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jim mk2

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Posts posted by jim mk2

  1. A singing area seems a good idea but it would involve some radical re-distribution of season tickets during the summer. Personally, I'd move the family stand to the JW Lower and sell tickets in the whole of the Blackburn End with the proviso that the stand is a designated singing area and you're expected to make a noise.

    I have been saying for years that the ground needs to be reconfigured. Glad to see someone else agrees with me.

    Ideally the corporate boxes should also be moved, preferably to a rebuilt Riverside, but shifting the family area to the JW and giving over the whole of the Blackburn End to the core support should not be too difficult.

    It's a good, practical idea that deserves consideration by the club management.

  2. Some worrying posts by supporters who seem to have lost the faith. Eighteen months ago, with Rovers pushing for a Uefa Cup place playing exciting attacking football, would they have said the same then ?

    Hughes has a tough battle - to deliver the points necessary to ensure Premiership surival and at the same time entertain fans fed up with turgid performances by players who seemingly could not care less. Can he deliver ?

  3. .

    Not many Blackburn midfielders can claim they have led their club to the ultimate glory !

    And not many Rovers right halves have made 579 appearances for their only league club (2 as substitute), scoring 15 goals, and won 35 England caps, five of them as captain.

    No contest really. But that's for another day.

    Pleased to see Duggie winning but sad that Fergie has only one vote. Ripley was not in the same class.

  4. by the way - when does Ronnie Clayton get a look in? I thought he played right back/winger?

    Err, it's called right half in old money.

    Presumably he will be competing for a place in "midfield" with such all-times greats as Sherwood and Batty.

  5. If, with the home support observing the rules, the club fail to address the away fans issue

    As I said before, the onus should not be on the home club to control away fans. Home stewards policing away fans is bound to lead to confrontation.

    Away supporters must be policed by their own stewards, who ensure that fans obey the rules regarding sitting down at matches.

    If away fans ignore their stewards and still persist in standing, then the away clubs should be fined. Only by hitting clubs in the pocket will football start to solve the problem.

  6. I want to enjoy it and rant and rave as and when and not resort to arguing with somebody if they CHOOSE to sit because I am interfering with their line of view or comfort.

    Alternatively, I want to enjoy it and rant and rave as and when and not resort to arguing with somebody if they are standing up and interfering with my line of view.

    It is selfish attitudes such as yours that are causing the problems.

    I pay what I consider alot of money to sit down and watch a football match and I do not want someone in front of me blocking my vision.

    The rules are that you must sit down. If you don't like it, stay at home.

  7. .

    Anti social behaviour is for the morons who consistently go around making peoples lives a misery

    that would mean that the likes of Southampton shouild bring their own stewards, their own supervisors, their own Police and the like.

    As far as I am concerned, those who stand up and refuse to sit down are making my life and that of others a misery by spoiling my enjoyment of a football match. That makes it anti-social behaviour in my book.

    Your suggestion that away clubs should supply their own stewards to supervise their fans is an excellent one and may be the answer to the problem.

  8. Yes I stand if my view is obscured by people in front standing .

    And therein lies the problem.

    Supporters have to stand because the ones in front are standing too.

    And what happens if you ask them (as I have done done many times, politely) to sit down ? They either laugh in your face, give you verbal abuse or threaten you with violence.

    These idiots stand because they know they can get away with it.

    Stewards/police should remove all those fans who stand up throughout the match without due regard for those sitting behind them. They should be ejected from the ground and banned from Ewood.

  9. Standing up at football matches is another form of anti-social behaviour in my view.

    The club has to take firm action to deal with this growing problem. The only way as I see it is to adopt a "zero tolerance" approach.

    All those "supporters" - home and away - who persist in standing up, to the detriment of law-abiding fans who are happy to watch the match sitting down, should be thrown out of the ground and banned from the ground.

    These are the same morons who continue to defy smoking bans on trains and in restaurants, the same cretins who litter the streets instead of putting their rubbish in a bin or take it home, the same imbeciles who endanger other people's lives by breaking the speed limit on the roads.

    They should not be allowed to attend football matches until they have learnt how to behave properly.

  10. [

    btw I bet it was Jim who voted for Fergy, probably with the intention of keeping Duggy for the inside forward position.  Am I close Jim?

    I voted for Duggie but Fergie was a wonderful player too. More of a crowd darling than Duggie, if I remember correctly.

    The size of the vote for Ripley is ludicrous. Fifty years from now, people will wonder who he was.

  11. --------- Friedel ---------

    Neill -- Amoruso -- Short -- Gray

    --------- Flitcroft ---------

    Emerton -- Ferguson -- Douglas -- Djorkaeff

    --------- Dickov -----------

    I would imagine Premiership managers looking at line-up and rubbing their hands with glee. If we are honest, that team would struggle in the first division.

    Somehow, we have to scramble for points until January and then hope that the board releases funds for at least four new players.

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