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Posts posted by ihtd

  1. bellamy11 if i have the time i would happily do the Spanish national side for your website. PM with some details please, i won't be able to reply tonight but i guarentee i'll give you a definate answer in the morning regarding doing it.

  2. Players

    Friedel-Big Brad


    Mokoena-The Axe Man/DWL(driving without license)



    Bellamy-Bellers/or as my mum calls him the welsh hobbit.

    Matteo-Dom Pom




    Bentley-Shayne(looks like Shayne Ward IMO)





    Man United- Manure/Red Scum/Scum/Prawn Sandwich United/list could carry on and on.

    Man City-Man Citeh


    Burnley-Dingledome/El Dinglo(for when they had they spanish right back)/Interbred Town

    Leeds-The Millionaires Club/also know in Hull as Nobenders like Preston.

    Tottenham Hotspurs-The Potato Peelers/Spuds/Journo Hotspurs

    Birmingham City-The PORN Boys/Big Club/Masive/Gigantic Club/The Mamouths i think you get my drift there.

    Chelsea-The REAL Millionaires Club/Chelski/Chelski INC


    Newcastle-Fat Freddys Fickle Army/The Barcodes

    Liverpool-Dirty Thieving Scouse Barstewards/Scouse Scum

    West Ham-Whammers/Barclays Bankers (To Fit their cockeny rhyming slang)

  3. FM Fan - football fans who play too much Football Manager and let it effect their views and opions in the real world.

    That is so true...but embarassing at the same time. Its almost as bad as fans who apply for real managerial jobs sending in their C.V.'s saying that they took Canvey Island from the Conference South to the Premiership on FM and expecting to be given a real footballing managers job because of it.

  4. I'm not doing to bad but i have sprad my shares out a fair bit, i've bought into nations that if only one of them causes an upset in the tournament i will reap the benefits in terms of share increase. When you think Angola is 1.00 a share and England are 32+ a share, if angola were to even draw a match there would be a huge increase in price whereas if England were to draw a game their price would drop significantly.

  5. Are there any Rovers fans that will popping over to Germany for the latter stages of the tournament e.g. if we make semi's. To watch the match in the city which the game would be played with all the other England fans. I'm only asking because i just got myself a part-time job before university and i am tempted to do so should we get that far. Buying some cheap flights but no hotel, so i was wondering if it is possible to stay out in the pubs and clubs of Germant all night and board the plane home the following morning...providing sober enough :)

    I've seen flights from East Midlands airport on RyanAir for £39.99 there and £39.99 back so it could be a fairly cheap trip.

  6. Read my post above, then wind your neck in. Its utter Bullshite.

    When i posted my post it were probably less than 1 minute after yours of which wasn't there when i started typing mine.

    But i make no apology's over my views on PC BS.

    If it is a joke well that's good news and if Radio 1 are strongly denying it, its all good then.

  7. That is an F'in disgrace, i could have sworn Radio 1 broadcasts from England, from our capital. I have had enough of this politically correct BS, this is England for god's sake.

    What a disgrace!!!! :(

  8. I agree about not lumping all Americans together, but I would think that there is no way that Baseball is the fastest growing sport. It would be miles behind a sport like Basketball.

    If we are talking about fastest growing sports it were baseball a few years back with the Asian nations taking a huge interest in it but that has changed significantly. Basketball is the world biggest growing sport at the moment and i know my basketball. African nations have slowly been putting provisions in place to meet the demand of young people wanting to play the sport and as such the number of African players playing in the Euroleague and in individual leagues accross Europe has increased significantly. The sport is now also being taken seriously in Asia which in previous years it was thought to be a game that would not suit them but they are at least trying. Its always been popular in America if you excuse a few situations but in Europe it has really taken off. The Euroleague and ULEB Cup have a lot to do with this, it gives the European players and some of the Yanks that play in Europe to really show their talents off to a large audience. In England we are severely lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of skill but it is a hugely popular sport with most major cities having teams and leagues e.g. i play in the Doncaster League which is 4 divisions down from the top flight( if the club were to become a franchise and gained the promotions towards the top flight it could only be promoted if the club were a franchise).

    Anyway thats my rant over on basketball and it being the fastest growing sport worldwide.

    As for 4/5 people supposadly not interested in the WC, its a load of BS prmoted by the Yanks to try and make it sound like a minor event, this is from the same people whose Baseball final is called the World Series but is only contested by American teams. You do the maths?

  9. I'm more worried about Neill not being signed up just yet and think what Neill said has been taken out of context. As for Reid, if we got 6million for him i'd take it, he's a good player but he's not that good. Reid could develop into a really good player but the chances of that are slim, he's athletic but so is Emerton.

  10. You really have sum unreliable source's on Australia sometimes

    It were Gabrielle Marcotti who was slagging Lucas off for it as well. Top reporting by the number one commerical radio station. <_<

    Glad he didn't get sent off anyway, his reputation as a dirty player had gone and wouldn't like that to return.

    How did that Grella play for you Socceroo's? I saw him play versus Greece and thought he looked like a very good player.

  11. I used to play the Sportdaq one but i just forgot about it for a few months. I put all my shares in Maria Sharapova before Wimbledon and sold them the day after her final win versus Serena Williams and made a +1200% increase and won a prize due to it, a crappy BBC goodybag but it were still a prize.

    (Before anyone doubts how i knew of Sharapova before Wimbledon, it were because i love tennis and saw her play at Wimbledon Juniors in 2002 on a school trip and just remembered the name from there onwards...add to the fact that she is hot!!!!)

  12. Brave man

    I just feel that the French are a spent force, they've brought backa fair few old players and add to that a couple of donkeys in Boumsong and Barthez(was a good keeper...key word being was) and a Swiss side full of confidence with young players with nothing to lose could lead to them destroying france. Plus the fact that Henry has never set the world alight in major International competitions including European Championships, i think the Swiss can do it.

    Although if that young Ribery plays for France it may be a different story, he is a different gravy to the others on the park.

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