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Mercer last won the day on July 18

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  1. As we are strapped for cash, as we were in the Jan window, why on earth spend money on a 20/21 year old player who is not ready, and might never be ready, to play in our first team. Defies logic. Think it's clear Eustace doesn't think he's good enough for our first team.
  2. We play Derby two weeks tomorrow, have had a pre season that would barely test Accie, have yet to land a 'real' signing and Sammies' taxi is waiting with the engine running. Anyone not worried?!?!
  3. The sound is the bottom of the barrel falling out after all the scraping! Think we are now like pigs rooting in the soil and sh1t!
  4. Posted a few minutes ago about the Japanese lad "Think it's indicative of how desperate and limited Rovers are where it comes to new signings" - Humphrys is the personification of that statement!
  5. It was never ever going to be £1million or anywhere near it. Think it's indicative of how desperate and limited Rovers are where it comes to new signings. A 3 year deal for this lad is going to cost somewhere in the £1.5m to £2.0m range when you factor fee, wages and NI in - it's relative chicken shit. The bottom line is can he play and weigh in with some goals? Let's hope he's nearer to a Son than a Telalovic!!! I actually think this signing has lots to do with Sammie's inevitable departure - it will take a little heat out of the situation, at least in the short term until we can see whether he's a diamond or a dud.
  6. As Steve Kean said about Myles Anderson.....................!!!
  7. I think quite a bit less than even that! Not a chance we will get anywhere near £15million. It's been speculated there is an agreement that should a PL side come in for Sammie then he can leave for a fee which is below £10million. Ipswich have paid £20m for Delap and were prepared to pay similar for Philogene so the evidence is if they want a player they will cough-up. Based on their opening offers for Sammie (speculated at £5/6m) it would suggest to me they are aware of Rovers' stressed finances and also they know of a sub £10m trigger point, hence the low opening offers. I think a deal will be done this week and it will be at sub £10m. I think any talk of £15m, never mind £20m , is staggeringly fanciful.
  8. Open minded about the Japanese lad. Might be a gem or might struggle immensely with the intensity and physicality. Clearly, the market we are able to 'shop' in given the financial mess we are in does limit our options. Hope Park has a few aces up his sleeve but think it's abundantly clear, survival in Championship will be a bonus.
  9. Think Ewood Park should be renamed to The Desperado Stadium. Let's face it, it would be a huge surprise if our recruitment extends beyond the motley collection of unattached players who will gladly sign for anyone who will take them - Batth being a prime example.
  10. Here we go! Jackson in LT: Blackburn Rovers are in talks with experienced defender Danny Batth about a move to Ewood Park, The Lancashire Telegraph understands.
  11. It's a fair point, however, if you get 100+ going on all at the same time!? Not sure prosecuting one or two, out of 100+, would hold up in a court of law unless those arrests were for violent behaviour. You see demos in the UK, often violent, and how may arrests are made when conceivably 100's could, and arguably, should be arrested!? At times, IMO, the law is an ass. In any event, think there is scope for demonstrations in the stands and outside the ground which if done en masse could be equally effective without putting individuals at risk. Whether this is ever proved is another issue. An insolvency might result in a deep probe. I don't think I'm alone in understanding the sentiments though!
  12. As Corporal Jones from Dads' Army would say "they don't like it up em"!!! As Jim says, those were the days - on the pitch, into the enclosure in front of the directors' box and then outside the main entrance on Nuttall Street. Loud, aggressive in the right manner and effective.
  13. From BBC: Ipswich Town have had several bids rejected by Blackburn Rovers for Republic of Ireland forward Sammie Szmodics. The Tractor Boys remain in talks with Rovers over last season's Championship top scorer and an agreement is getting closer.
  14. I actually think he'll hold his own as he clearly has a football intelligence. Milk turned quicker than Rhodes and that was his problem. Think Armstrong lacked football intelligence hence his PL struggles, however, I think Martin has helped him improve in that area and it will be interesting to see how he goes in PL second time around.
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