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Posts posted by OscarRaven

  1. I agree the bubble has burst but its not gonna go with a bang.... the air will slowly leak out and as long as the clubs respond quickly enough i.e. with the contracts and contracting thier wage bills at the same rate then it will be ok.

    Just wouldn't want to be a team making a push for it at the moment bringing in 50 grand a week players (opps!) as they will be the ones that will sufer the most. Still I couldn't abide it if we were told we were not going to be ambitious so we could ride out the football recession.....

    In addition all this talk of volumes vs sales value for the tickets makes me sick... it seems I have gone from following a sport to a bussiness no wonder I dont get that Satuarday feeling anymore.

    I would love to say lets take a stand as a club, show the rest how to do it - 10 pound tickets for all.... but then we would go bankrupt inside a season.

  2. And if it's entertainment ahead of results you want... THEN DON'T BUY YOUR SEASON TICKET


    And finally my point hits home.........

    The whole point of the thread: What do you think is the biggest contributing factor in the alarming decrease in our crowds?

    39% of people say poor standard of entertainment, I'm guessing a lot followed your advice and didn't renew thier season tickets.

    I'll post my opinion thanks very much. The day you buy the site feel free to cancel my membership until then I suggest you accept that not everyone will agree with you and stop getting so wound up.

  3. Lets compare the squad at the start of last season with the squad at the start of this season.....

    Gone are Short, Stead, Johannson and the overrated Jock whilst and in are Mokoena, Nelsen, Bentley, Savage, Zurab, Kuqi and Bellamy. 


    Missed the point.

    The paper I was refering to was the stats, undoubtly the teamsheet is stronger but its not been transposed into cold hard goals or points. I would like to see us doing better is that such a crime?

    You thick or what?


    No. Just silly enough to dare to have an opinion.

  4. Shut up you moron.


    Grow up. If you cant post without acting like a child try the Burnley site.

    My point (and opinion) as you seemed to have completely missed in your "dicky-fit" is that last season we had Arsenal, Man Utd and Newcastle in the first five games. With a daunting looking next five fixtures those stats I presented might not get much better.

    And as for your results=entertainment, well unfortunatley I wont pay £400+ to watch 38 x 0-0 in a league thats already decided before a ball is kicked which is the way the PL is heading.

  5. Anyone else feel lied to?

    We were promised more entertainment this season what have we got?

    5 games 4 of which were 4-5-1 (a defensivley strong formation)

    Rovers goals per game ave=0.60 (last season ave=0.76)

    1 win out of 5 in what you could argue is one of the easier starts in the league, no top teams.

    1 point per game = 38 points (not European football!!!)

    We went to Bolton on Satuarday with one intent getting a draw. Is this what we are to expect a Blackburn team that plays for a draw at home to the powehouse that is Tottenham Hotspur and when visiting such fortresses as the Reebok?

    Oh not to forget the messiah Bellamy will save us..... just like Owen will save Newcastle I suppose.... Bellamy will soon get fed up of playing up front on his own.

    I think we are worse this season than last on paper but isn't a nice gloss been put on it?

  6. Back to topic, I find it interesting that when Kuqi plays as the lone striker, he's clearly a complete carthorse whereas when Matty plays the role, we can't possibly judge him on that as he was isolated and got crap service. 

    I don't see why Kuqi deserves less forebearance when he did score 20-odd goals last season, without Duffer on the wing and Cole playing alongside him.


    20 goals in the Championship..... not the same up here as he's finding. He has missed some sitters this season and some other oppertunities a player with composure would have finished.

    Kuqi was always a better option than Jansen against Bolton cuase he's a physical player. I suspect the plan with Jansen was to have a player with pace who could break with the midfield but Bolton did not defend too far up the pitch.

    Kuqi Vs Jansen is no debate they both are useless as the lone striker but for different reasons.

  7. Who knows, if he's willing it could happen sooner than later.

    Big Sam for England



    Nah, not convinced but thats my opinion - saying that its he's an improvement on Mr. Burns.

    What I would love to see is someone come in and remove that player power, the England team for my mind has become a little too clicky.....

    Strike? wtf is that all about?

    "Were not playing formation x,y or z" - ok F off back to ur club then.

    A good man manager is needed.... [note to Fat Freddy good man management is not about managers who sulk, victimise or refuse to speak to thier players] best man manager for me is at Old Trafford. Sorry.

  8. To play devils advocate here, some clubs are trying to do something about it. By creating catergory games usually 3 tiers, then are charging the most to away fans who in turn usually charge the most themselves.

    For example, at west brom, catergory a+ will be the £35 for away fans (arse, liv, chels, manure) who are themselves usually the most expensive. However, when we go there, as a catergory b game, it will be £25 for a away ticket.

    Lots of clubs are now doing this and at least it punishes the big clubs for keeping their prices high!  tinykit.gif


    Punishes the big clubs for keeping their prices high? Cause those big clubs hate it when they get more gate money dont they?

    Punishes the big clubs fans more like it.

  9. Watching it in the Blues bar would also benefit BRFC far more than traipsing halfway around the country.


    Traipsing? Oh what a hassle following your team. Those big screens aren't they great I mean atmosphere is second to none. Much better than traipsing to a real ground and watching it in the flesh.

    Oh and those pub places are great too, dont get drunks and chavs in there do you?

    God bless SKY the best thing to happen to football since the prawn sandwich...

  10. At that point the thread has really come full circle from the complaint in the original post.

    But listening to to 2 pound per hour chants at every single away game is irritating in the extreme. Singing songs like the Souness one will give Rovers fans as a whole a bad reputation. Picking on fans in the away section only distracts from what is happening on the pitch.

    Just have a bit of consideration for others. Not too much to ask is it?  thumbs-up.gif


    Seems to me you want more than consideration, you want to dictate what songs can be sung and presumably when. You also seem to want to tell people what they should be watching and when.

    All I can say is the problem will only get worse as long as people like you try to dictate how others lead thier lives...... You a steward by any chance?

    Why dont you learn some tolerance. Not too much to ask is it?

    "don't you just hate it when everyone stands up... just cause that ball thingy went in that net thingy..."

  11. At last a thread with some needle.

    My opinion for what its worth is that football is everyones sport. Just like a boozer.

    Now a good boozer is one with all the elements on this board. Yep some weeks theres a bit of agro, but most weeks everyone goes home safe and sound.

    Some get blasted, some drink a social few and some drink pop.... Getting involved in taunting someone cause of the money they earn or the clothes they wear is pathetic. Would you do it on the terraces or in the boozer - no? why? Exactly!

    If I have to choose and in a good boozer you dont have to, as everyone has respect for the landlord, I would choose the blasted and vocal over the sit down and shut ups.

    As unlike the Range Rover brigade they will still be there at the 90th minute not squirraling for the exit to aviod the traffic.

    That said there is a happy intermeadite, but we are not all clones now are we.

  12. Well not going to dwell on the negatives so early in the season. I will more than make up for it once those dark nights set in no doubt.

    So Positives:

    No red cards

    Better second half

    Another game closer to Bellamy's return

    Unbeaten at home

    It wasn't a drubbing by any means

    Still players to come by the sounds of it.

    So another miserable Sunday, but nevermind.

  13. When you are in a hole the best thing to do is stop digging.


    Tell me about it.

    Still as a fan born outside of Blackburn (and lancashire for that matter), to make this worse been born in Yorkshire probabaly puts me well down on the food chain of rovers fans respect.


    Attend all home and away games for last 20 years

    Attend all home and away games

    Attend all away matches

    ST holders

    fair weather ticket buyers

    Yorkshire rovers (doesnt matter about ticket types)

    Abroad [insert soft cuddly PC term]


    I used to support "man-u" rovers

    Range rover driver Rovers Fans

    Prawn sandwiches


    I'm sure you can think of other catorgries, feel free insert them or move groups up or down as you see fit.

  14. Oscar Raven - some of your comments have been a bit over the top.


    I disagree.

    I think some of them have been badly put the basic point in two threads is valid and has stimulated debate.

    Can I suggest you spend less time trying to influence the moderators and more time making your point. I have an opinion yes I don't put as elequently as some, but it is my opinion.

    You have yours and I respect it even though your wrong.

  15. He moved to a much bigger club, with more resources, fans and a better wage! There is clearly no loyalty at all in the game as it stands, so why do people get kicks out of him failing?

    And how many of them who do, actually attend ewood on a saturday?


    I cant wait for him to get sacked... its what he deserves.... thought he was bigger than us.... all that money and where has he got them? On a par with poor old Blackburn Rovers

    In addition to Saturdays I also go to Ewood on Wednesday's, Tuesday's, Mondays and Sundays rarely Thursdays and Fridays though.

  16. EDIT

    Unacceptable bad taste.


    That's ridiculous the man has a heart condition, is in a high pressure job, at a high pressure time. With Souness and Fredie steadfast this pressure will only increase.

    I didn't wish the man dead I merley sighted it as another possibilty. Just as when he was appointed Blackburn manager it was sighted on many occasions as to wether his health was up to it.

    Short memories.

    No doubt will incur a second edit. So much for free speech.

  17. Seems like yet another "I want" from the fans who don't realise everything has a price and ultimately they are the ones who end up paying for it.



    But I paid at the gate to see the game, I paid my licence fee / subscription to see the highlights and now if i want to show my mate at work Tugay's stunning volley I have to pay again......

    It's nice to be given someting once in a while instead of always having to pay. Look how well the little trinkets in the ST packs have gone down this season.

    I think highlights (and for that matter radio commentry should be free). But then I realise someone has paid out for these and they have a right to try and get a return on thier investment.

    So fundematally my point is: I dont think football should be a bussiness.

    Bring on the supporters trusts.

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