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blue phil

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Posts posted by blue phil

  1. Stewards/police should remove all those fans who stand up throughout the match without due regard for those sitting behind them. They should be ejected from the ground and banned from Ewood.

    Jim , I understand where you're coming from as I hate standing ,but an attempt against Liverpool to make EVERYONE sit down would take quite a few thousand police and lead to a situation far more dangerous than anything that standing itself could ever do.

    The stewards and police have CC TV and can spot anyone who is deliberately out of plain ignorance obscuring someone's view , especially if a complaint has been made . Then they have the right and duty to move in - they even have the evidence to produce if necessary .

    For the rest of the time , until they come up with a solution to the visiting fans persistently standing , then they should proceed with extreme caution with regards the home fans. Common sense .

  2. BTW Dunno if its true but somebody told me that when the ground was being re-developed Newsham (who lived locally) was one of the chief objectors and main organiser of the local residents opposition to the plans and that he was given the advertised job to shut him up and control him.

    This is an alegation (which may well be unfounded, it's certainly not one this site is putting forward) that I have heard from several different sources.

    Be careful , Theno . Potentially libelous allegations are treated very seriously on this site.... unsure.gifwink.gif

  3. Blackburn and Darwen council insist that Blackburn Rovers enforce the no standing law throughout the season. Yes the away fans stand up but not the same people week in week out like in the home areas if you get my drift.

    What people must understand is that it’s not a club directive but a local council directive and like elsewhere in the country local councils must ensure that this rule is enforced or risk sections of the ground closed for future games.

    The question is how far the club and individual stewards should go in "enforcing" these rules . EVERYONE stands at football grounds at some stage whether it be for celebrating a goal ( a rarity at Ewood for home fans) or simply to get up and leave (usually early) . The vast majority of people stand at half time .

    Either the club enforces the rules equally and sensibly in all parts of the ground , which would inevitably mean turning a blind eye in many instances or they start looking seriously at the main culprits in the Darwen End .

    Blackburn (with Darwen) Council may very well insist on rules and regulations being strictly adhered to - that is what they are good at . The club should simply murmer a few platitudes at them and use their common sense at interpreting these (largely unenforceable) rules . The threat of closing the ground for non compliance is not an option the council , even this one , would seriously contemplate at present.

    The perfect way of using their common sense would be for the club to transfer the relevant stewards to the Darwen End ......

  4. Apart from the decent reasons Colin highlighted , it'll never happen precisely because we live in a nanny state , particularly with this control freak Gov't we have at present . How the hell will our wonderful stewards for example, who seem particularly fascistic about enforcing all petty rules , get to and eject people who smoke or swear or wear burberry etc ... This is a risk free country and this Gov't will never allow its subjects to take risks . Expect more rules and regulations , not less !

    Rather than bleating inane empty rhetoric concerning the current government's policies perhaps you could remind us which political party that 'stumpy' nemesis of the football fraternity Colin Moynahan represented.

    Sorry , Sparky , but as legislation would have to be brought in if all seaters are to go , then surely it is relevant as to what the policies are of the current Gov't .

    Moynahan was a Tory if I remember correctly but what relevance that has to me or this debate is a mystery ....Unless for some stupid reason only you can comprehend you think I'm a Tory.... dry.gif

  5. Apart from the decent reasons Colin highlighted , it'll never happen precisely because we live in a nanny state , particularly with this control freak Gov't we have at present . How the hell will our wonderful stewards for example, who seem particularly fascistic about enforcing all petty rules , get to and eject people who smoke or swear or wear burberry etc ... This is a risk free country and this Gov't will never allow its subjects to take risks . Expect more rules and regulations , not less !

  6. Also he got completely marked out of the game last night. Needs to learn

    Eh ! Which game did you watch then Flopsy ? I reckon he had an excellent game and probably covered about twice as much ground as anyone else on the pitch . Superb player .

    True Blue - you mentioned Dunny the Waster and the Real Deal Rooney in the same sentence . Don't do it again !!

  7. Sentimental is nice , Den if you're having a quiet night in wink.gif ; over sentimentality in a public place is not quite in the British tradition .

    For example ; compare the old film of people paying their respects to the departed Churchill , filing past his coffin in a dry eyed , silent and dignified manner , with those weeping and wailing show offs who near enough prostrated themselves before the passing coffin of Lady Diana - who in truth was famous only for ... well , being famous .

    Emotions derived from bereavement are best displayed amongst the close friends and relations of the family . We can still respect Mr Bigley in our thoughts , we don't need a public display to prove it .

  8. Jim , you're correct . I was in favour of a silence for Cloughie as he was a truly great football man - it seemed appropiate .

    This however was a "silence too far" and just further evidence , if any were needed , of how slushy and over sentimental we have become as a nation.

    Those who disgraced the silence , however , provide evidence of how yobbish a lot of our people have become .

    I reckon we were more of a caring people when we displayed our "feelings" less .

  9. cool.gif The management of the club:

    I am yet to witness the shrewd commercial management I was expecting from Williams as one of Jacks chosen few. There’s definitely a case for headhunting someone with some real balls to manage BRFC’s relationship with the trust to a more effective outcome, and in turn this would dispel the suggestions of a narrow and somewhat backward approach to managing the club restricting BRFC’s true potential.

    You may get a few responses to that wink.gif

    With all respect , this doesn't equate entirely with your last response on this issue , Paul , re. libel and slander etc . I don't see why JW should be beyond criticism ; personally I've always felt that some of the sycophancy toward him on this forum has been quite nauseating.

  10. Thats probably correct philipl but it sounds like the something for nothing brigade may spoil the party this time though.

    £10 and £5 too dear!? rolleyes.gif

    Well I take a couple of kids so that's 20 quid gone instantly and let's face it , it's only an under 21 game . The laws of supply and demand will back my case up that this game is overpriced - ie . there will be gaps all over the bloody place !

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