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T J Hooker

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Posts posted by T J Hooker

  1. Bit too grown up for you ? Stick to 1d

    not quite, there's nothing grown up about the band in that video, middle aged men pretending to be angsty teenagers, sadly the songs aren't strong enough to justify it and the 'singers '( :rock: )voice is shagged.

    Your such a nice bloke aren't you .

    again, you really do see thinks backwards don't you.

    p.s. my music area mainly the 90s, so mainly into 60/70s influenced British rocknroll, also some of the American indi rock bands(if you want to put a label on it) and a big chunk of my music listening is from the 60s/70s greats themselves(stones, beatles, Dylan, cash, bowie, who,....) generally I just like quality rocknroll music(which theres really not much of around at the minute)

    basically you're unlikely to see any band that I like playing at the download festival, but as Mike says musical preference is very subjective(although I cant defend his liking for takethat and mcbusted unless he was just their to please his gf :P )

    Obviously I'm a massive oasis fan(do your worst :tu: )

  2. believe it or not I'm not a complete kin idiot(cue some predictable *bleep* to say "not" :) ) I can tell the difference between a bit of harmless banter and vindictive mocking when its aimed at me(and others)

  3. the driver seemed to be in the wrong initially and is clearly an arrogant jumped up little gobshite, but in the end I think the cyclist deserved a good clump in the mouth for deliberately trying to provoke him further just so he could get his reaction on his stupid little coward cam(as I like to call them :P )

  4. poor guy, how can you not feel for him he was so embarrassed, the car owner didn't even seem to ask him how he was even though the cyclist was clearly hurt and in shock, he was more interested in looking for damage on his poxy car, people really are becoming so unfeeling for others these days.

  5. you are both as bad as each other but surprisingly neither of you appear to be able to see that, hence the continued argument.

    Really? You show me where ive just randomly mocked abbey in the past week without there being any provocation before hand, i may do myself(or the forum) no favours by retaliating, but if he could just keep his bs to himself and put me on ignore if i bother him so much.

    Im not suprised thats the way you see it though.

  6. If its only meant as good natured humour then how come its only the same few posters that you constantly mock and you never mock the likes of yoda, adopted scouser,ect...

    If it was only the ocasional jibe, i wouldn't mind, but it isn't its everyday in every thread, the only one that "must have nothing else to do" is you.

    • Like 1
  7. Sorry chaps I know I shouldn't encourage Abbey but that is funny :lol:

    for those whose sense of humour was formed in the 70s maybe, but his obsession with me is getting peculiar(and very sad) he's now picturing me riding my bike in the nuddy :rock:(a thought that makes even me squirm)

  8. so I finally got around to watching Interstellar tonight, my summary without giving anything away(not that there's really anything to give away!) 1st 3rd= so so, 2nd 3rd= ZZZZzzzzz, final 3rd= I actually liked, although it still wasn't very exciting and some aspects where laughably predictable, clichéd and even blatantly ripping of far superior films in a few shots.

    The father-son-daughter storyline had me welled up a few times(and im seriously not a crier at all, so that was a real achievement for the film) the sci-fi action thriller aspects where really boring and un-original, the way the science behind it all was explained in the movie was incredibly condescending to the viewer and just took you out of the film I felt, the special effects I found to be surprisingly lame in a seen-it-all before way(even in some of Nolan's own movies) the score was pretty overwhelming at times but again nothing original(it reminded me a lot of argentos giallo fim scores but with added pomp.)

    Matthew McConaughey was great again but a lot of his performance was lost amongst all the visual and sound effects drowning him out, the rest of the cast didn't really get much screen time(even though the film was around the 3 hour mark) but they where all solid.

  9. I watched nightcrawler yesterday(yea I know perfect Easter viewing :wacko: ) have to say I was expecting better, the acting was very good(if a little ott) and it was really well shot but I thought the plot was very predictable and a bit mediocre.

    I think Ill finally get around to watching interstellar for the 1st time later, my expectations are fairley low as on the whole, but nolans films are still usually entertaining and look great however many plot holes and flaws they all have.

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