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Posts posted by greggyk

  1. Last night again, we had to listen to Alan Hansen and Ian Wright banging on about England. Granted that they were asked what teams had impressed them so far, Leonardo talked about the Argentines, the Czechs and the Italians, who have played by far the best football of the tournament. Then you have Wright and Hansen rabbiting on about England and how impressive they were in the first half! Then you have Hansen finishing off by saying that "it's all good for the English." What does that mean and on what basis does he think that the first half performance of England come close to the displays of the teams that Leonardo mentioned. God, he must be getting a bit more added to the payslip to be saying things like this. :angry:

    Its quite simple why they keep going on about England, because its the BBC!!! Its being broadcast around Britain.

    Get over it mate!

  2. Great Preview!

    I am going for Poland, a great country full of lovely people. Kracow is one of my favourite cities in the world.

    And obviously the Germans should lose every game. Forever.

    Shame about most of their football fans though!

    Potential trouble expected for this game i hear

  3. Anyone notice both of the BBC's non english pundits, desailly and leonardo , have been the most likeable pundits on the BBC since god knows when.

    You're joking right? Leonardo has to be the most pointless 'pundit' ever. He never says anything insightful and states the obvious more times than Hanson!! "Yes, Czech Republic play in white". Whenever he talks, its car crash Tv.

    Oh, and i do like Martin O'Neill as a pundit but i really dont think he is as 'witty' as people make out. He seems like a bit of a fool and a rather nasty man.

  4. Thought England played ok today. No need to peak too soon in the competition. First half we played quite well actually and was never in any danger against a half decent side who England made look pretty poor.

    Second half both teams did nothing, which suited Englang just fine. England win in 1st gear which is good enough for me.

    Whats the point in playing fantastic against Paraguay when we have bigger fish to fry later in the competition. England couldn't win either way anyway, had we played well everyone would be saying, "its only Paraguay"

  5. Thought it would be interesting to hear peoples memories from previous world cup especially from you oldies.

    I myself have only overseen 2 World Cups (being born in 1987 and not being old enough to remember the 1990 WC), but here are a few of mine.


    - England beating Tunisia when in year 5 me and a few of my mates being the only ones in the year who were allowed to watch the match during lesson time with the year above.

    -Sol Cambells run from his own box to the other end against Columbia

    -Michael Owen scoring that fantastic goal against Argentina

    - and being to nervous to watch the penalty shoot-out against them. Resulting in me sitting outside in the garden waiting to hear the cries of joy from inside.....................of course they never came :( awwww


    -watching England with a bowl of cerial most of the time :angry:

    -david beckhams scoring the penalty while at a mates house as we (as well as the builders outside listening to the game on the radio), danced around the street

    - and losing to Brazil, watching in the school hall with all the plastic paddies cheering for Brazil. Wow- there was a lot of violence that day!

    So, whats yours.............

  6. Bolllox! There was NO foull. The Hungarian player lunged in quickly certainly BUT one footed and low! There simply was NO connection therefore NO foul either. Gerrard dived and if you cannot see that then I assume you must have missed all the slow motion replays.

    btw I was glad that it was saved too.

    So you would want Gerrard to have risked injury by just letting the player chop him down? Because that's what would have happened had he stood there and took it. It was a natural movement by Gerrard to move his feet out of the way before getting cruched at 50mph. Just imagine yourself in his position, knowing your about to be taken out, only a moron would stand there to face the pain!

  7. Apparently Sven is going to play Carragher as the holding midfielder tomorrow.

    What the hell is that all about? Carrick is infinitey more suited to the role. I suppose it will make us more solid but still...

    I will be very interested to see how Gerrard does up front!

    This Sven bloke is a fraud! Im sure Carragher said a while back that he's not quick enough to play there!! Why not play the player who plays there week in week in his actually position?

  8. Casillas is among the best keepers in the world today.

    I agree that Spain dont have a world beater in their side, but by that token, neither does England, Portugal. Italy or Holland.

    Well actually, Casillas has been off form for about 2 years now!

    And about the world beaters in each team, England have 2 in my eyes (3 if you include Rooney) in Gerrard and Lampard who have the ability to win games on their own. Especially Gerrard.

    And Italy certainly have at least one in Totti. (dont listen to those who say he never performes on the big stage), he was fantastic in Euro 2000

    While Holland have Van Nistelrooy who will always score!

    Agree about Portugal, they wont do anything this year and their best player Deco has been poo this year

  9. Dont think they have a chance personally. Although nobody thought Germany would do aswell as they did in 2002. But they did have a fantastic keeper and a world beater in their side to carry them. Spain, have neither IMO


    a) What round do we enter in?

    cool.gif When is the draw for this round?

    c) What are the dates (if decided) of the first / second legs of the match?

    d) Who are the potential opponents from other leagues? Also - are we seeded to avoid (eg) a big spanish team in the 1st round?


    another one to add to the list:


    also, I want to get through to the group stages before we go to some big teams countries.

    ............Rovers v ....Armenia Fc (or whatever an Armenian clubs called) please......... biggrin.gif

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