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Posts posted by BlueMonday

  1. Just thought you may be interested in the view of a Vigo fan last night -

    What the Spanish are saying about us

    Celtic have showed solidarity with the people of Vigo making a donation of £5000 to the disaster caused by the collapse of the Prestige oil Tanker.

    The Celtic Foundation, the Charity branch of Celtic FC, made the donation to help the cleaning up operation on the Galician coast.

    Also the club will make another £5000 donation to the Federation of the Rocks of Celta who are providing aid to those effected by the disaster.

    From us at DelCelta.com all we can do is applaud this gesture and say what an honour it is to play Celtic.


    Celtic is a GREAT club! Greatness is not decided by performance on the football field but by solidarity and good will. Watching the Celtic fans makes you want to skip the office for the eliminatory beers! Victor


    Such solidarity as this could already see in the encounter celebrated 14 days ago in the Celtic Park. When the accident suffered by the oil tanker announced to the fans and a applause for the followers of the Celta was requested who had themselves displaced to Glasgow. Sixty more than sixty thousands fans that went to be present at the shock were put still on and dedicated a warm one and prolonged applause to the hundred of present Celta fans. Glasgow Celtic is a great


    I love Celtic. At the end of the match the Celtic fans below us were throwing scarfs and hats and getting Celta goods in return. As we left they clapped us and then starting singing CELTA CELTA CELTA! I think they are the greatest supporters we have had and I think the solidarity is no surprise from Glasgow Celtic. I hope if we lose we lose to a team like Celtic rather than a team like someone else.

    Looks like they know how to embrace good fellow supporters!!!!!!!

    That'll be in total contrast to the pished up

    anti-English neandrethals that turned at Ewood then.

    Who, incidently shat on their own supporters by using forged tickets and hence being responsible for them missing the game.

    Good luck in Europe though !

    Heaven knows, you need a distraction from that northern pub league of yours.

    Up the Gers. The blues of Glasgow :rover:

  2. So Rovers had a mare !

    Get over it, we still came away with a point.

    Lets just hope we have got some bad performances out of the system.

    Next test Celtic, then a good run up to Xmas in the prem.

    Ave it !!


  3. Totally agree with your comments regarding Leckie although  I feel he hates the Old Firm equally. No matter how well Rangers or Celtic have performed in certain European games over the years, he'll always concentrate on songs/chants or the odd idiot in the crowd.

    And when he's not dishing it out to the old firm he's sticking the boot into the English !

    Tam Cowan's not much better, but at least he's funny.

    Oh the joys of being English in Scotland !

  4. You should be an MP giving evasive answers like that.

    Answer the question !

    Why dont we join the La Liga? Good question, Lets face it the Premiership would be too easy, as no Premiership sides has beaten us for a long time so whats the point of joining that!!! ha,ha!

    Just kidding before you blow a gasket!!!

    Think weve talked this one to death though!  :D

    No gaskets being blown,

    just healthy debate.

    You made a comment that only the ENGLISH  thought the premiership was good and that we were insular.

    I was just pointing out that your club was pulling out all the stops to join the said "third rate league", which doesn't support what your saying.

    Thats the beauty of this board, everyone is free to air their views, and anyone can challenge them.


  5. I live in scotland and the press up here have generally reported it as it was ( apart from the Daily record with its anti english bias)

    Rovers played the better football...

    Celtic chasing game, but hung in for a vital goal...

    Everthing to play for in second leg...

  6. My thoughts...

    A friend and I had tickets for the north stand last night.  We were apprehensive about sitting amongst the green hordes and were fully expecting to be deafend for 90 mins.

    The biggest complement the hoops fans gave us, were the long periods of silnece and their growing fustration and anxiety about the way Rovers were bossing the game, and the prospect of losing.  

    Yes we lacked a clinical finish in the box, but our football is far from "powder puff" (Worthy Cup Final,Arsenal 1-2,  Newcastle 5-2, etc). If celtics goal gave their performance credabilty(Their opinion),

    Then a Rovers goal would have sealed a very accomplished performance in the "cauldron of Park head"

    Not only that, but to watch my fellow lancastrians from across the ground doing their team proud with fantastic support, made me a very proud man last night.

    Oh what price, 5000 of us in that ground last night to push us on to victory !!

    The dissapointment of this result will fade,  the feeling of pride as I left that stadium will not.

    Lets have more of the same for the 2nd leg.


  7. Lived here for 7 years and love the place.

    You have to have your head screwed on when ever you visit big cities with Rovers, goes without saying.

    Respect the locals, enjoy and support our team to the hilt and there'll be no problem.

    Just don't get involved in any 'OLD FIRM BAITING'

    Play up Rovers !!

  8. However, whilst we are playing Arsenal at Highbury, Celtic are at East End Park against the team lying third in the SPL (yes, the might of Dunfermline Athletic). When Celtic this week-end strolled 4-1 past a Hearts side that would struggle in English div 1, we beat a team which (unlike Celtic) have qualified for the group stages of the Champions League 5-2; an equally large margin.

    Its nice of the SFA to arrange a few

    warm up friendlies for celtic before the first leg isn't it !!

    Seriously though, it will be a tough couple of games and

    a test of character.

    Too close to call.

  9. I,ll repeat what I said a few pages back...

    I live in Glasgow, and the tic supporters our laughing their c**ks off at us.

    They are rubbing their hands because they think we're not interested.  When the draw was first made a lot of my friends were being cautious about predicting the result.  They were giving us some respect because we have some decent players.

    Now because of the ticketing arrangements and some of Soueys earlier views on the UEFA cup, they are predicting an easy passage into the next round.  

    Brfc have given them a psychological edge,  and they will make the most of it.

    I may have to consider moving if we get horsed. :unhappy:

    What the hell does it matter what Celtic fans think ?  Remember Cardiff - we weren't given a chance by the world in general and Spurs fans in particular.

    Just cos there are 10 times more Celtic fans in the world than Rovers fans doesn't mean they're any better on the pitch.

    When we've dumped them out they'll stop laughing.

    It F*****G matters to me, I,ve got live up here !!!

  10. Blue Monday

    We are driving up and depending on what time we get there may take you up on the offer if I can persuade my mates - Is it far from Celtic Park.

    I think alot of people maybe a little disappointed if they have pre booked due to whats being said on the Ticket thread - of course unless they went to Sofia.

    Its a few miles from the ground.  But taking in various bars takes you in the direction of the ground.

    Unfortunately the bars near to the ground are not very user friendly, if you know what I mean.  Better to stay in the city centre and make your way to the ground nearer kickoff.

    I live in glasgow so i'll be out for some fun ticket or not.  Hoping to buy a ticket on the day or just watch the game in a bar with some friendly Rangers fans.  Can't loose really.

  11. I,ll repeat what I said a few pages back...

    I live in Glasgow, and the tic supporters our laughing their c**ks off at us.

    They are rubbing their hands because they think we're not interested.  When the draw was first made a lot of my friends were being cautious about predicting the result.  They were giving us some respect because we have some decent players.

    Now because of the ticketing arrangements and some of Soueys earlier views on the UEFA cup, they are predicting an easy passage into the next round.  

    Brfc have given them a psychological edge,  and they will make the most of it.

    I may have to consider moving if we get horsed. :unhappy:

  12. This isn't a game to compare with most others.

    Agree that away support genarally is poor, and your to be comended for being a regular.

    But we can do it for the big games.  The problem is the perceived difficulty in getting tickets for the big games. Which the board are reinforcing.

    Read the rest of the thread.

    Celtic refused to give Rovers more than 2,800 tickets, even though Rovers wanted more.

    Giving them the Darwen end, and restricting ticket sales in the home areas to people with Rovers buying history is the most sensible way to prevent infiltration.  If this game went on open sale the JW and CIS stands would be rammed full of Celtic fans.

    Put it another way - they have 53,000 season ticket holders we have 16,000.  In proportion, a greater percentage of our ST holders can obtain a ticket for Celtic Park than theirs can for Ewood.

    Have read the whole thread with interest.

    True, Celtic have given us the minimum required.

    But rovers have given them 25%, that should have given BRFC negociating power to obtain more away tickets, which in my opinion we will need.

    Celtic have accomodated their supporters for the first leg.  We should accomodate ours for the second.  Simple.  We could give them the top of the darwen end and still employ restrictions/security to stop non rovers supporters getting in.

    I live in Glasgow and am surrounded by Tic supporters and let me tell you they are laughing at us.  All this is putting them in very confident mood.

  13. For all those coming up on the train..(or anyone else who's interested)

    I sugget meeting in the Horseshoe Bar just round the corner from the main entrance of Glasgow central.

    We can then make our way up Argyle st, there are some good bars going up towards Candleriggs > Trongate > Gallowgate.

    That takes us towards celtic park.

    I'll be there, ticket or not, as it will be a crackin atmosphere.


  14. This isn't a game to compare with most others.

    Agree that away support genarally is poor, and your to be comended for being a regular.

    But we can do it for the big games.  The problem is the perceived difficulty in getting tickets for the big games. Which the board are reinforcing.

  15. I have a solution for all this spleen venting.

    All Rovers supporters should turn up for both games wearing celtic shirts.  

    The logic being, that everyone is bending over backwards for the jocks, and that for some reason they will be able to walk in to any part of ewood park unchallenged.



    And what about those of us who live 60 miles away from blackburn?  how are we meant to get there on a sunday with public transport at its usuall best?

    But Mark, haven't you heard , the board have absolutely no faith in the rovers support, and don't expect you to give up your valuable time.

    They would rather you kept your hard earned cash and didn't put yourself out

    [sarcasm noted]

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