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Old Codger

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Old Codger last won the day on February 23

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    Blackburn, Green Hills. A stroll to Ewood

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  1. Nope. It is none signed, but we are in the middle of further none-signings from club believeitwhenIseeit-stikas.
  2. We don't even look good enough to achieve relegation on this showing 😞 What a shower. Bring on the new season. Let's get it over with.
  3. I think he will remain stuck on the teat until the day someone cuts off the flow of milk. He has no incentive to do otherwise, as I mean, who is going to employ the buffoon after this gig?
  4. If we are self-funding it can only be a matter of time before the club goes under, because in that scenario we are not a going concern. Worse still, self-funding means there would probably be an exodus of players who see the writing on the wall (well, at least the ones who can read) and are well enough connected to blag a switch to a rival for a buttons fee and a slice of humble pie. I'll believe it when it actually becomes a reality - still all speculation, hot air and piss from folk who, like the rest of us, are in the dark about the reality. Up-side? Well, the Steven Waggott can't last long as the biggest number on the P&L I would guess. FWAGGIT OUT! FWENKIES OUT! FANS OUT!
  5. Let's just hope the Modi government gives them a proper kicking, that they wake up and smell the onions, and slink off back to their odious pursuit of mass slaughter of fowl beasts. What would happen to the club if they were just to relinquish ownership? What wouldn't happen to the club in that scenario? (not going full Cartesian logic on these buggers just yet).
  6. It is all hot air and piss, until players actually come in. Until then, there can be no planning for the new campaign except on the basis that we wee with the willy we have already got. Names from the turgid lips of the gossip mongers and faux ITK are hot air, and the only thing that is worth paying any attention to is the sound of the pen scrawling a signature on a playing contract and the slight whoosh as an incoming recruit raises their new shirt for the obligatory 'there was only one club in my mind' photoshoot. Even the sound of the door banging on the arse of departing players isn't worth a backwards glance, as it is simply a signal that our strength in depth is being undermined and diminishing at our peril. I think that's fair enough.
  7. Budgets are one thing. Funds to spend according to budget are quite another. If the Chicken Chokers become prohibited from spending their pocket money on their overseas chattels, we can safely presume the club would be considered to be not a going concern under its current financial profile. Talk is cheap. Actions always speak louder than words. I've asked a few times what has actually happened to the income generated by recent player sales, but nobody really knows, other than those who handle the club's income, draw up the contracts and administer the funds once deposited. Football finances have always been a messy minefield. Rovers is just a bit messier than most, though somewhat obscured by Mr Lugubrious himself at the helm, and a complete lack of transparency in any of the formal reporting mechanisms available for public scrutiny. We will never have the inside track, and perhaps we never should. But we do have the right to be treated as significant stakeholders in the affairs of Blackburn Rovers Football Club, something we have been robbed of by the shameless and shameful approach adopted by the weirdos from Pune, whose handling of matters from their first approach to this very second has been nothing short of disgraceful - by any normal standards, even in the shithole that is football finance.
  8. To be fair, he probably just farted the same old guff that normally emanates from his inane chops.. Nixon spouts, nobody with an ounce of self respect gives a monkeys
  9. If it looks like horse shit, smells like horse shit... it's probably horse shit.
  10. Bickering like bastards who just don't give a toss, Nailed on relegation, relying on the dross, Waiting for some funding, from India in bags, Courtesy of Modi, and a crowd of scheming hags Meanwhile, back in Blackburn, defenders old and weak Line up juicy contracts, to play each seventh week Someone saw the writing, way before we sank That without a decent chairman, instead a dodgy plank The gravy train would rumble on, the fans can go to hell As there's shag all they can do, in truth, until the Venkys sell So we call ourselves 'The Rovers', you'll hear us still quite proud Of our history and tradition, our hearts will ne'er be cowed But the trust is gone, the heart's been ripped, the only thing that's left Is a hope that some day soon will come, to stir within our chest That our club may soon rise once again, from all the pain and tatters And we beat the Burnleh scum both legs, from me its all that matters Forget the league, the cup, the dream, and shout it from your soul Blackburn Rovers will be back one day, and rise above it all And the day will dawn, perhaps quite soon, we then will all look back, And we'll rue the day the rot set in, when Big Sam got the sack. Now I'm sure there's folk who'll say not so, whose preference was for K*#n And who'd argue Venkys ownership's the best they've ever seen, But to those odd hacks, and nine-bob notes, I hope the drugs are great Cos you'd have to be a blind, bigoted, buffoon of the lowest order to carry those patent untruths off and if you've read this far and you really do believe any of that carp, well, take a good long hard look at the reality of Blackburn Rovers in 2024. Then hang your head in shame, because it never needed to be this way. Time for a good Venky Trashing.
  11. In some parallel universe, the Venksters never rocked up - I wonder where we would be now, had there been no deal with these eejits? No doubt, if we'd maintained our Premiership status for even a short while longer, some other backing would have come forward, and at worst we would now be considered a permanent fixture in the upper echelons. Just think, a properly run, properly managed club operated at every level by people who a) know about football and b) are actually good at what they do. It's a measure of how far our expectations have fallen, that that basic scenario seems so far fetched and impossible to achieve at this point.. Bastardi! Anche uno stupido può andare in bicicletta con le ruote - E che ruote avevamo!
  12. Questions need to be asked about where the money is going that has come / is coming to the club from the Wharton, Raya & Smzmodics sales (when that happens). If the Venksters are precluded from transferring dosh from India to Rovers, is there a similar embargo on funds going the other way? If so, where is the money and why can't the club access it?
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