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mark last won the day on November 13 2010

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Premier League

Premier League (6/9)



  1. what a load of sh1te - first choice striker despite starting only half of the games?? people with this familiar attitude see what they wanna see and ignore the facts: 18 starts, 10 as sub, 10 goals (in the league) better than 1 in 3 despite not starting over a third of the games, what more do you want from a striker??! the reason he hasn't equalled his first season total is simply because he hasn't been given enough games in the last two season. look at the facts man. benni haters haven't a friggin leg to stand on.
  2. why not? do you know something we dont? he impressed alot last season and hasn't featured this season because of berbatov, keane and defoe - no shame in that. mido and bellamy sounds like a class front line to me, i think they would form a very effective premiership partnership. bellamy's pace and finishing alongside mido's strength and skill are very welcome down at ewood for me.
  3. If you are so concerned by his alledged 'poor attitude', then why are you so 'worried' about speculation he may be sold? It doesn't add up. I don't follow why those who are keen to criticise benni are also those up in arms about the inevitable speculation over his future. Either stop complainiong about out his contribuiton, or wave him on. Tris is spot on. IMHO, benni bashers are lunatics.
  4. c'mon fife, the sun print trash every day. readers want rumours - we have whole threads based on rumours - imagine if every player in question sued when there was a dodgy quote printed, Britain doesn't have enough solicitors! rumours are part and parcel of football.
  5. hughes on benni: "It is not a situation I am worried about", "I am as confident as I can be he will be here next season" Now that sounds very encouraging - but the snippets are cherry picked.... http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=4...+off+Benni+talk
  6. well true or not it can't come as a surprise to us that arguably the best player to grace ewood in a decade has champions league aspirations, but after what he has said recently I doubt whether the quotes are accurate. whatever happens, i will be very disappointed if i here any boo's tomo. let's not forget that it's only a rumour at this stage.
  7. Interesting that despite hitting 5 goals in 6 league games we still can't bring ourselves to praise benni to his critics (lazy lazy blah blah), why don't you stick his 21 goals up your @rse?
  8. Perhaps so, but Benni is our most successful premiership striker since shearer and some posters still try to tear him to shreds. To me that is completely insane. Surely we can recognise that forwards have different styles, no? And if benni's style leads to 18 goals I'm not friggin' complaining! Whatsmore, the man has come across better than any other Rovers player in interview and is still adjusting to the premiership. Another thing that we forget to consider is a dip in form - this happens to the best of them and doesn't require knee jerk reactions and accusations. These factors do lead me to wonder why the minority of fans that are on his case can't cut him some slack... Perhaps Jan's comments are wide of the mark, perhaps not - we'll never know. What we can be sure of is the worrying trend to brand a number (not all) of our black players lazy, both past and present. Third top Premiership striker. Yeah, let's get rid... FFS!!! Is it any wonder football fans have a reputation for being @rseholes? Some posters comments really wind me up at times. As someone else mnentioned, they are completely irrational and bull headed.
  9. I haven't had a chance to see this kid in action... how good a prospect does he look? Also, has there been any word on how long MGP's out for?
  10. JAL you've made two excellent suggenations, the atmosphere would improve for sure and the flags idea is innovative and unique. Ewood would sound and look better for your suggestions. I hope you take these suggestions to BRISA, good work.
  11. credit must go to bellamy for not rising to souey's petty parting swipe. its been like a breath of fresh air on the board since his arrival, lets hope its the same on the pitch this season!
  12. hahahah, brilliant. far to much bitchin and point scoring on the board. top marks rainmaker
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