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bob fleming

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Posts posted by bob fleming

  1. £ 13 MILLION !!! ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif

    Gallas and Johnson on loan it is then - I can't see there being any problems in getting those two up here. What has Gallas done wrong? I think he's a fantastic player. If we get those two we may as well ask what they're doing with that little Irish one as well.

    In fact why don't Chelsea just get rid of all their players, give them away for free (to us), and start again. It's only fair to Jose Mourinho that he gets to build his own squad - it's not as if they can't afford it.

  2. Spot on USAB - at the end of the day though the lad has to show some ambition.

    So he stops and wins the league in Norway. Great.

    Reminds me of the Duff transfer, we'll get there eventually, if we're that keen.

    Sorry Tromso fans, but if he's that good, it's just a question of time. If not us, someone else. He'll me a Rovers player soon enough ohmy.gif

  3. I bet Glenn Johnson’s wishing now he hadn’t joined Chelsea now.

    Ah yes - but Johnson was only £6 million - which the Russian probably found down the back of his sofa one evening. Should we try for him on loan?

    £13 million for a right back?!?! Never mind different league - different planet. If it wasn't ridiculous before.....

  4. The only reason for getting a Season Ticket is the lack of hassle.

    Can I correct you bob please..the MAIN reason for having a season ticket is to financially support the club.

    SG194 - I did actually say the "only reason" - which was a mistake as I also put "but at the end of the day the money does actually help the club if it's provided up front." which in my book constitutes financially supporting the club. There, that's some more hairs split.

    Having read further posts the benefits can be summarized as follows:-

    1. (Financially) Support Blackburn Rovers Football Club.

    2. It's actually Cheaper than buying individual tickets! (I was renewing anyway and haven’t read the blurb to be honest - but have the club made as bigger deal of this as perhaps they should? Stick that in your talking bus shelter – you never know)

    3. Less Hassle.

    4. Guaranteed tickets for Cup Games.

    5. What else are you going to do with your time? Decorating? Shopping?


    I don't think there is one.

    I got the pack through yesterday and it was completed in a couple of minutes and sent back in the post with a cheque. (So there's no escape Kayos) As Paul said they're an improvement on last year as they already have all the details on the form. An idiot could fill it in in a matter of minutes, as I prove to myself.

    The only reason for getting a Season Ticket is the lack of hassle. Lack of hassle in not having to ring up and order every other week, lack of hassle on knowing whether or not you'll get to sit where you want and also the guarantee that you will indeed get to see the team. Sure we never sell out but what if we do one day? It offers peace of mind.

    Plus if we to go on a Cup run of sorts the ST holders get first choice for away games plus we can all avoid the mad rush for tickets.

    Plus - we could all not get ST's but at the end of the day the money does actually help the club if it's provided up front. The thought that the club can now pay another 1.54% of Dwight Yorke's weekly wage cheers me up no end. Joking aside the club needs the money, it may even go towards buying another player in (or at least paying one off). Who know's?

    The downside is that we won't be able to come on here or write to the LET and moan about a. "the amount of time I spent holding on the phone trying to get through to the Ticket Office" b. "I've been going to Ewood for 97 years and I'm disgusted that I can't get a ticket for the Quarter Final of the FA Cup at Shrewsbury due to the fact that they've only given us an allocation of 550" c. "I ordered my tickets from the TO yesterday and asked them to be posted out, this was at 4.55pm on Friday - it's now 7.35am Saturday and I still haven't got them - it's a disgrace Rovers."

  6. I thought I'd made it clear that I wouldnt be getting a Rovers season ticket this year- or for the foreseeable future- nothing to do with the first division (indeed I'd have been more likely to have got one there because he'd no longer have been manager- if the Board had any sense.)

    Jan, just out of interest, is the reason that your not getting a season ticket purely down to the fact that Souness is still manager, or are there other reasons as well?

  7. Is there anyone else up for being a bit less quick to criticise?

    I think your over reacting a bit too quickly there in deciding not to be too critical, too soon.

    All the noises coming out of Ewood suggest that Cole will be here next season. Cole wants to stop and we don't want to sell (WBA were told to take their interest elsewhere I think I read). So, as I've already said: -

    Dickov is a good signing IMO (+10 PL goals, £100,000, 8 other clubs after him = a bad player?). If he turns out to be a load of rubbish, doesn't try, and adds nothing to the spirit of the squad then I'll hold my hand up (again).

    If Cole was to leave (let's be honest anything could yet happen) I can only presume that we'd be in the market for a replacement.

    For those saying we need a signing to "excite" the fans. I agree. But as Brian Potter once said "I want to moon walk son, but it ain't gonna happen".

    We haven't got a load of cash to blow (a similar situation to a lot of other clubs) if we can pick up a couple more signings (left winger/midfielder / centre half / right back / replacement for Tugay - er, hang on...) then great, we'll have done well on a limited budget.

    Unfortunately our going out and blowing £7.5 million on a player, such as Kevin Davies have gone. Now that would have been exciting.

  8. So there were nine Premier League clubs who wanted him? Just wonder how many are preparing bids for our Dwight?

    AndyC - "Oh well - 90% of the rovers faithful will be happy. They will see a player dieing for the cause. A player prepared to crash though the advertising hoardings to save a throw in. Someone who will kiss the badge and really really mean it. Someone the fans can relate too?"

    Besides the badge kissing, which is so last year, Yes - I bloody hope so - it will make a nice change from the behaviour of a certain striker currently on our books.

    AndyC - "I'd rather have Yorke any day than dickov"

    Yes - that one.

  9. Actually, I might be able to put your spelling prowess to use.  Can you lend me a hand with this little puzzle?  (I've been mulling over it for awhile but haven't been able to come up with the solution).

    Quizz time.Which is the odd one out???

    Leicester  city?


    West Brom?

    Blackburn rRovers?



    It's a tricky one and no mistake.

    Is it....

    1. Leicester is the only one to have an unnecessary gap of two spaces? (between Leicester and "city")

    2. Leicester's name is the only one spelt incorrectly with the use of "city" instead of "City"?

    3. "Rovers" is the only team name to have an unnecessary lower case "r" in front of it?

    4. Paul Dickov has played for Leicester and not the others?

    5. They all play in blue? (no - that can't be right)

    6. Blackburn Rovers are the only team to have won the Premier League?

    7. Blackburn Rovers are the only team to have played in Europe in recent years?

    8. Fulham?

    9. Are Blackburn Rovers the only club to have made an official bid for Leicester player Paul Dickov?

    10. Top TV funny man Frank Skinner supports West Brom but not the others?

    11. (Back on topic - sort of) Blackburn Rovers are the only club trying to secure the services of Norwegian International Pedersen?

    Who knows? I'm at a loss. It's probably No. 8. I doubt we'll ever know the answer.

  10. Thing is we've been in exactly the same situation before with Damian Duff so we know how you feel.

    Come now, bob. For the last time, it's DamiEn. You know, like AndREsen. And GallaGher.

    You're a disgrace.

    I'm Glad you weren't my English teacher at School biggrin.gif

    Too right. I hold my hand up with the constant miss spelling of Damien but I thought I was getting the hang of Andresen and Gallagher. To be honest Philly you've completely shattered my confidence - instead of encouraging me you've knocked me for six. I'll be afraid to make another mistake now. Oh well.

  11. He wont be a millionaire if he stays in Norway ..... thats the only difference. 

    Unfortunately that is quite a big difference isn't it?

    Thing is we've been in exactly the same situation before with Damian Duff so we know how you feel. Sure it might not happen this summer but eventually, if he is good enough, he'll be off to another club.

    If it's any consolation if he does eventually come to Rovers and proves to be a fantastic player then the chances are eventually we'll lose him as well. Hopefully he'll be brilliant - but not too brilliant - or Abramovich will be back again.

    If he stops with Rovers he won't become a multi, multi millionaire...... thats the only difference. wink.gif

  12. Does anyone else think that Jet's "Will you be my Woman" is one of the finest singles for many, many years? seems to me that's how rock music was and should be.

    I think it's great, I bought the album off the back of that song and it's...well, utter rubbish. Great song though.

    It's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" isn't it? Sorry for being pedantic. Tis a great tune and no mistake. The album is average at best though - hopefully they'll improve on the next one. It's all been done better before - try Powerage or Let There Be Rock - in fact any album by AC/DC when Bon Scott was the singer.

  13. I know that transfers can take a lot of time and what have you but there seems to be one hell of a lot of mincing around going on here. What is it? 2 weeks after confirming our interest? Have we made a formal bid? No. I don't know, call me old fashioned ("You're old fashioned!") but perhaps that might help?

    I'd imagine that the negotiations will go something like this - but bear in mind this is a concise version of events that may take place over four or five weeks - a series of complex discussions involving Agents, the two football clubs, the player himself, bank managers, lawyers and various hangers on.

    Rovers: "We want him for £1.5m and we want him now"

    Tromsø: "No."

    R: "How's about £2m? But we still want him now."

    T: "No."

    R: "OK - Goodbye."

  14. bob fleming braking wind)

    tongue.gif Count yourself lucky Alan - I have to sit behind him!! tongue.giftongue.gif

    So, to summarise:-

    JW Lower central £480

    JW Blackburn End £455

    BBE outer - no price change

    BBE behind Bob Fleming £12.35 (including free matchday magazine for wafting)

    Woah! Woah! Woah! Sweet Child of Mine!*- Wait just a minute - what's all this about you cheeky blighters?!?

    I turn my back for a few hours and when I return to this MB there's all sorts of accusations going on. I'd like to set the record straight here and now. I have never, ever, broken wind. Not even once.

    However - I intend to do so next season on a more than regular basis so bring your match day magazine 'cause boy are you going to need it Kayos.

    Now if that doesn't get a few more season ticket holders for the club I don't know what will.

    Superstella - I have to agree with you about the "More To Shout About" flyer - a complete waste of money. What's the point? Will BT start sending me a letter soon to tell me I should expect my bill in the next couple of days? Just send the ruddy thing - I'll know what it is when it turns up.

    Anyway, how much are first class stamps these days? I've absolutely no idea, let's call it a couple of quid. So that's £2 x say 20,000 on the mailing list. That's about £ 58,000 - you'd could pay Dwight Yorke's right arm off with that.


  15. Mrs F can speak French, German and Italian. She actually teaches French and German. She's a smart arse. I can speak English but I am able to order drinks in most European Countries (with some prompting and the aid of an English speaking barmaid / barman). None of which is going to help us land Pedersen by the way but there there you go. Just out of interest what's Norwegian for "Look Pedersen what do you want to do? Stop here or go and play in the Premier League for Blackburn Rovers? Come on fella it's not too hard a decision is it?"

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