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Posts posted by Biddy

  1. other pros- its alot quieter, if you download a film you can convert it to divx and put it on the ps3 hard drive and watch it, you can upgrade the hard drive. wireless controlers come as standard. built in wireless. ps upscaler (upscales dvds to look prettier) the ps3 is now only 249.99 fully online making it cheaper than a brand new xbox (199 for elite, then 40 a year for xbl) (spread that over the remaining 8 years of the ps3) and lastly you can download linux for the ps3 so in reality its a net browser, dvd/blu-ray player and games console in one

    also on a side note if you do get a ps3 id go for the 80gb model (not the slim) because the slim is unly and just looks like a console

    Aren't they only selling the slim now? and I thought I'd heard they ripped the linux support out of that model?

    To add balance, out of your pros, only really blu-ray and quieter are pros over the XBOX and I guess the built in wireless.

    If I were buying a console today, I would go for the PS3, as others have said, for the quietness over the XBOX but really mainly for the shoddy build quality of the XBOX. It appears they have fixed most issues, 3 years after release but that has still left a lot of people with buggy pieces of expensive plastic under their tv's. Luckily mine hasn't blown up yet, but thats probably because I don't use it that much.

  2. Don't worry about Street Fighter - it's really rough looking in HD. The sprites are sharper than in the original game but on a HD telly they look no better than you probably remember the originals. The animation is very, very poor. Wait for SF4 - it's not far away, it's basically the same game but with more moves, and it looks fantastic. Played the Xbox version and the arcade one, they're identical. PS3 version should be the same.

    Is it just me or is the 360 trial version of Street Fighter the most useless demo ever? Just downloaded the 340mb trial to be presented with a main menu that allows multiplayer only, no single player option. Fine I think, get battered on line it is then. Select Multiplayer. The only option then is "Local Mode".

    Basically, I can't try the demo to see if it's any good unless I have 2 controllers and someone who wants to bother playing against me.

    Surely I've missed something?

    As an alternative, I've been playing Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe. Now that is quite a nice polished game. Nice to beat people up as superman as well.

  3. Ive heard a lot of good things about Pan's Labyrinth but have never got round to watching it myself. For anyone else who wants to watch it, its on Channel 4 Sunday night at 9

    Excellent film, and even better it's on C4 HD as well

    Well they killed I Am Legend, And almost inevitably they're planning to pi55 on the corpse.

    I Am Legend 2

    I don't know, might be ok. I quite enjoyed I Am Legend even though the "zombies" looked fake as hell. There's never been a decent adaptation of the book, both Omega Man and Last Man on Earth were boring as hell. so I am Legend was no worse.

    maybe it's just because I like German Shepards!

  4. But, err..... it doesn't. It's a good film and Ledger is good but I don't think it lives up to the plaudits.


    No need to be sorry but I wonder if you are in a minority. I absolutely loved it. Cracking film from start to finish with no slow downs or boring bits. Of course for me Batman could have been left out quite happily and we just had a film about the joker.

  5. Watched Lost Boys 2 last night, no wonder it was straight to DVD, it did feature a Sutherland, Kiefer's half brother Angus, worst line in it came from Corey Feldman.

    On approching 2 vampires, "ok who ordered the steak"

    HA!, I've just got that, sounds quality. Can't wait to watch it now.

    On a slightly less sad note, I am seeing Dark Knight on Saturday night and can't wait. Personally, I wish I hadn't seen that clip AS.

  6. From what I understand the FULLHDTV is a waste of money because the only time you get the advantage is when you play Blu-Ray.

    Blu-ray, xbox 360 and PS3 can all output "full HD" 1080p. There are also video cameras that can now record in 1080p so there would be a benefit there. My media center PC can also output 1080p if my TV could handle it (which unfortunately it can't).

    Blu-ray will be around for a bit yet. The belief is that digital downloads will take over the HD distribution but that at the moment is a step back as places like xbox 360 marketplace only offer 720p and broadband in this country is a ) not good enough or quick enough to stream HD content and b ) downloading, legit or not, gets frowned upon by the ISP's that want us to pay for the service but not actually use it.

    I personally have been mopping up buying HD-DVD's at the moment. As the format that lost, there were still well over 100 odd films released and places like hmv are getting rid of them from £2.99. That's not bad for a full High Def film, cheaper than the DVD counterpart.

  7. Had my SkyHD installed yesterday and am so far fairly pleased. Nothing too amazing as yet but pleased at the price I got it for. The only extra it is good for is actually being able to record in HD.

    I did already have a Freesat HD box with BBCHD for the past 2 years plus ITVHD (even though it hardly ever transmits) and a Media PC with many high def programs so mabye I am spoilt.

    Wouldn't go back to SD but still not sure HD is worth £10 per month extra.

  8. That's good to know, saves me buying one.

    I just got an excellent deal on Sky HD as an existing customer. Called to downgrade my premium channels and told them I wanted to see if I could have the deal that was being talked about on the internet (digitalspy.co.uk). They said no problem.

    So, Sky HD for £75 + £30 installation, coming next Wednesday. The only stipulation is that I have to keep 2 of my premium channels for 12 months.

  9. Shia LeBeouf's character would be the lead if it were to happen apparently, and no Indy himself, according to Lucas.

    and I would avoid going to see that as the whole idea seems awful. I thought they were passing the torch at the end of Indy 4 with the hat falling at Mutt's feet but thank god Indy took it off him.

  10. Is everyone just too old, miserable and cynical these days?

    I really, really enjoyed the new Indy but that's probably because I didn't read the reviews and went in with an open mind.

    Yep there were a couple of didgy CG moments, no worse than some of the awfulness in Temple of Doom. The story was good, the action was good. OK, the ending might not be everybodies cup of tea but how is it any less plausible than an Arc of the Covenant with magical powers or a 2000 year old ghost protecting a wooden cup?

  11. Nope, about your only way is the HDMI cable. Previously you could have used component video senders but 1) sky have removed component outs from new HD boxes and 2) the senders cost about £200.

    The HDMI cable will be fine at 10meters. Much more though and the signal starts degrading. I have a 10m cable between my FTV HD box in the garage and the TV in the lounge. Works a treat.

  12. t

    Is Ironman good for a 4~5 year old to watch?

    I personally wouldn't have thought so. Lots of guns and violence and one (non-nudity) sex scene. Although what kids watch these days, you never know.

    It's also got a 12A certificate so I think that is a good indication of the target audience.

  13. Along with this though I also downloaded Sega Superstar Tennis - any tennis fans out there should save their money for the next virtua tennis.

    Kind of agree on that. I gave it a go yesterday and it is by no means a fully fledged tennis game but things like the zombie section amused me. I think it would be great fun for kids. Can't see myself loading it back up though after the hour I played on it.

    Also, finally got around to playing Army or 2. Quite good fun but yet another army based shooter, yawn.

  14. Even if you ignore all the side/rescue missions and stick to the story mode (which is surely a natural thing to do at the very least) it proves overly difficult and thus ruins an otherwise fun game.

    Yep, I agree with you here. I finally got bored and gave up when I was trying to get back to a save point and went down a corridor which was stuffed with zombies, battled may way to the end which seemed to take forever, nearly dead, to only find the door locked. Pointless and not needed.

    I also understand the restarting with all the power ups but I don't want to have to re-do all the bits I've already done over and over and over again. Yep taking photos in the helicopter great, but not the 10th time. Same with that annoying git with the camera.

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