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Posts posted by DavidMailsTightPerm

  1. neill's performances havent suffered and possibly the situation has galvanised him even further, but

    by bad-mouthing rovers, neill is undoing much of Hughes' brilliant PR work.

    neill should be thankful and appreciate rovers role in his career. i still believe he shouldve repaid some of rovers faith and loyalty towards him (by signing a contract if only to ensure rovers received a decent fee).

    he seems to think if he's out of the country, his spoutings will go un-noticed. THEY DON'T!

    on the few occasions that I've met him, he seems a nice guy. if our paths cross again, I'll explain what the word dignified actually means!

    on rovers reserves have no-one to replace him, i wouldnt drop neill for matteo, jay or 3some, but I'll point to - ANDREW TAYLOR. anyone who's seen him play, will have noted his ability and recognise he's the obvious replacement.

    I agree totally with what you are saying - though I wouldn't drop him - we need him playing out of his skin to attract suitable bids for his services in January. However - I would look to start playing Taylor in lower profile games (e.g. Worthy Cup & UEFA Cup if we can get a few wins under our belt quickly) - so he can hopefully slot in.

    Also, lets not forget Gray - who did a reaonable job last year.

    Ultimately - Neill has been replaced by Bert - who IMO (at the moment) is actually doing as good, if not better job than Neill did at RB.

  2. I think people under-estimate Tugay's defensive abilities. Yes he doesn't go flying in for tackles - as Reid or Savage do - but how many times do you see him nip the ball off the toes of an opposing player ? His positional play is also excellent - which is half the job. Comparisons with Carrick are jusitified - as neither player really flies into tackles - but their defensive game is more about positioning.

    For Tugay only becomes a liability when players don't move for him - this is often when he gets caught in possession. As long as we maintain our pass and move - he will continue to shine - and even given his advancing years be one of the best creative central midfield players in the Premiership - especially outside the top 4 teams (we are VERY lucky to have him).

    The one attribute he has never had is pace - and this is where Reid playing centre-mid helps considerably. Having said that - Savage actually looks like the player that MH paid £3m for - at last :D so will be hard to displace.

  3. [qu

    He might have scored a few goals but I think he could have scored more by now and I expect more from him. Thought Nonda worked his socks off - but please can they both stop showboating and just be more direct - really annoyed me in the last 10 mins when we could have gone for the jugular and crucified them with more goals.

    I must say I thought it was rather nice seeing some entertaining showboating last night. I know it shouldnt be done all the time but can anyone remember the last time Rovers were on soccer am showboat ? The last time I can think of was Dunny (every other week lol). For a long long time now we have seen average quality performances and mediocer players grace Ewood Park. Lets have some more showboating please (but not at the expence of losing a game :D )

    I agree totally - obviously the first priority is to win matches - but doing that with flair is the only way Rovers will pursuade fans to come down to Ewood. But for a bit of luck - some of the showboating nearly led to a number of goals - wouldn't that have been the icing on the cake :D

    Best bit of showboating (if you want to call it that) was Tugay - did u see his pass in the second half to set up Neil - pure class - outside of his foot curving into Neills run. 35 yrs old and still a class act

  4. Over 20,000? I cannot see that happening Philip. But we'll all soon find out.

    You were proved right - but I thought just short of 19k was a good effort.

    Realistically Rovers have rarely sold more than around 22k home supporters - many of the numbers being made up by away fans. The only match that bucked that trend was Charlton (if my memory is correct) when we got promoted and lowered prices to £10 - and the 30k that filled the ground to celebrate the championship win (and that was free :D )

  5. For the first time for a while I didn't think anyone actually had a bad game. Bentley had a poor game by his recent standards - but his link up play with Emerton is excellent - and of course he scored a tap in. :D

    Though there is room for improvement - the general play was at times excellent - and but for a few missed chances, and near things we would have won by an even greater margin.

    What I currently find amazing - is how the full backs are given apparent license to roam - reminds me a little bit of Man Utd during the 90's.

    With Nelsen, Reid and Roberts to come back from injury - things are looking up. We just need to keep this little run going with a win against Wigan.

    For me - just short of 19k home fans was an excellent effort - considering our peak home attendances over the last 10 years probably only rose as high as 23k. I was there when we played Trelleborgs - only about 13k if my memory is correct.

  6. But it does cost £20 to join :D

    Still - you do get a few freebies (wallchart etc) that I will be able to pass on to my youngest - plus discounts, ticket priority (may be useful for FA Cup Final :D ).

    A good idea - for any that take this up - will attend at least two matches. May not seem many - but is a start.

  7. Another few reasons which all add up (the cant be arsed reason's a big one)

    Is the reduction in disposable income over the past few years. The rise in petrol prices, gas and electricity and the increase in interest rates have all meant that I have other priorities to spend my money on before I think about going to the Rovers.

    Is my excuse and not because I just cant be bothered anymore :(

    Well said - for me and my brood - a match day experience can cost up to £100 (incl Petrol etc). Thats a fair chunk of my monthly disposable - and difficult to justify if I can get my fix free via Sky in the local pub.

    When I first started going to Rovers it was about £1.50 for a junior to get in the BBE - and a whole family could attend for a tenner. Not certain how salaries have risen since the early eighties - but it seemed more in reach of the average man in the street back in those days.

    I think it is different for different people - but cost is my main driving factor. Having said that - I will take advantage of the Adult Membership scheme that has just dropped through my door - good idea by JW

  8. As Bob took us slightly off topic - no centre half looks good without cover from midfield. Anyone wonder why Terry looked so good for Chelsea - but so average for Engand until we put a defensive midfield player in front of him ?

    We looked far better when The Axe came on - giving the sort of defensive cover that I believe Reid offers (in part).

    The way we are playing at the moment is seeing Emerton and Neill virtually playing as wing backs - but without the usual three in the centre to make up for that. The Barton goal was a typical example of a less defensive right back - as it was Emerton that played Barton on-side.

    Personally I think there are more problems (defensively) than just the centre halves at the moment. As has always been said - teams defend - not just two players.

  9. Hannah made the point about City fans being moved from the cheaper areas to the DE on Sunday. I can't find the post right now.

    A source I trust, not inside the club, has told me hundreds of Everton fans arrived with junior concession tickets for that game. Apparently the first few were refused entry but when the size of the problem became apparent the police and club decided the safer solution was to allow them entry.

    I don't know if its true, and I've only heard it from one person, but this is not from someone who would make up such a remark

    In either case they should be told to cough up the extra dosh or go away. I can understand the police view on this - but looking at it this is actually fraud.

  10. Just underlines the credibility of that story. If he did sign though, would it not be to shore up in midfield/defense? He had (to my knowledge) at least one excellent match in central midfield in the past... I'm sure you know which one I'm referring to.

    I agree entirely - for me the only reason that this signing would make sense is that he is an ideal squad player. There aren't many players that can cover all central outfield positions - and do a good job at all of them.

    When he was at Rovers - he had a spell as an emergency centre half - and I actually thought he was the best centre half that I ever saw in a Rovers shirt (even including Hendry). When he played against us for Celtic he had an unbelievable match in centre midfield. And up front he would provide a better "different option" than Kuqi ever did (even if some way past his best).

    Overall a good signing (if he is fit) - but I would still think he will end up at Villa

  11. I think a Cup run would do the club good. It would increase our profile in Europe generally - what better way to attract players. Maybe get a bit of additional money - but importantly get a bit more media exposure.

    Also a chance of attracting some European Billionaire who takes a liking to blue and white halves :brfc:

    For me it is all positives - with one exception - our squad may be a little light for an extended run in the cup - but maybe the board will free the purse strings in January if we get to the group stages.

  12. The feeling of INVOLVEMENT you get standing on a darkening winters day struggling to see the distant action because of the dim floodlights, the welcome pie and Bovril at half-time to warm you up, and the friendly atmosphere in the clubhouse after the game as you enjoy a pint with the lads. You cant beat it! Why don't you give it a try? You might find you like it!!

    Sounds like Rovers prior to Jack putting his money in :(

    As much as Jack gave the average Rovers fan a dream - for me we also lost a little of the magic. Don't know if it is all seater stadium, TV exposure - or just that fact that with only 7 - 8k fans at Ewood you knew there was no hangers on, nobody there just to watch Premiership football. Everybody was committed to one thing - watching Rovers. Maybe as our crowds decline we will see a return to this atmosphere - that you only really get at away games these days. Though (obviously) I hope for a trend were youngsters brought up on supporting Rovers during the "glory years" will continue to support but with a heart maybe lacking from casual supporters.

  13. I prefer to look at it from a glass half full perspective - rather than the somebody has nicked my glass perspective that many on this board seem to.

    Midfield players we signed during the close season - Tugay, Reid, Emerton (granted playing RB at mo) & MGP.

    It has been a worrying start - but probably more because expectations were so high.

    With the exception of Bellamy we retained the team that got us to sixth last year. Remember also that Bellamy only played half of the matches.

    We have added four new forwards (one European Cup Winner, one ex-£13m, one ex £8m and one who had an excellent season in the Prem last season), one Dutch World Cup centre half, cover for Brad and cover for Nelsen.

    We desperately need at least one of the forwards to start justifying their previous reputations - but if they don't I wouldn't view that as being Hughes fault. After all many on here actually wanted McCarthy to Bellamy last season - this season we have him and all people can do is moan.

    On balance we are stronger - not much - but enough to hope that a top half finish is achievable.

  14. I do think that most of the smaller clubs in the Premiership do get the s**ty end of the stick - but think that much of it is down to crowd influence. This is where Rovers are at a disadvantage - the only time we have large crowds is when we have a large away support - which effectively evens out any "crowd pressure" advantage.

    IMHO the linesman at the Sheff United game was as good an example of this as I have seen.

    Another thing that can't be ignored is media coverage - make a hash of sending off a Rovers player - and you may get a sentence at the bottom of the match report. Send off a Chelsea player incorrectly - and you will be splashed all over the back pages.

  15. They just summed it well on Sky Sports - look at our summer signings. Who have we brought in who has the required quality??

    McCarthy maybe....

    They have changed their tune - wasn't so long ago that one of their commentators was saying what a good signing Roberts was. Dutch World Cup centre half can't be that bad either.

    For me Sky talk absolute c**p based on little knowledge of our club - did they mention how many sought after players we managed to retain - Reid MGP, Nelsen, Neill etc ? I doubt it - unfortunately they just wait for an opportunity to put the boot in.

  16. I disagree about Ooijer's performance. I thought it was an ok debut - against the current champions. He isn't the first centre-half to be out-muscled by Drogba - or cheated by jelly legs Terry (if he was defending in his own area there is no way Terry would have gone down like that - if that isn't cheating I don't know what is).

    MGP worked hard - but without his excellent set piece delivery (which seems to have gone to pot) and his goal scoring threat - he is a limited player. I would drop him for Peter or Gallagher. Other than that - same team against Sheffield United (with Nelsen on the bench as he builds up to full match fitness).

  17. Can't believe some of the negative comments - we did quite well against the current CHAMPIONS. But for more even refereeing we would have got a point - and this against a team with a foward who cost more than our enitre squad.

    Debut boy was ok - but got a rude awakening to the Premiership. Amazing how Drogba could keep his feet - and yet Terry went down like a sack of spuds. All this rubbish about him being an honest player - he is as calculating as any foreign forward - its all how the press decide to portay him.

    Overall we deserved a draw - against the most expensive team in Premiership history.

    I am not too dis-heartened - though I agree that we lack a spark somewhere - be it in midfield or up front. However - I think that Roberts and McCarthy will prove to be good signings over the season - lets not forget that Chelsea are one of the most defensive teams in the Premiership.

  18. :D:D:D

    Love it. Reid has a bad game but it's not his fault, he's not fully fit apparently. Had Neill done the same I'm sure you would have been equally sympathetic. And please, stop trying to make out I've got something against Reid. I've said a thousand times I think he's a good player, just not as good as you think he is.

    The bottom line is that Reid was poor yesterday and that's all I said. Unfortunately, because he's your favourite, you can't accept that.

    If Reid is carrying an injury - which seems to be fairly self evident - then it will effect his game. His best times at Rovers have been when he is injury free. His game isn't about finess, passing or great dribbling ability - but his fitness, physical presence, will to win, pace and a general competence in most facets of the game (i.e. fair header, not bad passer etc). Not fully fit - and he loses much of what makes him such an effective player - IMO potentially one of the most effective midfield players outside the top 4

  19. I am amazed at the doom and gloom - but I think this is just typical football fans. If we had played c**p for 80 minutes but scored 3 times in the last 10 minutes, many would think it a brilliant performance - we played ok for 60 - 70 minutes and went into our shell, and suddenly it is a bad performance.

    Lets be honest - Todd played on absolute blinder - all he was missing was the guide dog. It was his inability to handle Johnson that gave us our few moments of worry.

    Yes, we sat back after taking the lead - but with three games in a week, you can't argue with the approach too much - especially as we looked as likely to score on the break as they did.

    Everton are a poor team overall - but do have a work ethic and the odd good player that means they will get results throughout the season.

    Last night wasn't far off our full first team - but for me our few problems revolved around centre half - which MH will resolve with Nelson coming back from injury and our new dutch centre half. Our forward pairing looks promising - and will only get better (this was only their second competitive game together, and McCarthy's 2nd in the EPL). And we have Tugay to come back from suspension.

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