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Posts posted by Baz

  1. Clearly an accident Khawaja had his head down and was just focused on completing the single, he did not even see Swann.

    I terms of England in the series Root has cemented his place as opener with Cook for the winter Ashes. Bairstow has given himself some breathing space until the end of this series at least. But in my opinion Prior's place must be under pressure very few scores lately except on a couple flat tracks in NZ and lets face it his wicket keeping has always been shoddy to say the very least and this was highlighted again in this match.

    Agree on Swann, accidental. He went straight over to apologise.

    Disagree on Prior, I wouldn't change the team at all. 2-0 and cruising at this point, and without scoring a really decent total yet.

  2. It all goes in cycles. One nation can't hope to perennially be top of the rankings.

    Agree, although population size means India should have a massive advantage in the pool they can call from, also top quality coaching from youth through to international sides make a difference, as does the sports science side (identifying weaknesses etc)

  3. I dont see how batting collapses are Clarke's fault. IMO your batting lineup (and England's too) is at its worse for a long time. It doesn't help that the Aussies lack of a real world class bowler also relieves pressure on the batsmen too (England have Jimmy Dingle and to a lesser extent Swan) The first 2 tests to date have showed some real poor batting, people capable of a lot, who are just giving an easy wicket away.as long as England don't mess this 2nd innings up, then id struggle to see an Aussie win, and 2-0 down needing all to regain the Ashes will be a massive test of character for the Aussies.

  4. Making life difficult for ourselves, giving our wickets away. It looks like some of the players are still in the limited overs form at present. They need to realise they have 5 days.

    Good recovery from Bell (and the lucky Bairstow), the first hour with the new ball is vital to both sides, if the Aussies get 3 cheap wickets they are in the hunt, if England add 50-60 more it will be very difficult for Aus.

  5. I don't like the England cricket team, is it really that hard to get your head around? I don't hate England, I just hate their cricket team. I'm fine with the national football team, in fact I'm planning my trip to the next world cup. I hate the arrogance, the cheating, the hypocrisy and the attitude. That is why I don't support them.

    Weird reasons, as you could level all of those more easily at the football side.

  6. I grew up to 20 years of Aussies not walking.

    Plus as noted earlier thats 2-1 still in Aus favour in bad decisions in this test match.

    Still in the balance, if England can get another 100 runs though, its gonna be a tough day and a half batting for the Aussies.

  7. Agar is clearly no number 11, but he got lucky today. All he has done is make sure the Aussies don`t lose the test by Friday night.England are already ahead again, the massive last wicket stand was a large inconvenience, but one I am sure the ECB, Trent Bridge and the Saturday ticket holders are very grateful for.I expect England to push on in the morning, and slowly build up a lead to around 300 by the close, leaving too much for Australia to do anything with in the forth innings, when Swann will have a major role to play in winning the game, esp if Broad is not 100%.

    Optimistic Ozz. A couple of early wickets and the Aussies will be right in the mix, a good start and KP could take the game away. Trott would have been the man for tomorrow for England, a tough gritty occupation is what is called for, but he got a tough call when he looked to get an inside edge to me. Well played to the Aussies though, although that 50:50 stumping call also fell Australias way too.

    Still anyones game.

  8. Bet theres some worried folk with tickets for Saturday now...Sundays already a write off I reckon.

    Really important 1st hour tomorrow, if the Aussies survive for no more wickets lost it could be a long slog of a day in the field for England, hope Broad is fit to bowl too.

  9. Logged onto Xbox live last night ad noticed that they are giving away a free game every month for people with a gold account. At the moment its Fable 3.

    No idea if its any good or how long it will be available tho.

    Until the xboxone is launched they will be giving games away to gold members (as sony have done for ages). Fable 3 is ok, playing it at moment, its quite british, quite humorous, but a bit repetitive at the moment.

  10. May I take this opportunity to have a whinge and a rant and to offer some advice.

    I commiserate with all cyclists who complain about unthinking and idiotic motorists. I am always extremely careful when driving where there are horses and cyclists. I give way to both.

    BUT.......Cyclists, please do not go through red traffic lights. The Highway code applies to you as well as us. And pedestrian crossings are for pedestrians so if you want to use them, dismount and walk.

    My main concern is when I am a pedestrian and have to share the same path as cyclists. I would not mind doing this if cyclists showed as much respect for pedestrians as they expect from motorists. But they don't.

    Most bicycles I see have no bell fitted. There should be a law to make it an offence to ride a bicycle which has no bell. Riders should be encouraged to ring the bell at every opportunity.

    Please, please, all you cyclists, fit a bell and use it, especially well before passing pedestrians who have their backs to you. And remember that they may be deaf and not hear you.

    Places that I nearly get run over by cycles are the Guild Wheel around Preston, and Lytham promenade to Fairhaven.

    Only three times in the past two years do I remember saying "Thanks for the bell warning" to considerate cyclists.

    So, think on!

    My major gripe would be lights, they should be compulsory at night on both roads and cycle paths.

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