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SINCE 1996
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Posts posted by MCMC1875

  1. Going back to Modi's point about the importance of writing to the club rather than emailing them.

    Try to include reference to the following passage from Rovers customer charter.

    The Club endeavours to respond to any contact from a customer within 3 working days. If it is not possible to provide a full response to the issue raised within that time, an acknowledgement will be sent and a detailed response will follow within 14 days of receipt of the original communication. The Club responds by whatever method is appropriate taking into account the nature of the initial contact

    However, I have sent dozens of emails to people at the club and the ONLY people that have ever replied are Lynsey Talbot (On behalf of JW and Lyndsey has responded to every email, promptly and efficiently) and Lee. Only Barbara McGee has failed to answer a written letter (and failed to return phone calls and forward requested information).

    So go on, write now, right now !

    PS It was intresting just how many sections of the Charter the club has managed to break in the last few years unsure.gif

    Presumably there will be a better chance of receiving a reply if the email is sent to whoever and copied to John Williams. Failing that copy it to the LET. They are up Rovers arse for obvious reasons but they also struggle to fill the paper every night.

    As for that twit John Newsham...... what a ferkin jobsworth he is! I had caue to bollock him a few years ago when at his insistance and for no goo reason the gates at the rear of the Riverside were kept closed at the end of games. It must have done some good cos it wasn't long before they were opened again. rover.gif

    BTW Dunno if its true but somebody told me that when the ground was being re-developed Newsham (who lived locally) was one of the chief objectors and main organiser of the local residents opposition to the plans and that he was given the advertised job to shut him up and control him. dry.gif

    Newsham was already on the staff before Ewood was redeveloped. He started as a perimeter steward on the Riverside close to the Darwen End and was promoted by the ex-copper who was the first Safety Manager.

  2. Haven't read all of this.

    Wouldn't stand if YOU paid ME!

    Stood at Hampden in the early 80s with lots of barriers etc.  When Scotland scored (seems like a long time ago that happened) got the legs taken from under me by celebrating numpties and fell UNDER the barriers down the terracing into a post, and hurt quite badly.

    Standing is a mugs game.  Keep it banned


    No one is advocating compulsory standing.

    Fans just want to be able to choose.

    Was seating banned after the Bradford fire? Not a chance.

    Don't force your views on everyone else.

    There will still be seats for doom mongers like you.


    At the time of your visit, in the early 80's, it is possible that Hampden Park was not yet designated under The Safety Of Sports Grounds Act and barriers were sparse then (Hampden had an extremely bad reputation due to the condition of the stadium). This contradicts your '...lots of barriers etc.' Compare this with the old Darwen End before demolition with its endless new barriers. If the work had been completed, the safety certificate would have permitted a capacity of 10,000 for this area.

    BTW, pay for yourself.


  3. Two gloroius Ripley games.

    Palace (a) Aug 1992 3-3

    Did he score before Shearer's double? (His goals were few and far between).

    Man Utd (h) 93/94 (?) 1-0 (?)

    Played a peach of a long ball (50 yrds?) from right back to Shearer outside box who stormed past Pallister before scoring that gem in the Darwen End.


  4. Don't they stand up? I think you'll find we've seen the last of them.

    Bobf - is this just of the cuff or some element of truth??

    Please let it be rolleyes.gif

    There should be a public holiday if this is confirmed.

    They are a main reason why there is such little variety in the songs sung because that idiot Boland starts them all off.

    Without them we can get back to varied, original and humourous songs!!!


  5. Colin/Alan

    No one is going to force anyone into an enclosure pen again...there will still be seats in stands!

    Even if you don't personally want to be in a packed terrace, I'll bet you can appreciate the atmosphere/noise they used to generate?

    It's all to do with supporter choice and the current 'one size fits all' mentality has got to change or we will continue to attract fewer young vocal fans to Ewood Park.

    Less of the young!


  6. It's happened before. Oh no - a few of them had "the sniffles" that was it.

    We'll win. It'll be close. 2-1. Stead and The New Brett Emerton for us. JFK for them with a typical thunderbolt of a strike. 21,101. Cold, wet and windy first half, light drizzle (oh yes) in the second. No standing. No singing. No flags. No bar staff. Standing in the Darwen End compulsory. "One more (bleeding) time" on the tannoy.

    I'll not be far off with that lot.

    You forgot the drummers.


  7. It was pointless ages ago, when people said they wouldn't vote for players they hadn't seen.

    I don't believe that was the point we were trying to make. I used it as a justification for voting for Hendry who was I believe, at his Rovers playing peak, one of the best centre halves in the world. However thanks to the other member's enthusiasm, I voted for England as my second choice purely on recommendation over Moran or Fazwho I would have voted for. So I don't think it is pointless.

    I know this argument is going to rumble on but it seems a lot of other posters have been swung to the strong points of view of older members. Which is good but it does seem to the detriment of younger poster's views. I mean let's face it Le Saux and Hendry would have worthy of a vote in any era.


    This is exactly the point that is being debated.

  8. Think of it this way, if you were the best players and captain of a struggling England team who were struggling to qualify for the WC would you play if you had a slight strain? i know i would!

    Bet Hendry would!


  9. Can you imagine if it hadnt been for Jack Walker, Ewood Park would have been included in the list.

    Nowt wrong with the old Ewood except that the BBE and Riverside gents had no roof on.

    Certainly had more atmosphere than most.

    Yes, thats right, footie grounds used to have atmosphere!


  10. why would i possibly go out my way to watch england u21s?

    Because it's an England International Game

    Because you can talent spot the up and coming England Squad

    Because we want to show off Ewood

    Because it's a special occasion

    Because our Jon Stead is playing

    Because you can

    Just Because

    Still, why would we possibly want miserable (thinking of rude word but won't say it) people there?

    I'm going, and I intend to enjoy it!

    Come on England, and Jon Stead! smile.gif

    Alternatively you can sit in a nice warm public house supping draught ale and watch the action. I know which I'll be doing. It's a Friday night, I might have gone on a Saturday but that's life dry.gif

    If you're talking about Ossy, a draughty public house with warm ale would be nearer the mark.


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