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Posts posted by Andy

  1. 26 minutes ago, Pedro said:

    Whoopee.  Multi-millionaire relocates for massively-paid job. 

    So with a level-head - he was a bit of a cup run better than Bowyer and Mowbray?  Surrendered a two goal lead in the Quarter Finals, then capitulated in the league from there on in.

    Being the Devil's Advocate - he is the 'achiever' of our worst run in ddecades.He is at the helm of the team with our worst goals conceded in years and years...and the only manager (alongside Mowbray) to have a team in the promotion spots for X amount of weeks and fail to get the play-offs.  The atmosphere is stale, our home form is abysmal...


    Not great.




    You're rewriting history, tainted by recent poor form.

    JDT did an objectively good job for us - you can't argue with the facts (finishing 7th with a shit squad and no backing).
    The cup run was a bonus, but a very welcome one.
    You're only trying to fool yourself if you think he was shite here and he'll go on to much bigger things than Rovers.

    However, more importantly, we have Gareth Ainsworth to look forward to, senior players who get a bit scared when the nasty crowd boo them (after failing to beat teams like QPR and Huddersfield at home...) and Waggott successfully deflecting attention away from his own severe deficiencies.

    Oh yeah, and that's on top of the transfer debacle, which in all reality was internal politics and sabotage, potential financial ruin and owners seemingly unwilling to do the right thing and piss off.

    I'm pretty much done. Certainly not spending another quid until this shitshow is addressed.
    Literally no leadership at the club. No-one who actually cares about Blackburn Rovers Football Club, just whatever benefits the individuals.

    • Like 5
  2. I just can't give any credibility to the 'oops, sorry, we forgot to press the button' excuse.

    Both the club and the individuals involved have processed hundreds of transfers without any such incident, over many years.

    All of a sudden, we see 3 cock-ups in 12 months.
    It simply cannot be accidental or incompetence.

    And it cannot be allowed to be swept under the carpet as such.

    • Like 9
  3. 1 hour ago, MB Rover said:

    They remembered to press submit (🤣🤣🤣🤣) on the 21 year old from Liverpool; then ‘forgot’ on the signing that the ‘board’ had blocked 24 hours prior, then miraculously remembered on the 30 odd year old signing a 4 month contract? Got it!

    Yeah, I don't entertain conspiracy bollocks, but I am not buying this for one second.

    For it to happen last winter window (twice) was embarrassing at best.
    For it to happen again now, oddly on the only deal that would cost us a few quid, it cannot be another admin error.

    The club surely don't expect fans to just accept/believe that?

    Something is afoot and I think it's not far from coming to a head...

    • Like 3
  4. Ok, so trying to make some sense of the McGuire situation.

    From a few sources, we apparently submitted the local/FA/PFA  transfer forms on time, hence why we were happy to announce the signing - pending international clearance and work permit requirements.

    The ITC in this instance would be us completing and returning this form:
    Which doesn't need to be completed before the UK transfer deadline (just required before he can play for us).

    Which leave the work permit situation. I haven't been able to find anything which confirms if this needs approving before the UK transfer deadline, only knowledge of how it works on FM (where you do need it in place prior to the deadline).

    All of that said, if there was no issue, surely the club would have put something out - or even paraded the lad during the QPR debacle.

    Yes, I was bored, no I've not been drinking and yes, I'm now going to bed.

    • Like 5
  5. 52 minutes ago, goozburger said:

    My suspicion is that it's more to do with the pulling of the permanent arrangement by the Board rather than the paperwork fiasco.

    Had the Board not pulled the cash for the permanent transfer, I suspect we'd have seen McGuire feature in the game on Saturday. As it happens, one chaotic event is enough to lead to a disaster. Tomasson will have bigger grievances about that than other issues at the club.

    As always, the chaotic nature of the owners and the Board are the biggest problems at the club before you get to the competence levels of their employees.

    He wouldn't have featured either way - international clearance / work permit stuff.

  6. Today felt weird - I couldn't make it down, so watched on (completely legitimate...) TV.

    And I felt nothing. Normally you'd get that knot in your stomach when the other team score, or a bit of excitement when we got one back.

    Even getting pissed off when that ginger kid on their team was winding our fans up near the end.
    Still, nothing.

    Almost felt like a neutral watching.
    And I'm one of the more optimistic fans (certainly on here anyway).

    Feels like something big is happening and not good big.

    • Like 6
  7. Putting everything from the last week to the side for a brief moment, we need a win tomorrow.

    I'm not one of those looking downwards, particular with only being a Burnley-handful of points from the top 6 and with a few home games coming up.

    An early goal or two to settle us would be ideal, but let's see how we go...

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, booth said:

    I'm baffled. How anyone can think the owners are brilliant?

    Maybe people who are too young to remember those days could think this is how a club should be ran, but I'm seeing older people defending them.

    I find it's the older generation who seem to be pro-Venky's, certainly via social media.

    Maybe they believe everything they read online, like the flat-earthers or those who think Bill Gates was secretly popping microchips into our arms, so he could see how many times we nip t'Asda in a week.

    Anyway, hopefully Tommy is right and it's something and nothing.
    Losing the best manager we've had since Big Sam would not improve the current situation in the slightest.

    • Like 2
  9. 45 minutes ago, Ewood Bobbler said:

    Wow, the optimism for any signing can emphatically dissipate with a simple scroll through this forum.

    So, to recap, on the last day our deals are.... 

    Fleck.... Not long ago I'd argue he was a big upgrade on Travis. A guy with bite, who covered the ground and who undeniably had far more goals in his locker. Whether he can still hack it at this level remains to be seen but I'm not writing him off because he is 32. Jury out yet but surely a reason to be quietly optimistic, especially when there is an Adam Wharton sized hole to fill and a manager crying out for more experience.  

    On top of this Travis is still our player. If he really is all that then he will be playing for a promotion pushing team and his value will only increase with good performances. He gets the chance to prove why he should play for us or gets us a bigger fee than we would get for him now. Win win. 

    On top of this we manage to sign a USA International, certainly one of our top targets, who has scored 15 goals in 37 games at the tender age of 22. Raw prospect but hopefully plenty of growth in him and we get him on a try before you buy basis so if he turns out badly we aren't hugely out of pocket.

    Backed this up with a young Liverpool kid who has the physicality to hopefully stop us conceding quite so many soft goals. Admittedly he hasn't had the best loans previously and I am honest enough to admit I have seen nothing of him to form a good basis but there must be a reason he is still at Liverpool.

    I rate Ayari. I don't care what happened at Cov. There is a brilliant player there. McFazdean another vastly experienced player that has stood out when playing against him and has the physicality to outmuscle and bully if his legs are still there at 37. O'Riordan was beloved by Crewe fans and hopefully a real steal of a player with plenty of potential and Chrisene looks good when moving forward with the ball. All fairly positive, no? 

    I remember years ago reading through the comments on here. They sounded out our decline and several posters were actively praying for relegation and hoping we got beat which I found bizarre. They wanted rid of the woeful manager at the helm, who at the time was Mowbray and called for us to bin the worst player they'd ever seen, that player was JRC. My response must have been quite inflammatory as it was immediately blocked. 

    I was similarly angered at the tripe dished out when we signed Szmodics. He doesn't look too bad now does he? 

    To my knowledge this is my first post since. I don't know if it will see the light of day either. I certainly expect more to disagree than agree. 

    Yes, we have massively cut costs. Yes we aren't run well, (the on/off nature of the McGuire deal was a fiasco) but recruiting the kinds of players JDT asks for whilst not spending vast amounts highlights to me a job well done in the end. 

    Our future may well be determined in the Indian courts. Venkys for all of their failings have never shirked putting money in. Hopefully they are allowed to continue to do so and in the summer we can finally begin a Brentford model of reinvestment based on selling players of the calibre of Adam rather than letting them walk for free. 

    If this isn't the case then maybe I understand the doom and gloom of some posters but until then I'm fairly content with the job done by Broughton in this window despite him having both of his hands tied behind his back. 

    Despite the soft underbelly and the injuries we have suffered this season some of our football has been fantastic to watch and I for one am optimistic if we can keep JDT and offer him better players in the summer then we really could turn around some of the pessimistic followers and look forward to a brighter future. 

    Agree with this.

    It was far from a 10/10 window, but there are some obviously exaggerated reactions.

    But you have to bear in mind that this community seems to have a disproportionate negative outlook as opposed to the wider fan base (rightly or wrongly).

    The lad from Crewe does look a prospect and the American boy is intriguing as well.

    As for the rest, well we certainly added experience and some numbers, so let’s see how it all pans out.

    Nothing has changed my mind that we’ll be closer to the top 6 than the bottom 6 in May (10 points and a game in hand on 6th at the time of writing - even after a horror run of form).

    The worry will be what happens in the summer, with owners/funding/etc, but we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 minutes ago, Armchair supporter supremo said:

    This will be Greggs fourth transfer window and looking like another stinker on the whole (from the fans and Tommasons pov anyway!!) 

    Any respectable club would pot him and waggot now(well waggot would have been a goner years ago) 

    But in the venkys eyes as long as they're selling players they can do no wrong. 

    Who would/could have done better in the circumstances and with all of the restrictions he's had to work with?

    Genuine question.

    • Like 7
  11. 2 hours ago, philipl said:

    So now the American lad deal is back on according to some reports.

    Rovers relaying a blip in the Adam deal (before it was resolved and the deal completed) to keep Orlando in the loop became blown up as a total breakdown according to the same reports.

    GB too busy to do MacFazdean media yesterday or today.

    Back to checking social media every ten minutes today.

    Or maybe not...

    I was thinking that it would be the most Rovers thing to happen, in this scenario, for the lad to be holding up the halved shirt at some point today.

    If it does collapse due to the reasons we’ve all speculated since last night (and nobody comes in at all), I genuinely do think it’ll be the beginning of the end.

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