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[Archived] Jjb Gym

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ye i go there, never looked back since i joined 20month ago

i pay £30 a month student peak so i can go at anytime

however off peak student was £20

If you wanna join its bring a friend week, you can go as my guest and get me a free month haha

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They dont go in pool in the town centre one because of a certain type of person that sits in the jacuzzi staring at all the girls, no matter what size or age and its full of foreigners

Top one however, they go in pool :) but theres some big guys up there

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..... but theres some big guys up there

:unsure: you been hanging round the showers again? :D

I used to be a member up at the JJB. Both are good gyms, but i do prefer the Shad gym. Unfortunately i`m a lazy #### & stopped going ages ago. I agree the totty is good at certain times of the day :tu:

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Anyone been to either in Blackburn? Any good?

Just been for a look on their website and can't find a price list anywhere (worrying!) Was thinking of getting a student 12 month deal while I still can, anyone know any prices?

Hitchen, you don't need a gym, your bodies a temple ha ha!

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