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SINCE 1996
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Posts posted by BuckyRover

  1. They don't expect the customer to do anything. You can do what you like.

    The game is perfectly playable without any patches.

    Im loving it at the moment.

    And also ihb if you are using a packet of crisps analogy I would say to you, your reaction, when you buy a packet of crisps and it says on the packet something along the lines of "Great New Recipe" or "New Flavour". You should be asking why they have been selling a poorer quality flavour previously.

    Why did they ever release the first pack, if in the future they could develop better flavours.

  2. You'd have thought that a major games developer (after many years of the same problems) would have increased the priority placed on testing and evaluating the games???

    I feel sorry for the customers out there who have a very limited knowledge of computers, or indeed those with no access to the internet. You wouldn't buy a packet of salt and vinegar crisps if you knew that you would have to wait a month for the salt to arrive.

    A company tries to recreate the entire football management experience with all the players and staff in the world (almost), and people complain when it needs to be updated to fix minor glitches.

    Do you know how complicated and complex that game is, everytime it loads up it's different?

    It could be tested for years and you would not find all the bugs. Only a release can do this. And I still bet there are bugs in the game that will never be found by anybody.

    Some people are never happy.

  3. I imagine we are one the only clubs that will turn a serious incident of racism towards one of our players into a ethical debate about whether he should have been offended or not.

    The players and staff at our club have been working hard and spending money on "kicking racism of out football", and some people try to pass it off as a nothing incident.


  4. I agree, he provided or scored most of our goals in the WC. He did nothing wrong other than Sven picking him when he could have been dropped (maybe)

    I said we would regret sacking Sven, when his only mistake was to lose to Big Phil.

    We might not qualify for this tournament.

    Was Sven's first qualifcation away game 5-1 to Germany?

    How things change

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