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[Archived] Microsoft Outlook Synchronisation

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We run MS Outlook 2007 and generally get on with it well. I can happily synchronise between iphone and other address books.

I would like to be able to synchronise Outlook on two different machines in the same office. I know about synching calendars, web calendars etc. but want to synchronise Contacts as well. Now I know this can be done manually with a lot of import / export but wonder if there is an automatic method?

Any thoughts?

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Indeed. This is the classic Microsoft upgrade route, tying to convince you that you need to run your own internal mail server (name Microsoft Exchange) which in an organisation your size is over kill.

One cheap way around it is to get a google apps account (somewhere between free and cheap) which whilst designed as a web mail service, does act as a pretend exchange server for OutLook.

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