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Posts posted by Stuart

  1. 42 minutes ago, jim mk2 said:

    Flirting with relegation might have woken someone up either in the boardroom or in India that Mowbray needs to be sacked.

    As it is, safety means we've got him for another season of agony

    If this season’s target was top 6 then he has already failed and wheels will be in motion regardless of this result.

    If this season’s target wasn’t top 6 then we have bigger problems than Mowbray.

    • Like 3
  2. 13 minutes ago, jim mk2 said:

    Are we celebrating 11 points out of 48?

    If it keeps us up, yes.

    Mowbray is going nowhere and if we are relegated I think it will be a long long time before we get back.

    The only thing more damning than the lack of progress in the last three seasons is the state of our squad after Mowbray has finished with it.

    This side minus the loanees and end of contracts, and with Armstrong gone would struggle badly in the third tier.

  3. 6 hours ago, Southside Rover said:

    No the club local to me where I live these days is Rushden & Diamonds.

    They had their own Jack Walker in the shape of Max Griggs who founded Dr Martens boots.

    He had a vision to reach the football league and was everything you want in a chairman, like Jack Walker.

    They reach the old division 2 and were pushing for the play offs but Max couldn't afford to bank roll it anymore. So he gave it debt free to the fans.

    The fans were not able to run it, released the top earners to bigger clubs to reduce the wage bill and then several relegation followed. 

    Then the club stabilised for a few years and started to show shoots of recovery until it was taken over by a poorer version of Venkys. The club was soon dissolved and launched an AFC club a year later. Its been successful but hard honest work by the locals. They don't entertain the thought of a buyer, everything is voted on by the members. A similar model to Wimbledon yes. 

    As I say, will they be league 1, I doubt it but do they have a club they have a connection to that they are part of, can be passionate about and feel they matter, absolutely. I read the threads on here and just think rather than watching rugby or another local team or even walking dogs instead, an AFC club would give a lot of fans what they want and miss but also impact the current regime that's driving fans away in their droves.

    Also maintains that connection and affinity to the club we've followed for years.

    Are Venkys going anywhere? Not likely. Is that patronising, dishonest dinosaur going anywhere? Feeling less and less likely so how far does it have to go. Just not healthy

    Excellent post.

    Venkys leaving and giving the club to fans debt free is extremely unlikely in my view as I think they would put it into admin first. If they did though we would follow a similar path to R&D.

    I’d like to think that fans would rally round and we would get 15,000 fans prepared to pay £350-£400 each. So about £3.5m excluding sponsorship (5000 x high priced). Ignoring any running costs (volunteers?) and tax (maybe find a way for sponsorship income to cover that), 18 players on 2 year contracts for £7m for 52 weeks a year means a flat rate contract 20k per year.

    Factor back in tax and costs and you can probably half that. Still not bad and you’d have to set up a pay structure.

    These are the kinds of calculations that people at the club are probably making right now but there are two big problems with that (which are somewhat related).

    First, Venkys are billionaire business owners who could solve our problems in an instant but choose to put in the absolute minimum, so these costs are a manufactured problem. The second is that fans have been and continue to be treated with utter contempt. A third lesser problem is the ‘brand’ of football from Mowbray - it’s not about entertainment through playing nice looking passes and keeping hold of the ball, it’s about winning football matches.

    There is nothing entertaining about losing, it’s a necessary evil and the ratio of wins to losses will determine to an extent whether you can blag a great performance despite a defeat. Too many and it gets old, which is why being a football manager is such a precarious and high turnover job.

    I could stomach the penny pinching and the excuses and cutting our cloth if it was an honest set up where the owners genuinely had little cash but were doing everything they could to get what they could and give it to Rovers. Personally I’d support an AFC Rovers like that.

    Trying to pretend we are AFC Rovers now with our crap pitch, grubby stadium and schemes to rip up the academy complex while “someone” at the club is taking out £300k. No, sorry, not accepting that as a pauper’s reality.

    • Like 5
  4. 7 hours ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    I agree totally with everything you say about Mowbray but Lambert played us. He 100% thought he was getting the Celtic job at the end of his time with us.

    His having that exit clause in his contract was geared towards what he thought his next job would be and little to do with his dignity or Venkys running of the club. 

    Like Rev, we’ll have to agree to disagree.

    He wanted assurances that didn’t materialise. If he had been given the Rhodes money to spend things could have been very different. Instead, it just backed up his original concerns.

    I trust Lambert’s judgement over Venkys.

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    ‘Unfortunatelee with the set back with wor training groouunndd, we’ve had to put on hold the planned pitch work’

    ... which leads to a flood of... ‘well we’ve got the negative Rovers ‘fans’ to thank for that’ tweets.

    Nope we are the positive Rovers fans, let’s have it right.

    The negative ones are those happy to put up with all this crap.

    • Like 4
  6. 4 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:


    We'll have to agree to disagree on Lambert.

    Since he left I've been waiting for him to prove me wrong and he's been lurching from one disaster to another.

    He brought in several of the players who we were still relying on two managers later (and helped get us promoted). Wonder if we’ll be saying the same about Mowbray?

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Wash your mouth out, he's as bad as Mowbray.

    If he joined until the end of the season he'd also insert a clause allowing him to jump ship if he lost the first two.

    Why do you keep saying stuff like this - even at this point?

    Lambert saw the writing on the wall and didn’t sign up to a deal that he’d be stuck with. He saw through the BS and left with his dignity intact.

    Mowbray is more than happy to take the cash while Rovers slide down the table. He has become the source of the BS and will leave as one of the least dignified managers in our history.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Tom said:

    We were never going up and never going down so it doesn’t matter apparently 


    Why bother?

    This man should be nowhere near our football club.

    Anywhere else here have been sacked directly after the chairman watched that video. Here he gets a free pass from the CEO, the “owners representative”, and ultimately the owners.

    At this point he must know he has lost the majority of our remaining fanbase but do our sponsors really want to be associated with this club if this is the direction the “manager” is taking it?

    You cannot afford to think you are automatically staying up, if you do you will be relegated.

    The only hope is that this is sour grapes because he knows he is finished, otherwise I fear we will be in the bottom three all next season. And that’s if we stay up.

    • Like 9
  9. 1 hour ago, Riversider28 said:

    You can forget about looking for a new manager if we get two more wins. That will guarantee Tony staying for another season after he’s bull shatted  the loons on his annual pilgrimage to Venkyville.

    I guess that’s the dilemma.

    The hope then is that we lose every game but the rest of the teams who matter don’t get enough points.

    Surviving on the last day on goal difference would be the best - and worst - outcome. Not sure any of us could cope with that mind!

    • Like 1
  10. On 13/04/2021 at 21:24, islander200 said:

    Rotherham still have Brentford and Barnsley to play away from home.Play Coventry and Birmingham too.

    Hard to see another win with the way we have been playing and with Mowbray still in charge,so hopefully we can scrape a draw or too and hope results are kind in other matches.

    Echo others comments , unbelievable we are in the position we are in.Have never been Mowbray's biggest fan but let myself get carried away after what on paper I thought was a decent summer window and the performances  at the beginning of the season and didn't want him sacked until performances took a massive downturn  so apologies to anyone I had disagreements with over it and fair play for your foresight.

    Very big of you to say that but there’s no need. We all comment on what we see at the time and everyone who posts on here (except for the odd guest) are all passionate Rovers supporters who just want to see us be successful.

    The only thing I would suggest (and this isn’t aimed at you) is that people should let go of historical disagreements and simply discuss and debate what people post and not who they are/were perceived to be.

    • Like 4
  11. On 12/04/2021 at 15:19, darrenrover said:

    I don't entirely disagree ER but Mowbray wouldn't be able to get a tune out of Gazza, Gerrard, Zidane, Lampard and Shearer in their prime, never mind a kid who's just turned 18.

    The kid has clearly got talent in abundance but as with every bugger else, the gurning Mogadon has clearly knocked the stuffing out of him.

    Exactly. You only have to look at what Allardyce got out of the same group of players that Kean had to see the impact that a good and bad manager have on players.

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