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Everything posted by joey_big_nose

  1. I think Blackburn Rovers are at the pinicle of their current potential. To say that Souness has taken them as far as he can means that he has to be replaced, and someone else come in! This would be almost impossible! If you look at the type of side that we are, it is impossible to argue that we deserve to be in a better position than we are. As is acknowledged by all managers in the premiership at some point, any team can beat anyone on their day. The difference between the clubs from 6th to 17th is very little, and this only goes to prove the point. Last season it was us and Everton who were at the top of the mid table sides, this season it is Villa, Charlton, and Fulham. What Souness has done for us is ensure that we have Premiership football for another season. He has weathered the storm I believe, and will go into next season having learned from the last. To say that this season has been a failure is over the top. Priority number one is all but achieved. Cups will be played for again next season, but dropping down a league is the only thing in my book that would constitute a season of failure for Rovers. That isnt going to happen, so we have avoided disaster. What the club really needs at this point is continuity; a change in manager would disrupt what is an evolving team. If you look at the events of last summer with Duff and Dunn leaving, a period of transition was almost inevitable. Souness may have cut it fine, but he and the team have succeeded in keeping this club in a position where it has the potetial to grow. In my eyes we are still a season or two off stepping it up a level. Yes we were in Europe last season, but we are clearly not a club that can compete at that level yet. Souness recognises that all that is important for Rovers is to be in the Premiership. That is all Blackburn can and should aim for at the moment. A change of manager therefore would be harmful. Souness is keeping us at the top of our current potential and fulfilling the goal that is required of him. Consistency and a long term plan is what is required. We saw the problems created by short term goals after we won the league. Business guru and allround wise one Jack Walker saw the fact that Rovers won the title a year too early. Establishing ourselves as a Premiership club is goal number one. Aiming too high has huge implications, as we have seen from Rovers disgruntled home support this season, having a negative effect on home form. Souness is the man to keep this club moving up. His resignation would be a disaster for Rovers. What an excellent post, one which I sort of both agree and disagree with. I agree with the principle that Rovers need to develop- we have class players in every position bar the left of midfield (one which will hopefully be addressed in the summer), indeed in terms of pesonnel we are superior to a large amount of teams above us. We have been unlucky with injuries and underperformance in vital areas- Emerton stands out particularly being our main midfield attacking threat. On the other hand it is hard to say Souness is committed to a long term strategy of development, and the aim to compete regularly in the top six- going for the grail of Champions League qualification. He said it himself, if you stand still you fall behind. Fair enough, injuries and so forth have made a nonsense of a consistent team, yet he dosnt give off the air of man who knows where we will be in two years. Frankly we need a core squad of 14-16 players who are committed to the club and sufficently talented to consistently secure a top eight finish. People will cry this is ridiculous optimism but I will point to the players at our disposal. We have to have confidence in our own ability and the question is whether Souness does. Does Souness think himself calpable of taking us that far, and if he does how does he expect to achieve it? There are a lot of teams on a similar footing to us (Villa, Charlton, Fulham etc.) but the one who is going to make the step up to join Newcastle and Liverpool is going to be the one who wants it most, and is the most prepared to do it. Top Eight class Players: Friedel, Niell, Amoruso, Short (getting on a bit), Nissa, Gray, Thompson, Ferguson, Emerton (if he pulls his bloody finger out!), Tugay (getting on a bit), Stead, Cole, Gallagher. A decent left winger and we hit the fourteen player target. Hopefully younger players such as Reid, Donnelly (dreaming?) and Douglas can make more of an impact next season to take the reigns of the older ones. Top Eight Class manager: Souness?
  2. Cheeky buggers. I hear their sniffing around Prso also. Get your finger out Souness... And you have to say that if you were prso you would be more intrigued about playing with Rivaldo than say Barry Feguson. That plus the extra tickets sold and the vague possibiity of some Brazilain flair makes it an excellent signing.
  3. Utterly amazing. I quite liked Ron in a kind of buffoonish way, his (un racist) abuses of the human language were very entertaining. I think perhaps that word that Atkinson so unfortunately chose to employ is now the single most powerful exclamation in the world. It ended a career. One word, not even said on air, ended a career. Incredible.
  4. Im not sure when we are trying to pick up the points to survive the fans having a go at the manager publicly in the stands is a good idea. We have only got six games left and we need to raise the team rather than disspirit them. IU agree Souness needs to go though.
  5. Funny that you should bring up Rover 6's early posting career, I had just been noticing his mellowing on the old Souness out mantra. Its still there mind. My own opinion is that Souness' has done little that is drastically wrong, his tactics, transfers and so on have been on par or better with most other mid table teams over the last two seasons. He has never on the other hand made a team that copes well in a fight like we are now (which seems odd when compared to his personality). That is the central problem- we cannot grind things out. We prefer controlled possesion footbal but we dont have the personnel (mostly due to injuries, but the lack of a left sided player is a big issue) or the confidence to suceed in it. Man management has recently been a bit dubious with the COle/Yorke thing and some funny comments by Short, and more importantly than anything Souness not actually looking in full control himself. He looks quite rattled. Some of the attacks made on him by some board members seem unfair, yet my confidence in him is shaking.....
  6. If I was Souness I would be intrigued about what I could achieve with a young talented squad. Ferguson, Thompson, Niell and Emerton are all at their or reaching their peak with at tleast five seasons of football left in them. Also they are proven top class players who provide experience to the team. Gallagher is going to be a top class striker, there can be little doubt about that, while Steadinho is full of promise. Fiedel is much older than the rest but as a keeper would be hoping to play at the top level into his late thrities Gresko, Nissa and Todd all have a few seasons left in them (in Nissa's case, quite a few!) and have variated in form- but ultimately have looked capable of cutting it if they settle down. Add to this exciting youth team players like Johnson, Danns, Douglas and most importantly Donnelly and we have a great future. Look at the side- Steadinho Gallager Thompson Emerton Donnelly Ferguson Gresko Niell Nissa Todd Friedel Out of those only Donnelly and Stead are untested at Premiership level. And while question marks would hang over Nissa and Gresko both have enjoyed excellent games for the club and hopefully will find their form. An addition of a young left winger (downing? we have been connected to him) and we would look good. If I was Souey I wouldnt be able to resist it- especially as all the players would have been brought to the club or come up through the academy under him. The average age can only be about 24!
  7. Souness is hardly tactically naive, if anything he is too much of a purist. He is trying to establish a team that can compete with the big teams in terms of style and ability and he managed that last term. This has however come with the sacrifice of the 'killer instinct'. We would of been in the Champions league last season with a top goal scorer, whether it was Cole living up to his billing or even Robbie Keane. We are suffering because we arnt competing- in terms of talent in the squad we are easily in the same bracket or better than Charlton or Fulham. We have been unlucky with injuries to our most creative players, something you cannnot blame Souness for. Ask yourself this, at the start of the season who would of not swapped their manager for our Graeme? Only the top three and arguably Charlton, Newcastle and Southampton- even Liverpool would of taken him back......
  8. I think even the most pessimistic Leeds fan would anticipate getting at least £4 million for Smith. Birmingham would pay that in a shot so its up from there. I cant think of a club in England who wouldnt be interested- Arsenal, Man U, Newcastle are all actively looking for strikers. If it is a fire sale then I would think around £25 million at least for the squad could be raised. Milner would certainly be an interesting target.
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