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tomphil last won the day on June 12

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    Blackburn End

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  1. There is no ambition other than to stay in this league and some would even question that. You're missing the point on the 200 million by a long way for some reason, they know we aren't worth anything like that but they won't write it off. As long as we stay in their portfolio they don't lose 200 million paper wealth off their books and they certainly don't need the money. So they'll hang on and carry on ignoring us.
  2. Venkys always ask for 20 million they did with Rhodes but ended up with 9 rising to 11. Did with Armstrong and ended up with just over half that, did with BBD initially so it doesn't mean a right lot in the grand scheme of things. Buyers know he wants to move, they know we need money and are willing sellers for a reasonable price.
  3. There always has to be an annual bout of Dolan bashing 😂
  4. Yep looks like Sammies wage is being re-invested. Mcfadz was handy last season but with another 8 million + sale pending is re-signing him the best this club and recruitment dept can come up with ? Or is it just the easy lazy old boys network option ?
  5. For 150k or free it's a no brainer might as well give it a go however i'd be a bit wary of coming straight in on a 3 year contract with no doubt nice wages seeing as there is allegedly no fee. Anyone know which agent/agency is handling this ?
  6. In the cases of Graham, Mulgrew Ayala, Downing and probably Holtby we had to tip up contracts worth 15/25 grand a week that's the only reason we got those players in. That's probably the reason we now sleepwalk through this period, because we wouldn't and now can't pay good wages for proven players.
  7. It's unsustainable as a championship club and completely unsustainable long term without selling more fixed assets that cost money to run and another massive downscale across all depts.
  8. It's just pure desperation and we've been here before with Rochina, Formica and others. Fine if you are bringing a lad like this in to integrate into a good squad and try and prove himself but this smacks of a gamble to fill the impending Sammie void for a fraction of the money. Of course the guy needs a chance but the chances of it working well are slim.
  9. An 8m trigger clause is in no way surprising given it was a while ago he signed his new deal and especially seeing as the financial problems were becoming well known. He was a 1.8 million signing from Peterborough who hadn't just finished the season as the leagues top scorer. It does sound though more like there is some sort of gentleman's agreement rather than a true clause inserted.
  10. He looks like a quick player in a crap league but by god do we need some pace.
  11. Waggot was an improvement on Shaw and i'll die on that hill but the rest of it you're 100 percent correct.
  12. Sounds about right although bank transactions may be possible to trace back longer but i doubt anyone is interested. Just looks to me as if the Indian govt stumbled upon something that conveniently helped them put a dent in the frequent transfer of millions out of India. They probably have Venkys where they want them now alongside the mass hike in transfer tax and bond stuff, it would be enough to put most companies off. These lot though .....
  13. This is why i'm surprised their authorities aren't asking for detailed breakdowns of where it's all gone and contacting their UK counterparts. They've obviously been looking into all the amounts transferred to VLL seeing as they flagged up the house and Akon monies but once it's over here i suppose they can'y investigate where it's gone. That would need the club accounts going over by a forensic accountant dating back 12 years 🫣 UK authorities won't want that hassle.
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