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Posts posted by Biddy

  1. Yes - download it from the store - you wont play it again.

    That may sound harsh but its awful

    Did the PS3 demo just have the Lard Lad statue attack the same as the xbox 360? If so, I'm not suprised about your comments as I had the same experience.

    However, I have now been playing the game from the beginning and if you like the Simpsons then it is quite enjoyable and the cut scenes are excellent. It's by no means a great game though. Awful camera angles in some places and some very strange puzzles in others. However as a fun game it's ok. Certainly not worth full price. Find it 2nd hand or in a bargain bin after Christmas.

    Actually, rent it from Blockbuster. I'm rubbish at games and finish hardly any but having played it for a couple of hours last night, I'm already 21% of the way through.

  2. The only thing is Biddy, that the "Connection Speed 15323 kbps 764 kbps" figures, don't change. I reckon that is what the router is configured to. Using the speed test at the bottom of my last post, it's currently giving around 3MB/sec, but I'm running well now. I'll check it when the speed really dips. [as long as I can get the site up]. :wacko:

    No, that is the sync speed of the line itself and it won't change, not unless the line itself gets really bad or develops a fault. That is the best indicator of what speed you would be getting if you had sole access to the ISP with no one else contending with you.

    3mb isn't bad but not really what you would be expecting.

  3. Wow, yes, you have fantastic stats. You're not sat in the exchange are you?!?

    Anyway, yes that says you are syncing at about 15mb which means you should easily be getting 13-14mbs (1.3MB per second) downloads.

    Any problem you have is with Sky internally.

    You probably find you have 49 other people on your DSLAM in the exchange all downloading as much as they can as quick as they can which is killing your connection. That's the main problem with ADSL, there is a contention ratio meaning you share the pipe with 20-50 others locally and then the ISP only has a limited bandwidth themselves internally. If everyone tries to download at 16mb, it all screws up. You will probably find the connection is superb 9am-5pm when all the leechers are at school or work.

  4. That's interesting Glenn, I hadn't realised the importance of home wiring.

    In my case though, BT's speeds were excellent, where sky's are abysmal. That can't be anything at all to do with domestic wiring.

    Nope, I'll agree with you there Den. It's probably issues with Sky in your case if you have had another service which was good. To check what your line is syncing at do the following:-

    From the web interface

    > Router Status

    > "Show Statistics" Button

    There should be 3 main numbers, down, up and SNR. The down speed is the one you are interested in.

    On an 8mb line it can sync anything up to 8192. 16mb would be up to 16384. Lines never sync at the maximums due to line length and quality. That is measured by the SNR (signal to noise ratio), the higher the better. If it's around the 6db mark then the line can be flakey and keep dropping. They usually sync at around 8-10db but you can force some routers lower to increase the speed.

    If you are sync'ing at a decent speed (say 8192 on a 16mb line) then you should expect to get about 7mb downloads after contention and overheads. If you are constantly getting lower than this then there is too much contention at the ISP end and there's nothing you can do about it other than shout at the ISP. If you are syncing at 1024 (1mb) and you previously got higher then there is a problem on the line somewhere and you need to get it checked out by the ISP.

    Glenn is spot on with the master socket thing though. At my previous house I could only get 512k on my extension where the computer was. I changed the faceplate to pre-filtered plate and plugged my router directly into there. I then got 2.5mb so just stuck a wireless card in my PC and ran it like that. The internal wiring killed my connection. You are allowed to change the faceplate on the master socket, you are not allowed to touch the wiring behind it.

  5. That used to be a really good speed tester but now it seems to give flaky results. The best speed test is to try downloading a big file from a good site like Microsoft and see what speed you get.

    For example, I have the 20mb Virgin Media and the speed test says I get 4mb. However, if I download 16 streams from newsgroups I actually sustain a pretty solid 18.6mb. Nice.

  6. Is it just an individual thing this time? It doesn't look like it collates all the scores like the old version did.

    and yes, I agree, the goals are tiny. Actually, I find a lot less deflect off the defenders. Half the time it seems to got through them. That shows how good I am that I keep getting the defenders in the first place!

  7. On my Hunt round looking for feed back about this I was getting put off from playing it online due to the amount of cheating that was being reported. It really annoys me when people cheat online - whats the point - where's the fun.

    How are people cheating? You can't run hacked code on the Xbox 360 so whatever they are doing is built in. Surely this makes whatever they are doing not technically cheating.

  8. Right, Rainbow Six Vegas again.

    I have been banging on about how much I have been loving playing this game and it has been awsome but remember that I got this game last monday and I have a new baby so havent played it that much and I have FINISHED IT. Yes it shocked me too when it happend. Further more I can honestly say that this is the worst end to ANY game I have EVER played on ANY machine. So disapointed. For those that want to know what I am going on about, highlight the black line below - WARNING: DOING THIS WILL SPOIL THE END FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO PLAY THIS OR ARE PLAYING IT

    The ending is that there ISNT ONE. You are just playing and then it comes up on the screen and says "To Be Continued" and then the credits roll. Grrrrr

    Almost as good as Target Renegade then. Flashes up "Congratulations" and then starts again but harder! Great game though.

  9. After installing the Dirt Demo the other day and crying when it looked more like a slideshow, I dont think crysis will be running on my PC for a while! (I thought i had a half decent GPU with the 7800gtx, obviously not.)

    Especially as Vista is going nowhere near my system until next year and that there is only one decent DX10 card available. ATIs offering is a steaming pile of poo which is a shame.

    looking forward to Bioshock myself.

    On a similar note, have you seen that a patch has been released that enables Halo 2 to work on XP. They also reckon a Shadowrun one is available. So much for MS claiming that games like that can only run on Vista!!!

    On Dirt, works perfectly on my 360 ;)

  10. But will probably come out a year after the PS3 version. Anyway, this has yet to officially confirmed

    A little defensive there! Anyway, you are right, no official word as yet but it has started to appear on more reputable sites rather that simply rumour sites.

    Still, it's a game I don't give a monkeys about especially. Just thought if this does happen that it's a very strange move.

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