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Mike Graham

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Mike Graham last won the day on December 23 2023

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    The Cavendish, Brindle.


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  1. There is a FF meeting next Tuesday evening. There is also a meeting of the new WATR Board that night as well. For information WATR are in discussion with the Club about the date of our next MoU meeting. What is pleasing is that we now have a full compliment of elected Board members (14 plus a Secretary); the roles and responsibilities of each Board member have been drawn up and will be agreed or otherwise nest Tuesday, these will then be shared in the next membership newsletter. I am not being controversial here but in answer to the comment from IraC that we should take ideas from this messageboard is not quite how we operate, however we do of course pick up a number of issues from here. We are a membership based organisation and ultimately they decide albeit the Board are elected to deal with the day to day tasks. We do get a lot of direct member feedback and I respond to this on a regular basis; it would be true to say that the feedback is almost universally supportive of engagement with the Club. Our approach is that of the ‘critical friend’. For information (not aimed at Josh) non of the Board members are paid, we don’t take out expenses and we often finish up subsidising activities. We are all committed to Rovers and ensuring the Club survives when ownership and senior management changes as it ultimately will; the one consistent will be the Trust, as WATR, will be around when change happens. It takes up a lot of our time but we do it because we all love Blackburn Rovers. I am not going to directly answer a comment on another thread suggesting we are ‘super fans’ apart to say non of us are so called ‘super fans’ (I definitely am not) but what we are is committed fans who are prepared to make a difference; we are doers, not talkers. Being doers brings criticism and we will never please each and every supporter, nor do we aim to do so.
  2. I didn’t. I immediately raised it with the Club.
  3. Both Duncan and I believe the supporter consultation meetings should return. We have a WATR Board meeting next week with the new Board of 14 (plus Secretary) and will reach a formal WATR view and therefore put this to the Club.
  4. The ‘news’ that Rovers will charge ST holders to watch the u21’s is not true. The policy that ST holders enter free of charge will continue.
  5. Tony. This is news to WATR. Nothing discussed, nothing agreed.
  6. We do not comment on individual Board members. We never have and never will. All new Board members bring skills and expertise to our Board and they are all welcomed onboard for that. Not every supporter has the same opinion on how the Club is run and how the owners operate. We need to be a ‘broad church’ - brfcs is not representative of the fan base.
  7. I don’t think so. The feedback from WATR members to date has been excellent.
  8. Glen, some excellent points as always. The invite was sent to 3,000 email addresses and at best I believe we had 165 viewing. We had 45 saying they were going to physically attend, clearly some decided to enjoy the sun with a beer in their gardens. The make up of the present Board is on the website. The process we went through this time was to ask members if they wished to stand. Those who responded were asked, via the Trust Secretary, a number of questions relating to what skills they can bring to the Board and whether they had a commitment to contribute to the Board on a voluntary basis. The Trust has not been keeping to our Rules in recent years and we now have a Compliance Lead on the Board who ensured we followed a full and proper process.; it is difficult to criticise others if we do not follow our own Rules. We had 8 existing Board members plus the Secretary; the maximum number of elected positions is 14 and it was only by chance that we had 6 (excellent) nominees. If we had more then an election would have taken place.
  9. Non of the questions were approved. Questions were submitted on paper prior to the meeting and additional questions allowed including the somewhat bizzare one referred to by Josh.
  10. I have just engaged solicitors to sue someone. I should have tried WR instead.
  11. A welcome change of sponsor, all the better for them being a local company run by Rovers fans.
  12. For information Rudy Gestede has been invited to attend our WATR AGM next Wednesday following his positive comments about fan engagement earlier this week. Rudy has accepted our invitation.
  13. This weeks MoU meeting notes: https://www.roverstrust.com/news/newsletter---june-2024
  14. From speaking to him and listening to his interview posted today. Hopefully a big improvement on Broughton.
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