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Everything posted by Cocker

  1. I think this sums up what I have been thinking too. The fact is Benni wants out leaves us with a player who dosnt give a damm about us. Give us a shed load of money for him (anything above 10m will be ok for me - and I think that the people who demanded 30m are mental) My only worry after this is that the Zamora/Beattie rumours are true and the fact is nether of them will be a replacement for Benni. Please god tell me this is not the reason he seems to want to keep hold of Jeffers in case we cant replace Benni (People dont seem to want to pay the 1m we ask for him) Anyway, trust in Hughes and all will be well in the end
  2. Just thought they looked like leggins pulled right up - must have just been me that thought they looked funny then :ph34r:
  3. Yes agreed that all the songs kind of mold into the same one. Now the Enemy is an album I am looking forward too
  4. This week I have mostly been listening to The Twang. Quite good but think I may get bored of them quickly - hope I am wrong though
  5. At the time though Uncle Jack wasnt aware that there was a bidding war for the copy right to the name 'big club' between Newcastle and Birmingham so this statement will have to be retracted
  6. Really Such a strange thing to say considering how wrong it is. I know everyone it entitled to their opinion but that comment is just stupid.
  7. Bents isnt even on the bench They could have given him a couple of weeks off but no, now he has to meet up with the under 21's then when thats done he will be back with us. He will be wrecked by xmas
  8. I never expected that Bents would get in tonight but Wes Brown for Carragher
  9. Maybe Souness is telling him what to do?
  10. I have not been able to get that song from the Assasins Creed trailer out of my head so have now got a copy. For those that dont know what it is its - Lonely Soul – featuring Richard Ashcroft by UNKLE (I didnt know if to put this in the music thread so apologies if it should be in there)
  11. Watch the interview parts 1 and 2 with Jill Raymond and tell me you dont want this game - click I know I have banged on about this game before but it just looks awsome.
  12. Now Jenas for Beckham. Thats Bents not getting on then. What a crock of @#/?
  13. Explain why Shorey dosnt deserve to be there ahead of other players in his position Steven Gerrard has been excellent tonight. Joe Cole has to realise that he isnt Brazilian. Those step overs he keeps doing just look silly What a crock - Dyer and Downing on. What the hell is the point calling Bentley up if he dosnt get a chance.
  14. So, as suspected he doesn't start. Glad to see Shorey get the nod though - he deserves it. They were saying on sky sports that he might not have done had Bridge been fit but that always makes me laugh, a player that dosnt play week in week out for his club should get the nod over a player that has played ever game for his and has played well in nearly all of those games (I am not knocking Bridge by the way because I rate him higher than Ashley Cole
  15. Aye, I flew through it. Top top game but far too short. When I get time I am going to have a go at it on titan difficulty
  16. But will probably come out a year after the PS3 version. Anyway, this has yet to officially confirmed
  17. Dont know if anyone has seen this - click I wouldnt stand for it if I was the national coach.
  18. What are you talking about man? You do know Pennet plays for Liverpool? Given that:- A) he plays for Liverpool B.) he demands to be in the England team I for one cant understand why he hasnt been called up regardles of how he plays
  19. To be fair I am just watching Beckham for Madrid and he has been their best player by far tonight - which is unlucky for out Bents
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