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Hi Mack

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Posts posted by Hi Mack

  1. 31 minutes ago, Dreams of 1995 said:

    Che Adams is supposedly available on loan from Southampton. 100% worth a punt.

    James Chester going to Stoke. Would have been a good loan signing to provide cover for the remainder of the season.

    Cardiff signed Brad Smith yesterday on loan. He's a good little left back and gives us more than Bell.

    These are the type of transfers we should be seeing at Rovers. They are the type of loans that give your team an extra bit of firepower and see teams mount promotion pushes....or in Stoke's case survive

    Also if Sheff Wed sign Wickham then it just goes to show just what FFP means to owners who care to navigate the system.

    Che Adams will be on at least double what our highest earner is on. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Wing Wizard Windy Miller said:

    Revisit targets in summer is the latest mantra in he telegraph.  None of us saw that coming...

    When a club of our history, stature and apparent 'financial backing' can't afford the better players from league one, you know we're going nowhere in the transfer market.

    I have to agree, that statement is either a smoke screen or more likely a surrender for the rest of the season.

    If you stand still you fall away. I don't suggest we go blowing millions again but there have definitely been deals done that we should have been looking at.

    I'll reserve my full judgement until tonight.

    • Like 2
  3. Gallagher isn’t missing chances on purpose, He’s still relatively young and moved a long way from home. I do see glimpses of a decent player in there somewhere. He just doesn’t seem confident and it shows in front of goal.

    I’d love to think that he could go on a scoring run but it needs to happen soon because the team are relying on him to finish moves off, if not he will have to be dropped and we’re back to square one. 

    The major issue is we’ve bought 2 strikers who have been poor since they arrived. Unfortunately with Brereton I just can’t see what he offers, first touch is awful, he gets knocked off the ball too easy and Mowbray looks more like scoring.

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  4. The thing is TM changes his team to far too often, we can't afford to do that. We aren't City, Liverpool or Chelsea. You look outside our main 11 and whoever comes in it often weakens our team.

    When Burnley and Sheff It's got promoted they had the same team 90% of the games. It's no wonder we look disfunctional, we play a different system week after week. 

    Bennett gives his all but that can only get you so far. We need to invest in January or like previous seasons it will just die out to mid table garbage.

    • Like 5
  5. Im impressed with his first interview, seems to be a decent lad and genuinely looks excited.

    Lets see how he settles, hopefully him and Dack can form a decent midfield partnership. Johnson and Travis 

    to add the steel also. just hope our strikers can find their scoring boots.

    • Like 3
  6. I'm still laughing/crying at the fact we were screaming for a centre half all day yesterday as we were short......

    THEN we sell a CB (our captain) and get our 4th LB in on loan!! ??

    Cunningham is miles better than the other 3 but we are now welding round pegs In Square holes rather than merely placing them in. 

    Williams is now a CB, just like that.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, AdamRochina said:

    it just simply baffles me as how mowbray thinks that defence is ok and will get us by. like i have no words to explain its just so so poor from him

    It's unbelievable that one minute he says we need numerous defenders and the next he's going to coach the current crop! What exactly was he doing all last season? 

    I think TM is losing the plot.

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