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rog of the rovers

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Posts posted by rog of the rovers

  1. Me too unfortunately.

    I went last year and sat downstairs, but due to ticket sales had to go upstairs this year, where I was slightly disappointed with quite a few empty seats, despite all the tickets being sold.

    Maybe they didn't sell on eBay or ticketmaster, who knows!

    Also if they do move it from Blackburn, we have Blackpool, and probably another North West venue, so I'm sure you would still be able to get tickets. maybe the MEN? Not sure.

    As for the football shirts, when you buy the tickets, your given a letter by the PDC and the first rule is NO Football Shirts, so I wasn't suprised to hear a few people having to take theirs off, but my one gripe was that a few people where wearing Holland shirts, how that doesn't class as a football shirt I don't know!

    Either way a good night, plenty of beer and.................how fit was that waitress who did the walk on before it started? Katie I think she was called! :D

  2. Saw Rocky Balboa earlier on.

    I enjoyed it, a must see for all Rocky fans of course, but not bad even if you haven't seen any of the previous five.

    Well made, with some new characters. Should have been made years ago though instead of Rocky V.

    This sparked a debate with my friend, which is the best Rocky?

    Phil (my friend) opted for Rock IV with Ivan Drago as personally i opted for Rocky III and the wonders of Mr. T.

  3. The last prem place is Adrian Lewis. How dull! :(

    I think thats a good addition.

    Adrian Lewis vs. Phil Taylor. (Apprentice against the Master) and of course a meeting with Peter Manley, who psyched him out at the World Championships the year before last.

    Mardle has done nothing in the Premier League both times he's been in, would have been nice to see Ronnie Baxter in again being a local lad, but I think Lewis is as good.

  4. Its always the case, when a team is going through a sticky patch, the strikers get the blame!

    Lets not forget that both our strikers need service. Bellamy and Dickov played well in a side that was winning, these are doing ok in a side thats losing!

    Keep the faith people! Up the quality of the service, and up the performaces will go.

    Im suprised no one on the board is championing the return of Kuqi!

    Give the guys a chance.

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