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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. tbh,footballer are not the most intelligent people,tony will be confusing with all the systems he plays,they are creatures of habit
  2. not sure why tony has picked 3 cf`s to go on the bench,you would have though he`d put a centre back in there(if he can find one that it is)
  3. sorry to offend you but he`s ***** useless,i`ve seen enough of him to realise he really is bloody useless,needs sending out on loan or offloading,he can`t even trap a football,no point wrapping it up,say it as it is
  4. he probably is`nt,however he`ll be busting a gut to prove himself,certain he`ll be moving about more than travis or evans,who were playing in concrete boots monday night
  5. im`e confident of winning this aft,at least young buckley will be eager to please and be buzzing around
  6. brereton is a the worst signing since grabbi,even worse imo,at least grabbi did have some ability
  7. does anyone know the extent or the nature of dacks injury,had no news from the club about it
  8. harry chapman still learning to be serious about it,he`ll get it by the time he`s 30
  9. we`re not set up to score goals,simple as that,mowbrays tactics are contain,keep it tight,wait for the opposition to tire or make a mistake then score (hopefully),it puzzles me mightily why he`s spent 12 million quid on two strikers he does`nt use (one on the wing and the other who appears to be anything but a footballer)
  10. got a confident feeling that it will be an uninspiring performance but a 1-0 win,i think birmingham will come to play and not kick us off the park,we can expect changes in the line up with 2 tough away games pending,bennett,tosin and gallagher to start,tony to fire up the tactic tachometer tommorow morning and come up with a strange formation,we did`nt really gell on monday night so no doubt he`ll be planning something bizarre
  11. dack has to come deep to get the ball,thats why he`s always marked tightly,if he played a free role or just behind or off a main striker he`d have loads of room,we don`t play that way though so he`ll never get the chance,holtby by the way is a great passer of the ball but does`nt have the skill or movement of dack,though i hope he gets the chance to replace him as he`s the only one left who can pass forwards
  12. they only looked useful because we let them to be honest,did anyone in that first half get in amongst the wigan midfield,no they were mincing about like tarts,we only showed passion in the last hour half hour
  13. thats the difference between managers who go to the top or are going to the top and the also rans,imo players need to be kept motivated and in fear of their place in the side,as soon as they become comfortable their levels drop considerably,i think that is what is happening,if they don`t like it then ship them out and get better ones,the great liverpool sides of the 70`s and 80`s operated on the system "if you are not doing it on the pitch then you are not getting played on saturday"
  14. im`e hoping it`s a case at the end of the season where someone in the hierarchy says "thanks for your efforts tony,you`ve done a fine job rebuilding the team and solidifying what was a squad heading nowhere,but you`ve gone as far as you possibly can,we are now looking for someone who can take us to a higher level" no disrespect to mowbray,he`s a nice fellow,was a fantastic defender but he`s reached his plateau of achievement,we cannot go any higher under his administration,i doubt this will happen but inconsistent team selections,negative tactics at home and a poor transfer policy are the hallmarks of the mowbray regime,we need a fresh start,it`s all to comfortable for some of our players
  15. pretty much impossible to guess tony`s line up,apart from walton!!!,you would think holtby is a shoe in for dack,not as mobile but a fine passer of the football,however we can`t be sure if he`ll play until tony puts the numbers in a bingo machine and picks them out,im`e sure thats what he does
  16. does anyone in the north west see wigan as a rival???they seem to be so bitter that no one takes them seriously they have to invent one
  17. that why i find armstrong and to a lesser extent rothwell so frustrating,both of them drift inside,end up nowhere and don`t find space,just tell them your job consists of two things,supporting your full back and finding space out wide
  18. nyambe was hamstrung by bloody armstrong disapearing inside and not backing him up or overlapping,same with rothwell on the otherside,neither are to intelligent football wise but can do two things,run and dribble,why the **** they keep going inside is beyond me,i think id`e end up throwing the tea urn at both of them
  19. to narrow,to slow and to predictable,disapointing result against a commited but limited side,armstrong and rothwell kept coming inside and on the rare occasions they stay wider we looked slightly dangerous,tbh the way mowbray sets the team up we are more effective away from home,tony is terrified of putting the hammer down and going for a win,we are going to miss dack,holtby is not as mobile but is a good passer of the ball,that is if he gets picked as his replacement
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