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Nuttall is lost

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Posts posted by Nuttall is lost

  1. 31 minutes ago, Ossydave said:

    The misconception that Newcastle have the most loyal fans in the world, and that they're long suffering (or were till the recent takeover).

    The shit ale at most grounds.  I know its not specifically football, but its part and parcel of the day out for many.  Rather bizarrely one of the best pints I've had this season was at the Turf!

    Clinton Morrison.

    "Who are ya" chants.

    "Insert name here is a shithole, I wanna go home" - GO THEN.

    Sky Sports trying to force womens football on us.

    Its getting particularly annoying alright.   You see a breaking news banner and the presenter announces Liverpool have made a big signing and its some female player.  Total con job. 

    Also every pundit panel having either a female presenter or female pundit on almost every game.  Its like one of your mates bringing his girlfriend on a  stag do.

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  2. anything post 90s really😂



    1. Short corners

    2. Generic box netting.  Where have all the individual stanchions gone such as Chelsea,, Southampton etc.

    3. Every pitch is cut the same way.  No diamond patterns or interesting designs.

    4.  More than 2 subs allowed.  Never see an outfield player going back in goals now.

    5. Wages.  Players are no longer relatable and are primadonnas.

    6. Social media. ''we go again Saturday'' followed by a fist bump or strong arm emoji.

    7. Lack of toilet rolls being thrown onto the pitch.

    8. LED pitchside advertising particularly the double decker type that MAn City use

    9. Too many foreigners and too big squads.  Used to be able to name off most teams 1-11.  Now the players change so often and are taken from foreign leagues that I no longer can name more than a handful from each team.

    10. Slim fitting shirts but baggy shorts.  Don't look right to me Jeff.

    11. Generic bowl stadiums.  Boring.  The World Cup in Qatar all looked like they were being played in the same stadium.

    12.  Lack of dug outs below pitch level like the old ones at Anfield.

    More to come no doubt....

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