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Posts posted by TimmyJimmy

  1. 2 hours ago, jim mk2 said:

    This has to be tongue in cheek?

    Gallagher's first touch usually sees the ball bounce 2 yards away, his 2nd touch involves him trying to win it back again, and his 3rd touch (if the 2nd is successful) usually sees him pass it to an opponent

    So no, I don't see him being a success in the confined spaces in midfield

    Comparisons to one of the best midfield players of this generation are, how to put it politely.... ludicrous


    No but I can see the humour in the suggestion.

    His first touch isn't that bad, not perfect but certainly not Kevin Davies bad (bag of cement bad).

    If he's in midfield he's taking the ball shorter from defence not pulling down from a 40 yard pass back to front.

    Just a thought I had that's all.  And no there's no comparison between Gally and Lampard I meant only the position he played and his role in the team. I could imagine Gally there if Rothwell buggers off and we have no cash for a replacement. He has an engine, he's competitive, he can find space, he can score.

    Certainly something i'd try out on the training pitch. Can't be more wasted there than he is out on the wing.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    You mean Gallagher, he’s our current right winger !

    Personally I'd like to see Gallagher try playing the Frank Lampard position in midfield. I know they're chalk and cheese but he has the engine and likes to graft, he's a striker by trade so should have goals in him from midfield. Frees up a position for the new guy. Bit of lateral thinking, could be worth a punt. What do you think?

  3. Oh to be back in Ewood. Just magic. The noise of the crowd. The smiles of those around me, everyone looking happy. Loved it.

    Nothing much to moan at on the pitch (aside from some crappy shooting). Always felt like a win to me from the kick off. Not often I'm totally relaxed at a game but this felt good.

    There's lots to work on, lots to polish up but that was a good day yesterday. Feel alive again after 18 months of shielding.

    Same again next match please boys.

    • Like 4
  4. On the Arma situation. As in all other things in life a 'single point of failure' is a disaster just waiting to happen. If he's our only source of goals then if say he gets injured or loses form we are screwed.

    Makes sense to try to get two cheaper less prolific attackers even if individually they are less skilled than him. If we had loads of money then you'd ADD an extra striker along side Arma to give a bit more resilience. We have no money so in my opinion we should sell and rebuild the forward line.

    On Rothwell, he has loads of talent and application, he works hard, but he fails the 'so what' test. He earns the right to take the shot, he earns the right to deliver the killer assist yet he doesn't. He does all the right things, gains all the yards and then becomes Mr Clueless.

    I like both players, they have flair, but they're not right for us. Sell and regroup.

    Mind, we're talking a Mowbray rebuild which is no rebuild, just more of the same with one guy up front and the latest kid with potential who can't make the grade elsewhere.

    Only real solution is to change the entire management team but I guess we have to wee with the willy we've got so I'd sell both Arma and Rothwell tout suite.

  5. 2 hours ago, arbitro said:

    But you carry on blaming the fans if it makes you feel better.

    I'm not blaming anyone. No supporter of the club has done anything to deserve what we have at the moment. My point is that we still have a part to play. Walking away ie not buying tickets is not helping our club.

    If we buy our tickets and the club goes under, well we've done our bit and we know who's to blame.

    I've nothing but good to say about our supporters, good sorts all irrespective of opinions on this matter. Please stop setting up this exchange to make it sound like I'm blaming anyone.

    Buy a ticket, support the club, enjoy the matches and have a good moan on here if necessary, I'm not averse to having a good moan myself.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    What absolute nonsense. The lack of fans won't kill the club, it will be the gross mismanagement of the decade of decay. To try and guilt trip the fans with that comment is poor and the tactic that Waggott employed when he refused to give refunds for BCD games.

    In other words then your stance is to cut your nose off to spite your face.

    A dead club is a dead club. Show me any finance or economics book that says a business can survive a lack of cash flow.

    If we stop buying tickets then it will be us who are the mechanism of our own demise.

    As I said before, no one is going to chase me out of my own club, it means too much to me.

  7. 12 hours ago, arbitro said:

    Your thingy says you are a former season ticket holder now boycotting. So I'm assuming at some stage you actually boycotted but now your asking others to buy tickets and saying we're either fan's or we're not.

    Double standards?

    Genuinely don't know anything about that 'thingy'. I've never boycotted. First match I went to was in 1960, never deliberately missed a home game since.

    Doesn't make me a better fan than anyone else but it gives me a perspective.

    No bad owners, crap managers or anything else within the club is going to drive me away, it's my club, it's your club. One day they will be gone, God willing I'll still be here.

    If the club has been driven out of existence through lack of support (no matter how noble and righteous the excuse/rationale) then that's our fault no one else's. My post was a plea for that not to happen.

    Mock away, you're not going to change my opinion.

  8. If we make a list of what has gone wrong at the club it will be a very long list. We all know the list items, average players, too few players, no transfer policy, bad owners, bad management, useless execs etc., etc.. Ask anyone to disagree with that list and you won't find a single poster on here I wager.

    So it's not about half full or half empty glasses or good fans, bad fans, super fans or any other muck we want to throw around at each other.  There comes a time though with constant complaining when we start to breathe our own fumes.

    We are where we are, we have no levers to pull to effect any sort of change so it's pointless (IMO) to keep banging on about stuff on that list. Nobody likes it, we all understand it, nobody voted for it but now we have ask ourselves are we still supporters of the club or are we not.

    If yes then I say do what we've always done, buy a season ticket and moan over a pint at the bar at half time and full time.

    If we say 'sod that' and walk away then it's a numbers game. If enough say that then the cub will die.  Like it or not, through our actions we will have been the ones who pulled the trigger and pumped bullets into the semi conscious wounded old dog which was once a passion for our fathers, grand fathers and way back.

    The club only survives one way, we all buy tickets. Without this your club is dead, it's inevitable.

    We have to continue CPR no matter how useless it may seem until someone else calls it. That won't be me. As long as there's a Blackburn Rovers there'll be a me buying tickets.

    We all want the same things but negativity and withdrawal of funds will not improve anything.

    We're either fans or we're not. Buy a season ticket or soon there'll be nothing left to bitch and moan at.

    Just saying.

    • Like 7
  9. 6 hours ago, Giant said:

    The Copa America is always a good watch, most of the countries dislike each other and it shows in the games. Loads of juicy incidents last night, but BB Diaz had a smashing 20 minutes on the pitch. I reckon he’ll start a game soon. 

    Loving the name B. B. Diaz.  Must be a song we can use to fit that into.

  10. I voted "Yes - no matter what" because if you don't turn up you don't deserve to have a say. I like to have my say on here and elsewhere.

    Mowbray, Waggott and the Venky's out.

    I'll be there shouting it out and letting them know my feelings. I can't do that sitting at home and moaning from a distance.

    That's just the way I see things. I love the Rovers, end of. I'll always be there.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Ossydave said:

    How good did the pitch look this evening by the way, compared to the absolute bog it became. It does of course mean they won't bother relaying it now though (if they ever genuinely were going to). Hats off to the ground staff.

    Well when you look at what we put on the pitch each week it should be in good condition. 

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