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Posts posted by koi

  1. Right, let's try and look forward..

    Well got my tickets for Saturday, got my ST seat so not cheap, should have tried to blag my way into the wedding! Presuming they're putting the Saints fans in the East stand with some segregation? could be fun..

    How bizarre was Friday! Started by getting there very early and bumping into Lee Briers coming out of F&Bs with his missus and kid. I wont say what I think of him on here, children watching and all that, he's a talented player but that's all the praise I can give him. Anyway, thought we were on for a complete battering of KR until Bentham took one from their FB. First time I've ever clapped a ref off the pitch that's for sure. As for Hicks, the bloke shouldn't be allowed near a rugby pitch.

  2. Good game up at Featherstone yesterday although I would've liked it to be a bit easier from Wigan!

    Although it didn't matter too much yesterday, it did highlight again that a 2nd kicker is a must!

    Thing is Josh is a superb kicker, at U20 he did all the kicking. Not sure if it's a lack of practice or confidence at the moment but I know he's working on it.

  3. Nice little knock-up after Friday, only negative performance was Lima's shorts. Thought Gelling had a decent enough game, maybe could have gone looking for ball more than he did but certainly shows promise. What was going on with the 40/20s? like buses - guess that's what you can do when you get plenty of time with the ball in hand.

  4. I think they ran out of money when building the walls, maybe that's the next stage of development? Thought it was a crackin' performance with special mention to Gaz, HH and Finchy. However, everything is eclipsed by some fantastic comments from certain Saints fans, it's be a few years since I heard such epic sulking from their lot, even Mr Rush spat the dummy big time when interviewed. A very nice day. Oh, and for some classic forum reading check out redvee.com, comedy gold.

  5. Agreed.

    Though it's sad, as it is when anyone passes, but

    unless you knew Fred personally -or he had touched your life in someway - this thread seems very odd and out of place.

    I was surprised it appeared in the football section I've got to say.

  6. For the less knowledgable amongst us (like me) would it be possible for someone to post a brief description of how Fred was linked to the club/what he contributed? I think that might be helpful and a nice gesture.

    Thank you.


    As I understand it (and as mentioned above) he had no interest in Rovers at all.

  7. This got on my nerves on Friday. Lee Briers was wobbling all over the show for at least the last 20 minutes, he couldn't keep up with the line and had Wigan run at him they'd probably have gone straight through him. However I can't recall the ball coming back down that side very much at all. Lots of wasted opportunity.

    In the first half Bridge had a clash of heads with Pat and was out on his legs. Wigan play the ball, now common sense would suggest getting the ball to Gaz who is opposite him and get him to go straight for him, holes would be all through that side of the Wolves defence, What do they do? ball up the jumper and head for the middle. It's like Wane wants battering rams.

    Oh and lets hope Sam and Pat starting talking to each other in future games.

    Still, early days, lets hope it's a 'difficult period' whilst adapting to a new coach and we'll storm the second-half of the season. Right, I'm off to do the lottery..

  8. Something I've thought about, koi. I really like him and thought he was superb last season.

    I can only think that Lauaki being Wane's signing is out there to prove a point. Not that I think Lauaki has been particular poor - he's not, but look at the yards Lima makes with when he has the ball.

  9. I don't think Wane is up to standard as a HC. He's an assistant through and through.

    It's early days but the points that are really winding me up:

    Our organisation over the last three games has been nothing short of a shambles; defence is just a mess. Basic lines and angles are not there.

    Where has our runners off Sam gone? time after time he creates the break only to find no support.

    Four forwards on the bench; Richards shouldn't have been on the pitch but we had no choice. To make matters worse one of them is Tuson, if we have to have four forwards on the bench at least put Hughes there, he's a better back rower than Tuson and can fit in the backs; Goulding could've replaced Pat and Hughes slotted in at centre, not difficult is it?

    Why is Lima not getting the game time? he is our second best prop (after Mossop).

    Friday in particular; Warrington had injuries down their right, why did the message not go out to get Hock hitting that side, he is in devastating form and would have punched holes through that side, instead we had this continual concentration through the centre.

    I could go on but my BP wont take it but if Wane doesn't start putting the basics right we will back to the dark days. It's already starting to resemble Noble's teams..

  10. Any team that loses someone as good as Graham is going to suffer and it's only been compounded with Roby being out - that's the two players that made Saints tick. Still, I wouldn't worry too much, it's a young team and plenty of time to come good.

    Read on RLFans that Terry Albert miscounted the tackles during the Wolves/Wakey game and allowed Wolves seven tackles which resulted in a try that decided the game in their favour. Well done Terry, just when I thought the standard of reffing couldn't go any lower you've managed to take it down again!

  11. Couldn't go, well I could but little lad is poorly and wanted his daddy so priorities and all that. Got quite a few angry text telling my about holes in defence wide enough to get a bus through and defensive organisation up there with the French retreat in WW2.

    Heard a whisper that one or two or maybe more players not quite as jolly as they were under Madge...

  12. Terrible result and quite frankly a very poor team selection by Wane, why he couldn't have bled a couple today and a couple next week I don't know. Wane has been shouting off about going out to win every game, no mercy etc etc and then he does this. Its almost kean-esq.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

  13. Good win I thought. Was expecting a seriously tough game but think Cats fitness really let them down in the second half - always a good sign when you see players struggling to get back the 10! Not a clue what Silverwood and his liners were doing but they had a 'mare. Really impress with Micky Mac and Gaz (apart from that crazy offload after breaking the line), in fact all the forwards did well against a huge pack. Maybe time for some rotation next week?

  14. I'd say the majority of the team looked totally unfit with particular reference to Pat and Lockers, both way way off the pace and breathing heavily.

    Being positive, going back quite a few years, Wigan always brought in a conditioner from Ausralia who absolutely beasted the players pre-season. The result was a set of players that looked knackered for the first six or so games but then started to come on strong. I'm not sure that's the way too go or even that's what's been done but it is a possibility.

  15. Bloke behind me summed it up when he said it looked like they were all on the p1ss last night. The performance was typified by Finch having to be first in numerous tackles when it's the forwards who should be 'rattling ribs' as I used to be told. My biggest concern for this season is the right hand side. We really need a decent centre in there and I just don't think Goulding is good enough. Tough game next Saturday.

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