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Upside Down

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Posts posted by Upside Down

  1. FFP is a total have. There are ways they could have got around it to put money into the club and they didn't do anything.

    And for the 66393651573662993003rd time, stadium maintenance is not subject to FFP restrictions.

    Not having a do at you BTW Miller, it's just the lies and deception from the owners and their boot licking henchmen I'm sick of.

  2. 9 hours ago, arbitro said:

    It really is incredible to me that after the Digital Day fiasco Rovers are still doing what appears to be their utmost to annoy people. I'm no expert but if I was in charge on merchandising I would want as much footfall in the shop/ticket office as possible. I often go in person to buy tickets for away games and quite often have come away with something I didn't intend going in for, an impulse buy. The £10 charge for renewing in person is immoral in my view and will only achieve further angst amongst supporters who want to do it this way. The Harrogate game was an example of this when tickets could only be bought online providing a couple of criteria were met. I really tried to comply but the website wouldn't allow me to link mine and my granddaughters accounts to buy them both. I couldn't but hers separately because of her age. After a frustrating time trying to do it I was really on the verge of saying f*** it and just not going. I eventually rang the ticket office and they got one of their staff to arrange it. Rovers simply have to understand that some fans haven't got the wherewithal or equipment to buy the digitally.

    It's a really simple solution and one that has worked for many, many years. Give people a choice without fleecing them instead of discriminating against them.

    There's no need to be an expert, this stuff is the absolute basics of running a commercial business and just som basic human decency.

    I find this £10 penalty fee to be absolutely disgusting and exploitative. It's a new low even at this club.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, J*B said:

    Agree on all of this. To follow it up, let’s assume the funds don’t come and Rovers spend 5-10M this summer after generating circa 40M in the last 12 months (increase from tv revenue = 4M, Wharton = 22M, Raya = 3.35M, Szmodics = ?). If that plays out, then either:

    Waggott told the Trust dud info under a MOU


    Waggott was told one thing and the owners did another (again)

    Or both.

  4. 1 minute ago, Herbie6590 said:

    It sorts out some problems but only at the cost of creating a suite of new ones. 

    The *best* outcome is a peaceful transfer of ownership with a new owner who shares the fans passions, has deep pockets & a high level of competence/integrity. 

    …so that’s pretty straightforward 👀 😉

    That's highly unlikely to ever happen though unfortunately hence administration is the only way I can see out of it.

    As for the people who may lose their jobs, what about the numerous people that have already lost their jobs? What about the hugely detrimental effect venkys have had on the town as a whole?

    We were averaging 25,000 people going to Ewood before this cancer metastasized all throughout this club. We're now down to an average of 14,000. What about the businesses that were reliant on having the foot traffic of those extra 11,000 people?


    • Like 5
  5. 20 hours ago, lraC said:

    I actually dread to think where will be in 2 years time to be honest.

    I think the club is in serious trouble right now and will be very surprised if something major doesn't happen between now and Christmas, that put's the very future of BRFC in jeopardy. 

    Unfortunately that's the only thing I can see that will bring any kind of positive change.

    The only way I can see out of this is through administration.

    • Like 3
  6. Kompany to F.C Bayern.

    What the actual fuck.

    He spent 130 million last season and only managed to achieve 24 points. That has to be one of the biggest failures in my lifetime.

    Even the bald piece of shit managed to get more points than that.

    The whole game really is completely fucked.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Hasta said:

    Early bird no. If you decide to buy a ticket before the season starts then yes.

    Comparing Cheapest area (BBE, Riverside) Mid-Priced areas (JW wings), Expensive areas (JW Central) again other local clubs with 2 or 3 differently-priced areas.








    So in reality we're the most expensive and there’s been a price increase.

  8. 2 hours ago, TheRevAshton said:

    We need 2 strikers... if this can be the cheap backup, then i'm all for it. Big lad, apparently a good finisher, only 24.

    However, I fully expect these muppets to only sign 1 striker, in which case we need to be shopping a couple of levels above this.

    Really? I don't expect them to sign any.

    I'm sure they'll still find a way to fall short of that estimation.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Forever Blue said:

    I know mate. I was just highlighting the cynical approach. I get that it’s a business and they have to maximise revenue etc. but people will be buying blind essentially. It’s fine if you can make every kick off time but for those who can’t they might be better off just buying on a game by game basis. Surely it’s fair to have all the info to make an informed choice before you commit £350. 

    maybe I’m just naive and shouldn’t expect transparency from a football club 

    I certainly wouldn't expect it from this one.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    I gave him the benefit of the doubt regarding the relegation. I thought he did ok to get us promoted with the best squad in the league. I wasn’t best pleased when he racked our cue and let Wigan win the league.

    However he lost me in the immediate aftermath of promotion when he decided we didn’t need any high profile signings, just a few bodies to help the existing team out. 

    After that I’d no confidence in him ever taking us to the next level. He  made more bad signings than good and I was relieved when he left. I would have fired him years before then.

    Having said that we’ve had worse managers and I wish him well in his return to full health and a return to management. Some things are more important than football. As Klopp once said “ Football is the most important of the least important things in life “.

    I think that's a good summary of TM.

    He was very lucky here to have been preceded by the shittest managers we've ever had at this club. Even the promotion back was tainted by not winning the division, especially when we lost out to Wigan.

    Generally I don't think he's a very good manager. His level is stabilizing a club in this division that's just come up. Anything more than that and you need someone proper.

    I'm sure he'll make a good recovery and we'll see him back at it sooner than we think.

  11. Everything about this 'offer' cynical.

    Ends before the fixtures are released.

    Once again an early bird offer that only lasts a month, penalising those less financially well off.

    A £10 penalty fee for people who want to purchase a ticket in person, disgustingly penalising those who are not technically savvy or have adequate access to IT facilities (these people are likely to predominantly 65 and older).

    A tiny reduction on massively overpriced tickets.

    All of it has been done solely as a token gesture to make the claim that they have taken the concerns of the Trust seriously.

    The only positive thing I can glean from this is that in some ways it's not as shit as I was expecting. However, in other ways it's much much worse.

    • Like 4
  12. 5 minutes ago, CA1Rover said:

    Aye I’ve not had for one years, mainly due to that. I’m actually quite pleased that I’ll know the set dates and times up to January by the time the season kicks off this time (one positive of the new deal) so at least I can plan  ahead. Final few months will be a nightmare as usual though with 3/4 weeks notice and that’s without the trains being a complete mess as well! 12:30 Saturday is great for me personally but the Sunday midday ones, Saturday teatime or any night games mean I need to stop over. 

    That's the biggest issue I can see is the inconvenient times.

    The second tier is hardly a huge draw for viewers so our games will be shoved on at all sorts of shit times.

    3-4 weeks is borderline ok for a notice period but will it balance out the inconvenient times the games will be moved to?

    It's just shit from all involved, sky, the clubs, the league. None of them have considered the fans in any of this despite us being the lifeblood of the game.

  13. 10 minutes ago, CA1Rover said:

    In two minds about getting one with living in Carlisle and I’ll miss midweek games and anything daft they do regarding weekend kick off times as I rely on the train. 

    Am I right thinking if I get one on finance over 8 months this will be the cost;

    JW Outer - £387

    Fee of 9.88% -  £38.23

    Total Cost - £425.23

    Payment 1 - £38.23 + £48.37 = £86.60

    7 Monthly Payments - £48.37

    Thanks in advance. 

    I suppose that's the biggest thing with all those extra sky games now. They'll just rearrange whatever they want whenever they want to suit their schedule and they don't give a single fuck about the fans.

    No fixture will be set so travelling from Carlisle will be a ball ache I reckon.

    It's amazing how little consideration the fans get.

    • Like 1
  14. 41 minutes ago, Blue n White Rover said:

    Becoming a bit boring now with your constant messages after every post of mine. 

    Try adding something constructive to the argument please or stay out of it.

    Try to post something that isn't just a verbatim rendition of the club's and owners justification of an absolutely abhorrent policy aimed at fleecing loyal fans.


  15. 16 hours ago, arbitro said:

    I'm really pleased for Adam and his family and anybody with any sense could see his potential coming through the ranks at Rovers. Hearing this though only increases my intense dislike of Waggott, Pasha and the owners. The fee we got for him was well below what many thought he was worth and we were right and not with the benefit of hindsight. Of course he is playing on a bigger stage in the PL and with better players but the majority of us could see what he had playing in an average Championship team. Palace completely took advantage of the financial situation that the owners have put themselves in through their questionable business dealings.


    Well said.

    Our rave reviews of Adam are not done through rose tinted glasses, we were all saying that at the time.

    18 million is an insulting figure, not just to us but to him as well. He was easily worth double that at the bare minimum. There was absolutely no resistance from the owners and their boot licking stooges as they sold him to the very first bidder.


    • Like 7
  16. 1 hour ago, Blue n White Rover said:

    It’s a £20m turnover business that is running on £20m losses. Turnover is irrelevant. 

    A £10 surcharge for someone unwilling or unable to complete a form online is more than reasonable. I find it quite staggering you don’t in the current era. 

    It has nothing to do with being a community club. It’s about being a digital club. I am sure the club will have invested heavily in the technology to enable this, so now it’s the perfect opportunity to cash in on that investment by incentivising STH’s to renew online for a £10 saving. Great business decision.

    Even for a venkys paid account this is embarrassing.

    • Like 2
  17. 35 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

    Im sure he would prefer that but I dont get the feeling that he would kick up a fuss if he wasnt backed. And its clear that the people who matter in India dont see progressing the club as a priority, the sole focus spending as little as is possible.

    As for Nixon, a hack who covers all bases to ensure he can pat himself on the back once one of the numerous clubs he links players too comes to fruition at some point. If you choose to hang on his every word and assume he is always right, thats your choice and you arent the only one as numerous mugs even pay him money for his drivel.

    This summer a player who is currently at one club will be transferred to another club for a sum of money.

    There, I've just out Nixoned Nixon.

    Now sign up to my patreon for the low low price of £50 a month.

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