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Mike Graham

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Posts posted by Mike Graham

  1. 15 minutes ago, OldEwoodBlue said:

    1200 in 12 hours has no meaning or context.

    Even if the entire 9500 bought in the first 12 hours it would still be 9500.

    The fact is they have been very clever here and have well and truely fucked WATR.

    The pricing isn't attractive. The pricing is attractive to buy in phase 1 or not at all.

    However everything else at the club is rotten. We are selling just to pay the bills (downgrading the squad) and cutting costs further. 

    When the ST sales have not increased and revenue is down, they will say to WATR, "see told you, cheap tickets don't work. Proven." Actually the primary reason will be the off field Venky shit show driving sensible fans away.

    The only thing I find amusing is, with 18000 empty seats. They will let kids in at £12 (bum on a seat) but they won't let adults in for £200. There appears to be a conflict here which makes no sense. Whilst I see that a kid needs an adult, I don't see any evidence of new adults going just because they can take their kid for £12. More kids will certainly go but less adults. Revenue will be down. Club will say "told you". The season will be dire. More adults will walk away. More costs will be cut.

    The reversal only starts when the Raos have left the club. Fact.

    No one has fucked over WATR and no one is trying to. What a strange comment to make.

    • Like 3
  2. 6 minutes ago, J*B said:

    Let’s agree to call this “a step in the right direction” rather than celebrate it as a success story. In my opinion tickets are still £100 too expensive, which is a hell of a lot of money in our region. 

    Do we know if it’s still the same credit supplier? Hopefully we’re now using one that actually accepts people. 

    Agreed.  I was not ‘celebrating’.  It is a step in the right direction where we can clearly see the influence of WATR.  There is a long way to go.  Now Rovers need to market the offer which is another story.

  3. The Club have clearly listened to the We Are The Rovers supporters trust and the Fans Forum.  They have not gone as far as we would have wished but there are signs they have listened and acted in some areas

    We wanted a loyalty points scheme and we wanted an entry price for new fans in the Riverside albeit the Riverside offer structured differently.

    Clearly we would have wanted more but the Club is risk averse.; they would probably describe it as being careful.

    Positive moves…..We Are The Rovers will continue to influence.

    • Like 5
  4. 7 hours ago, Upside Down said:

    Not entirely sure what you're on about here. Nobody has mentioned anything about a plane.

    Nobody really knows what happened other than Sylvester, shadow man and maggot. None of them are trustworthy and should under no circumstances be believed.

    When the same thing happens three times in the space of a year it is not a mistake. Why anyone would take anything said by the people involved in this at face value is beyond me.

    Funny how we completed cheap transfers after the McGuire deal was left in the save bin. I would be surprised if you could go back into the portal without it being obvious there was an unfinished transaction in there.

    If you want to believe the word of people with a track record of being proven liars when they're in full arse covering mode then fair enough. None of the people who occupy positions of power at Blackburn Rovers are trustworthy.

    These deals had all the hallmarks of the owners either not giving the sign off or pulling the pin at the last minute. They've got previous form for doing exactly that.

    Enjoy your tea and biscuits next time you go in to listen to more bullshit from the fake CEO.

    Thank you for your constructive advice as always, at least it was not the usual abusive tirade.  I am a Hobnob man; I will ask the club to order some in for our next meeting.

    • Like 3
  5. 11 hours ago, Mike E said:

    I removed it myself. While I agree (obviously), I’m not sure it was constructive.

    Mike E, if you have any issues with the Trust please raise them with us direct.  You have my mobile number and email address long with Duncan’s and others.

    We do get a lot of constructive and positive feedback.  Thanks, Mike

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Tugayisgod said:

    £60m. -  I hope there's a huge sell on 

    It is 15% on any profit.  It may also mean (this is guesswork) that the remaining £12m is paid to Rovers.

    In my opinion selling AW was the low point of last season.

    • Like 9
  7. 9 hours ago, Upside Down said:

    I think we all know this is what actually happened. 

    Three times in a year.


    Even GB confirmed that while conspiracy theories abound it was an error within the club.

    McGuires agent was advised before the player boarded the plane that we were not buying him outright; he was a rookie footballer 6 months out of college.  It was not a last minute change of mind.

  8. 42 minutes ago, speeeeeeedie said:

    The only people to blame for the current state at Blackburn Rovers are Venkys.

    Their ownership has been nothing short of a disaster and continues every day that they are in charge. 

    But yes, let's blame the long serving club secretary who was set up to submit a transfer, only to have allegedly have funds pulled at the last minute to be replaced by a hastily put together loan deal. Was it his fault with O'Brien last year too? if so, why wasn't he gone at the end of the 22-23 season? 

    Was it also JDT's fault last summer when Rovers signed nobody of note for a fee? Did he rub potential signees the wrong way? No he didn't, the money tap was again, allegedly, turned off by Venkys. 

    Pull your head out of the sand and you'll see who the real culprits are. 

    If you bothered to read my post rather than jump to conclusions I was informing people what happened rather than apportioning blame.  I don’t do conspiracy theories thank you.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    Playing Devils Advocate then Mike why wasn't the send button pressed when they realised it hadn't been done originally. If the Fleck deal went through just  before the 11 pm deadline on the face of it another deal would surely have gone through too albeit really close to the deadline. From memory the Koumetio deal was done closure the deadline too.

    I can’t answer the bit about Billy Koumetio apart from maybe a loan signing is a different process but that is only guessing.

    With the McGuire transfer a secretarial member of staff did the inputting with IS checking over her shoulder.

  10. 2 hours ago, KentExile said:

    I am not blaming the system (other clubs seem to have managed just fine), just think its possible that Silvester maybe couldn't get to grips with it, which would maybe explain that when pressured for time (late deadline day deals) he messed up.

    Pure speculation on my part though

    The EFL now have a portal system and only one person per club is authorised to use it via a password.

    The Club Secretary, IS, informed colleagues at 9pm (a full two hours before the the deadline) that the transfer had been completed; it was only when they completed the transfer of Fleck immediately before 11pm that they realised something was wrong.

    Any system of such importance should have a fail safe checking process.  It is called a telephone and someone should have made a follow up call to check all was in order.

    There is only one person to blame and he is the guy authorised to access the portal.  He has now left. 

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, Mattyblue said:

    Get all that Mike, but reading the EFL press release that reads as if it was a pure club initiative (which to be fair isn’t the club’s fault), when in reality if left to the club there would’ve been no initiative at all.

    100% correct.  I could not agree with you more.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, rigger said:

    Can anyone attend the AGM ?

    Yes.  But only members can vote.  AGM paperwork is sent to all members; we are expecting a good turn out so we may decide to use an on-line ticketing platform; there is no charge.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Mike E said:

    I’m afraid I don’t understand why the AGM is held in the Training Centre (a place not readily accessible to anyone travelling), and has the manager as guest speaker.

    Comes across as far too pally for my liking.

    We chose the venue as we believed it would be attractive.  It was a Board decision to ask for the Manager to speak. 

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