical explanation after years of observing this , which explains why they brought their audit guy from HQ. Someone will be the fall guy...i'm only wondering who

    • Like 2
  11. in my most worst case scenario thoughts , i'm going towards this as Venkys plan 

    1) Get relegated 

    2) Sell players who are too good (according to agents) , recover everything ...including sale of ewood.

    3) Go into administration , points docked in L1 

    4) Relegated to L2


    Nobody cares about a L2 club, no shenanigans come out....

    That's my nightmare , cause that's how i would get away 


    i pray i'm wrong 



  12. 18 hours ago, simongarnerisgod said:

    i just hope venkys have upset someone influential in indian business circles and now their new found enemies have major clout in the courts and political circles,indian is a very tribal country,upset someone and it could all come crashing down😁

    i've always said ..the only way to get their attention is point out how they are destroying the image of their country ...the current regime is extremely image concious and its election year , they want good relations with middle east

    • Like 1
  13. On 25/02/2024 at 21:46, rovers11 said:

    The Bahrain Royal Family are looking to buy an English club. Rovers suggested as one of those possible clubs by The Mirror. We can dream I suppose. 

    They have been and we are a good proposition due to our history and the PR twist of knights in shining armor rescuing a club. i heard they have a thing for roses ...if they are serious ...venkys will have to relent as everything in india is political ...



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