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bob fleming

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Posts posted by bob fleming

  1. Scotty - I agree a Davies and Cole partnership would be ideal - that's why I'm disappointed with the McBride thing - he sounded ideal.

    Cole & Yorke together, for me, is a complete nightmare. You know what you're going to get - and it ain't much variety. "Ball into feet please" or "Ball just behind the defence please thank you please" - otherwise they ain't bothered.

    They're better when they they don't play together - if you see what I mean. I'd be more than happy if Yorke (or Cole, believe it or not) was to leave in this window and we could replace with a "worker" of a CF.

  2. Agree with rover6? So do I strange as it feels. We simply haven't replaced Duff at all.

    Just because we can't get anyone on the left wing as good as Duff doesn't mean we shouldn't have anyone there at all. Even if we can't have Duff's trickery and delivery we still need someone who can knock a cross in every now and then.

    hmm, agree up to a point, although obviously replacing Duff is a non-starter.

    And if Rovers ever do employ another player to beat the opposing right back and get a cross in, Souness would do well never to play him for more than 45 minutes at Ewood - the 45 we attack the Blackburn End.

    The first time on his debut he doesn't produce what Duff used to the Riverside will be awash with murmours of discontent, the second time they'll want the poor guy slung out of the club.

    Ah yes! - But it didn't stop Wilcox though did it? (Although they did try). All you need is someone who is as stubborn as a mule (i.e. a "handbag") or as thick as pig **** or someone with immense skill. My money's on one of the first two.

    Agree with FLB (can't agree with rover6 - doesn't feel right) we should at least try and get a left winger in. You know, stretch the game a bit, make the defence work, create space, add balance, and get crosses in, that sort of thing.

    Who knows the "wingers" (sorry, I know we don't say that word anymore) may even drop back in and provide cover for the defence.

    How bizarre.

  3. BobF - In a swings and roundabout way you might have hit it on the head there -in my opinion he should stop his SKY appearance and concentrate on our problems (if that makes any sense)

    I was one of those who thought GS should reduce his Sky commitments whilst we were struggling and to be fair I was recently thinking it's quite noticeable he has done so.

    (Unless I've missed him every time he's been on.)

    To be honest I don't think it matters. At least he gets to see other teams in a scouting capacity, which can't do us any harm whatsoever.

    He'll also be able to decide which players we should be looking to sign and then, subsequently, miss out on.  

    Oooohh - get her!!

  4. The worst thing right now is to have a manager who is semi-detatched and dispondent.

    We all have low periods at work and know what helps us get through them. I was just thinking how on earth do you gee yourself up as a football manager?

    Why you just have a look at your Paycheck, smile and say gee up I'm on a doddle here.

    You could also say to yourself - "Well they could always sack me - but they'd have to pay my contract up - and then I could go and work for Sky full time - I'd be quids in" - if you really wanted, that might cheer some managers up, but maybe not Souness.

  5. Yes, yes, but have they found the kitten!?

    They've found the kitten. Alan Smith had it. They've also found the third Krugeraand twin. Which is nice.

    As Rev has said - hopefully someone will buy half of Leeds team in the next week or so - thus more or less condemning them to relegation. Harsh but ultimately necessary in our current predicament.

  6. rover6 - I really do get the impression that you're enjoying all this. I noticed that you've also changed the messages at the bottom of you posts - a really nice touch. Blackburn Rovers are really struggling this season, please try and show that you care because at the moment you appear to be drawing more satisfaction from our predicament than your average burnley fan.
  7. Don't be too surprised to see the Weddos reform!

    Now that would be something! Get them down KGH!!

    Currently listening to popular rock group Ash. Their Intergalactic Sonic 7's CD. Picked it up for £6.99 from HMV. You could do a lot worse you know.

  8. For pure genius combined with absolute energy you can't beat The Wedding Present.

    George Best, Bizarro and Seamonsters are three of the finest albums ever made!

    Couldn't agree more.

    George Best and Bizarro were quality and Anyone Can Make A Mistake is one of my favourite all time songs.

    Went to see them 10 times in the late 80's and they were 1 hour of pure energy and noise, mixed with David Gedge's unique humour.

    No encores and off home. When asked why he didn't do encores he used to say, 'if Fanny Craddock made a beautiful tasting cake would you ask her to make you another?'.

    Totally profound.

    The Wedding Present were, in my own humble opinion, one of this countries finest and most underrated bands.

    Despite their bad press I bought every album and love them all. George Best and Bizarro are their finest moments though I have to agree.

    Only saw them the once - in Carlisle of all places. Tremendous stuff.

    Wonder where Dave Gedge is these days?

  9. he is making riffs with players

    He doesn't even play the guitar  :sarc:

    Maybe that's where it's all going wrong - if Souness and Co. are sat round creating riffs and having a jamming session then it's no wonder we're in this sorry state. Less Jimmy Page and more Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink please otherwise we're on the highway to hell.

  10. On the contrary he must stay.

    See you in the 1st div next season.

    Would love to see it (and Leeds) and see how you handle the real world without the sky money

    Half term can be really boring can't it?

    Get a grip. Go get yourself a part time job or something. You could always be a substitute for 'tclarets at Wolves?

  11. Whilst we haven't yet reached the point of no return with Souness you can certainly see it approaching in the distance.

    We need to get some results. The Carling Cup is obviously not as important as the league but I'd take a good result and a good PERFORMANCE against Liverpool.

    Leicester. If we lose this one then the alarm bells will start warming up and getting out of their tracksuits.

    It's crunch time. Those that say we shouldn't get rid of Souness, that "replacing him with Manager X - what good will that do?"  -  I just hope that we don't get to the point where we all start thinking "Well we've nothing left to lose we may as well try someone else". More defeats will bring that day closer I'm afraid.

    HOWEVER let's get all these negative thoughts out the way.

    It's a big game on Wednesday - get down to Ewood and get behind them. Let's show how we, as Blackburn Rovers fans, react when faced with adversity. It's time to make some noise.

  12. Fulham play with Boa Morte and Malbranque on the wings. Pacy players who become strikers on the counter attack.

    We have Emerton and Tommo who either don't want to play there, or can't.

    Absolutely spot on - and there lies, IMO, the reason why we're struggling so badly.

    Maybe they're told to constantly cut in all the time?

    Either way they're offering little to the team at the moment. If you are to play 5 across the middle then at least one of them should stop out wide?

  13. If things don't pick up then there might well be a change at the top. I still think we're some way off that point though.

    Either way I don't want Paul Sturrock - I know nothing of the man - I know Plymouth are top, or near the top of Division Two - but I don't want him because rover6 is either related to him or his agent / lover. Or all three.

  14. Queens of the Stone Age - Their first album is - on the whole - pants. Their second and third on the other hand are marvellous.

    Strange, I think the first album is the best of the three (Rated R being the worst). Regular John is an amazing song.

    Just goes to show that it's all about opinons - one mans cup of tea is anothers pint of mild. Third LP is the best for me.

  15. Unbelievable! There's 99 tracks on that box set and your favourites not on there! What are the chances? You don't sit on the Riverside do you?

    You can probably pick up No Remorse on CD for 6 - 7 quid (which has Locomotive on) as a cheap alternative anyway. Top drumming!

  16. Disappointing stuff recently acquired: -

    Jet - poor - read the reviews and all that but very average.

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - 2nd album - just like the first - no new tricks - maybe I have to play it a bit more.

    Queens of the Stone Age - Their first album is - on the whole - pants. Their second and third on the other hand are marvellous.

    The Darkness - what a load of old pony. Fortunately I didn't buy it - just got a copy. Ironic? There's nowt ironic about being sh***.

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