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Status Updates posted by Angel

  1. RT @clarky2006: Don’t laugh at the US for trusting Trump with healthcare – we apparently trust the Tories with the NHS https://t.co/NZ2TxPZ…

  2. @BasedMonitored Still hoping it's a muslim eh?

  3. Who do you want to be the Prime Minister after the general election? Jeremy Corbyn. What do you think? https://t.co/8VAYwaO0zh

  4. RT @LabourEoin: Jeremy Corbyn was brilliant on BBC just now. He is clearly delighted at the chance to put his policies for justice & equali…

  5. @Tish_BRFC I was hoping for a last minute Joao goal.. The place would have erupted had it happened. Unfortunately i… https://t.co/5M3XNyFDyU

  6. RT @LabourEoin: The Sun this morning have used half an email chain leaked from a Labour MP to create fake news. This point will be proven v…

  7. I use the Automatic Call Recorder app and I think that you might like it. Try it on your Android phone: https://t.co/cD9LRaiK5X

  8. RT @logansteven: Here's a list of Labour MPs who missed the vote to withdraw support from Saudi Arabia's murdero… https://t.co/DLwDmsUUW4 v…

  9. RT @TheHeedIsOn: FFS #Rovers, have you no shame? Is this really the best you can offer hard working and supporting fans? Utter @#/?... #Ve…

  10. RT @PaulFlynnMP: Brexit desperation means May abasing herself before medieval tyrants & Liam Fox sucking up to mass murderer Duerte

  11. RT @1LaneOnly: The Scum who never kicked the War Criminal Baby-Killer Tony Blair out the Labour Party are kicking out Ken Livingstone https…

  12. RT @KlDblast: @RichardBurgon @IanAustinMP @1PabloAngel After Corbyn, now working on our excellent shadow cabinet, isn't 'New' Labour unity…

  13. RT @LabourEoin: While George Osborne's paper are busy writing smear pieces about Corbyn in their Westminster bubble, guess where he has bee…

  14. My @Super6: BUR 0-2 TOT, CHE 3-0 PAL, HUL 1-1 WHA, LEI 3-1 STO, MNU 2-1 WBA, WAT 1-0 SUN

  15. RT @CollisTim: @Aaron_banks @Nigel_Farage @TRobinsonNewEra There you go racists. That's the power of love for you. We will win over hate ev…

  16. RT @DrMarcusP: Always at the scene of every Islamist terrorist attack in the world, is a signpost pointing to Saudi Arabia. #Westminster

  17. RT @cutter78: Having a deputy leader who doesn't support the leader is truly damaging to the labour and election chances #WatsonMustGo

  18. #GoalsExpress @Ebenno88 @Rovers goal against Preston #SSNHQ

  19. @jillongovt @EvanHD @BBCNewsnight I'll watch it on catch up now

  20. RT @Smelling_bull: @jonsnowC4 it's all about the Tory threat of cuts, charter review, with Tory cronies already in top BBC positions, etc.

  21. RT @Lance63: We don't need the Russians to swing UK elections, the @Conservatives can do it themselves! #toryelectionfraud #C4News

  22. RT @Peston: This from just-retired top Treasury civil servant. Not very coded attack on Chancellor's NI u-turn https://t.co/4kUpZx7Kyg

  23. @Greeny18O @BBCNews he's a murderer and should be treated as such! https://t.co/P5AgXOgkx1

  24. RT @Rachael_Swindon: We have no money left for an NHS on its knees, or for the homeless. But if you're a special advisor to the Tories, the…

  25. @John_Northants @gaurangmorjaria that's not what he said. Flaky headline grabbing by RW nutcases

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