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Posts posted by Rover_Shaun

  1. So did we get an answer as to how the not picking youth in order to not pick them for a youth game was valid reasoning?

    some were apoplectic that gaz got called out on that decision yet dance around the mullberry bush rather than backtrack and say it was as it was called at the time, a poor decision. This is the time to give them a go. nowt at stake, go and enjoy yourself son

  2. Its extremely sad that Radio Rovers which was rushed to air in the early 90's to beat Manchester United to being the first club station is now struggling to fill the small amount of airtime it has

    On the subject of being in North Korea why do Rovers still not believe in showing the oppositions goals or chances on the big screen.

    To answer point 2 refer to point 1 ;)
  3. You're right Abbey, but he's hardly going to admit to us giving away daft goals all the time is he?

    A bit of honesty would be refreshing

    "We realise as a squad that our general performances have not been good enough. As a defensive unit we are also disappointed with the amount of sloppy goals we conceed. Whilst talk fixes nothing I would like to assure the fans that we do work hard in training on trying to irradicate such errrors. We just have to work harder and that is all we can do. Our futures at the club depend on it"

  4. I was distraught enough and I was at Alton Towers that day as I was only 14.

    I remember thinking McGoldricks goal at a packed Ewood could be costly and it proved to be.

    What always struck me is how players like Sellars totally bottled it completely in the 2nd leg. I know he was a soft bugger but........They made our current crop seem hardened in comparison. I was surprised Sellars ever had the gumption to make it to the top flight after that.

    Palace will be owed one forever no matter how many times we beat them.

  5. ffs those harping on about venky`s out, enjoy the result tonight, the manner it was acheived and what it represents, then in the summer we can concentrate on what happens next. one thing to note, even if venky`s put the club on the market, it took the walker trust 3 or 4 years(wasn`t it?) to sell and that was as a premier league club, so i wouldn`t expect them to be gone any time soon in any case.

    we are better off hoping they look into doing things right(asking the right sort of people how to do it).

    Cheers Shebby
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