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Posts posted by longsiders1882

  1. 22 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    You are making an assumption there my friend but I believe that players have a code of conduct and standard of behaviour that they should adhere to. Barnes' comments are irresponsible and could well propagate trouble in March. As for likening Dack's misdemeanours (for which he was rightly punished) to drink driving then you really need to think again. Barnes could have killed somebody whilst Dack was a knob.

    Dack was (maybe still is?) a serial speeder and banned for getting caught so many times he totted up excess points - and excess speed is a factor in 25% of road deaths. Dack was punished - and dragged back to court for refusing to carry out his community punishments. Barnes was also rightly punished and hopefully learned his lesson.

    Neither behaviour is justified, I commented on Dack merely to say those of us in glass houses etc.

    1 hour ago, tomphil said:

    You're damn right we'd love it but sadly the senior pros here hadn't got a clue what this fixture really meant, neither did the man picking the team.

    I think the penny might have dropped now though and i expect a nice rough ride for dumbo Barnes in the return fixture.

    Although got to admit Andy piss pot Payton selling knock off club gear on Burnley market then getting rumbled and sacked was way better laughing material than you lot are getting out of this.

    George Oghani stealing ironing boards was the elite bait though.

    No guarantee he plays - but I’m sure he’s big enough to handle anything thrown at him.


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rigger said:

    But Barnes is the one that has been caught bringing the game into disrepute. He is a Burnley player and their responsabilty. Dock them points I say. In the eyes of the rule makers it should be a simple decission, but I bet it gets swept under the table.

    😁 I guess you do need to be creative to work out how you will take points off us this season

    17 minutes ago, JohnD said:

    Dock 'em 10 points, they'll still finish top 

    Maybe only second ...



    (In all seriousness we could still miss top 6, none of us know how this restart will go - or what will happen in the January window. And now a chance VK leaves for the Belgium job)

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, arbitro said:

    The drunk driver Barnes has been charged for referring to us as Bastards in a Sky interview after the recent game. Hopefully they hammer him with a fine and suspension. 



    17 hours ago, tomphil said:

    An interesting lunch time in Blackburn awaits this turd in the early spring.


    10 hours ago, rigger said:

    Dock the Dingles points, for bringing the game into disrepute.

    Now don't pretend you wouldn't have loved it if one of your players had called us Burnley B******s in an interview? Hell you'd have loved it if one of your players had shown half Barnes' passion and aggresion. As for the drunk driving barb, lol, could be worse, he could be beating up police officers and smashing up things in Manchester ...

    I found it funny but it was clearly a slip of the tongue that will just add a bit of spice for the return fixture.

    • Like 5
  4. 16 hours ago, Mattyblue said:

    He was managing QPR, a club with a relatively small Championship budget, not a parachute club. So every chance they fall away and are not seen challenging again for a good while.

    So not exactly difficult to see why he’d jump ship for a club like Rangers.


    You might argue they have already began to fall away. The only oddity in this for me is him turning down Wolves - unless he perhaps knew or suspected Rangers were coming for him soon.

    6 hours ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    You should take yourself up to either Ibrox Stadium or Celtic Park for a game one day Chaddy, even a run of the mill one. Might give you some idea as to why someone would want to manage one of those two clubs.


    Indeed - and he's spent some time working there so knows what it is like. No matter your view on the quality of the football - and I suspect it is better than it often gets credit for in England -  the two Glasgow clubs are amongst the biggest in world football.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    A pal of mine had a few games for the reserves over there back in the day before he moved to Bury. He told me the story about the coach coming back almost empty. He said it was amazing how many Geordies were at the time. If I recall correctly from that  era

    Angus, O’Neil, Talbut, Adamson, Harris, Jimmy Robson, Pointer, Bellamy, were all Geordies.

    Keith Newton was at Bolton and was let go.

    Need to be careful here, some were Geordies, some were Makems etc. They would be just as upset at being called the other as you would being called a Burnley fan. Stan Ternent was also from the North East.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Crimpshrine said:

    Still not recovered from Sunday. I can't get over the lack of reaction from our players when Barnes pushed Kaminski into the net after the first goal. It didn't even galvanise them into some sort of reaction. We just folded. Imagine Keeley, Flitcroft,Todd or Savage putting up with that. We need some players with some passion. I suspect Wharton may have reacted but, sadly, he wasn;t on the pitch. 

    Mind you when Kaminski threw himself on the floor, holding his head after he'd run out and pushed Barnes there wasn't much reaction from us to the attempted cheating. If Barnes' momentum carried him into the keeper that is unfortunate but just part of the game surely... 

    31 minutes ago, Cuppliance said:

    I agree with a lot of what you said there. As a whole I respect your opinions on here as your evidently a fan of football as a whole and not just Burnley. The thing is though, the year we won the PL, we weren't the only team spending money. Man U fans still say we bought the league, but they spent a lot of money at the time too. So, if they beat West Ham on the final day, they would be saying they bought the league instead perhaps?

    I would always say this on spending. Money earned is different to a benefactor, however since 92 things have become so skewed by sovereign wealth fund owners, bored oligarchs and American chancers it is almost immaterial. Doesn't mean we shouldn't use it as a stick to beat you with.

    Another factor that you guys rarely address is the "hidden" spend, the real big one, wages. I'd happily bet you were paying well over the market rate in wages to attract players - and could only do this thanks to Jack's largesse. In your shoes I would revel in it, it worked. It not only got you into the top division - and that cost a small fortune in comaprison to other clubs at the time - but enabled you to establish yourselves there. Enjoy it - we wouldn't turn away a Jack Walker if he knocked on our door tomorrow. As an aside the "Leicester" miracle was also well funded by a billionaire owner.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, tomphil said:

    Pace might have sacked Dyche who'd probably run out of steam but he got kompany in which is looking an inspired signing.  They've managed to back him as well so seems to me it's a brave attempt at a reset.

    How it works out long term remains to be seen but Burnley are likely to be a yoyo club in the near future.

    I'd be more than happy for Rovers to be that now we've no right to expect anything more. Sadly all we'll ever get under this lot is yoyoing between midtable and 8th placed finishes unless at some point they lay down a marker and show some ambition.

    FWIW I think the Kompany signing has proved doubly inspired. His coaching style has been excellent, turning our playing style 180 degrees ‘overnight’ and his contacts book has allowed us to sign what are looking like excellent players for relatively low prices or loan players who perhaps wouldn’t have considered Burnley under Dyche.

    Was it  luck or skill that led to the Kompany signing? Time will tell, I think Pace got lucky.

    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    That’s the Premier League trophy. We’ve won it once and you haven’t won it at all. The old First Division trophy is a different kettle of fish. I would maintain they were both hard to win but the Premier League trophy was harder. Look at the teams that won the First Division back in the day Ipswich, Forest, Villa, Everton, Leeds etc. Nobody dominated the old First Division as Utd did in the early days of the Premier League.

    Ah so if you win the Premier League Trophy you become champions of the world - or maybe the universe?

    Nonesense. And for the record when the PL was created, it was simply the old Division 1 rebadged. It has become harder in the intervening years but hadn't changed much by 94/5 - indeed many blame/credit Walker with distorting the competition and starting the financial arms race it has become.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, booth said:

    November 19th 2010. A dark day for Rovers, a glorious day for our neighbours.


    It has provided us its share of mirth.

    1 hour ago, Leonard Venkhater said:


    I am sure you are well aware that Burnley went down in 2010, so we were unable to play the following season.

    But even a schoolboy knowledge of football history would tell you that it was our bizarre Indian regime that took us down in the first place and has reduced us ever since.....

    Somehow our recent results against Burnley coincide with our Indian hell.

    Whilst being abhorrent, Burnley's "Long Live the Venky's" chant tells the truth in song, as well as Dylan ever did.





    I wasn't offering comment - I just looked it up on 11v11 (https://www.11v11.com/teams/burnley/tab/opposingTeams/opposition/Blackburn Rovers/) to get the date as I only knew it was 12 years. That said you counted those 17 years we didn't play against each other in your 34 so being in different divisions isn't factored in to be fair.



    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RoversTilliDie said:

    I don't think you will find it as easy in the return game at Ewood next March. By the way, how many home fixtures have you played in the last couple of months 5 out of 6. You've played 1 away out of 6 and lost 5-2. We will return the compliment in March give you 2,000 tickets, the rest for Rovers supporters.

    I'd be amazed if it is as easy in March - delighted but amazed. We've played 11 of 21 league games at home, same as you. Are you suggesting, that we had it easy and thats why you performed as you did? We've lost 2 games so far and both away from home but I'm not sure it is a specific problem but we shall see in the second half of the season.

    On ticket numbers - you should give whatever you want, it's your clubs call not ours. We gave you the full away allocation we have these days - it wouldn't be unreasonable for you to mirror the number we gave you. 

    1 hour ago, bazza said:

    If we have the same manager we will be. JDT out!

    As an outsider it's hard to judge but I've seen you on TV twice and you looked decent and you are still third in the league, surely he's not so bad?

  11. 30 minutes ago, booth said:

    We had some tired legs out there. Brereton must be fatigued at this point. I won't say the game swung when Gallagher went off with a gashed leg as I always expected defeat when I saw the teamsheet, inverted fullbacks and no midfield, especially with Tomasson parking the bus for the first 45. But having no centre half on the pitch certainly gave Burnley the license to commit more players. We're still paying the price for not replacing Adam Armstrong in 2020 and if that's properly addressed in January it could mean the difference between getting into the play offs and not.

    Is Barnes always that "physical"? Some of it was blatant, some clumsy, it's just a shame Kaminski made a meal of it as Barnes was digging his own grave. If he hadn't scored I think he may have chinned someone.

    Barnes is very physical - but also better than many give him credit for. I’m avoiding saying to much about the game as you guys may well fall out with me. I expected so much more from your team than they brought, perhaps it was fatigue and one thing high possession football does do is take it out of the legs of the opposition. I was happy/disappointed not to see Adam Wharton in the team/squad. I personally rate our midfield vey highly but would have loved to see how they managed him - and indeed he did them. 

    We should have 3 players back after the World Cup, and then a transfer window to survive (good chance Jones recalls Tella I think). March will be far more testing for us I’m sure. Frankly you cannot be as tame as you were in this game.

    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, RoversTilliDie said:

    Thats my philosophy, attacking football gives you a chance, defend for 90 minutes and your heading for the bottom half of the table. By the way thats what Sheffield United did for 90 minutes attack and they destroyed the dingles who looked out for the count when the 5th went in.

    Couple of things to bear in mind - Sheffield was our 7th game in 21 days, it was preceded by 2 late comebacks, we were tired and really looked it in the second half. We may have looked out for the count but we still won our next 2 games pretty easily.  Sheffield also had players who were able to capitalise on our frailties and brought some fight - you had neither fight nor the right players on the day. I’m hoping we repay Sheffield United on Easter Monday - perhaps you will repay us in March.

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  13. 45 minutes ago, Ossydave said:

    Same breed as that absolute weapon who ran on the pitch wearing t-shirt and gloves and reckoned he'd fight Savage, soon shit himself when Stephen Reid and Nelson towered over him 🤣

    I knew that lad - I reckon he sh@ when he saw them two approaching. Can’t say I blame him, absolute beasts.

    Good to see the old bill getting in on the badinage:



  14. 2 minutes ago, BigBar said:

    Being impartial here, the trainer I believe was on once? Maybe twice but not a"half a dozen times". 

    Goals? There was 1 goal in the second half before the time was added so again not sure where you are getting much time on that.

    Subs? Hmmmmm how many stoppages was there for them?

    The red was never a second yellow, the Burnley man kicked through into the Rotherham left back, look at it back.

    I can completely respect you ground it out and kept going but it was very fortunate and the officials did assist in this one 100%.

    Absolute bollocks - still by all means enjoy some vinegar with the salt on your chips.

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