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Posts posted by PeteJD13

  1. 14 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    Apart from when we end up selling Armstrong to a rival club. 

    Also I'm not aware of anyone else set to lose 15 players.

    So other clubs won't be doing the same. We will have a mountain to climb and a manager that shouldn't be here


    Crystal Palace most of there squad is out of contract 

  2. 39 minutes ago, J*B said:

    There is indeed a review scheduled for the May, but that’s always the case. Knowing our luck we will win all our remaining fixtures and finish 11th or something. 

    I think Ayala will be what gets him the chop, last time we had shocking run Waggott came out to defend him. No ones doing that now 

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, darrenrover said:

    Everyone seems to forget that the club has had zero income for more than 12 months and yet we're still batting.

    No moans either...Whatever has gone on in the past, we have something to be thankful for IMO.

    Totally agree with this people are steady complaining that the summers going to be belt tightening. What else do you expect us and every other club will be doing the same 

  4. 8 minutes ago, J*B said:

    The problem I’ve always found is that Venkys feel taken advantage of and that’s the memo. If we drive Pasha out we’re not going to help with that. We’re just making it even harder for them. This is all my opinion of course - but I personally think the only way out of this is to work with Suhail and gain Venkys trust as fans.

    The absolute worst thing you can do is email them/phone them/WhatsApp them saying “Waggott, Mowbray and Cheston are all rubbish, they’re not to be trusted, I know people that can do their job better” or similar. They’ll never trust a word you say and you’ll be forever branded as someone trying to take advantage. 

    The thing is regardless of trust most fans of any club don’t have a huge day in day to day running. What I would be more interested in knowing is what they plan long term. Being decisive is key Mowbray has failed badly this season and he’s been shown incapable of arresting the decline. The fact he could still be here next season is the first stage in fan mistrust 

    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Blue blood said:

    Think he always was. The selling off the training ground scheme being dropped perhaps gave a bit of hope he was under pressure and could be out. As it is nothing has materialised, shame. 

    If it were based on results then he likely could have gone from six losses on the bounce (none to particularly good teams either) or 1 win in 10. Whether it's a single win in 12 or 15 or even 20 doesn't make much of a difference really - they are all unacceptable. And am extra few adverse results isn't going to be seen as dramatically worse. If they were bothered by results then we would have passed the tipping point way before now. 

    I still think he’ll go but I’m the summer and not for results, it will be for signing Ayala or something like that 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Mercer said:

    I think modified words from Sinatra's 'My way' could be appropriate:

    And now their end is here
    And so they face that final curtain

    I think it's pretty clear the fat lady is clearing her throat.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if they are given until the end of season, either that they’ll be gone next week 

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Crimpshrine said:

    It's a strange situation. I get the feeling that Mowbray has probably had enough and wouldn't mind getting the sack. His body language, pitchside behaviour, interviews and general attitude suggests this to me. However, there is probably some substance in the theory that he won't 'walk' because he wants to protect his mates Venus and Waggott who may struggle to keep their jobs if he goes.

    Maybe the owners are leaving any decision making to Waggott so it's a stalemate. Waggott is not a football man in any way ( I've met him a few times ) - he is here to take care of the business side of things. I can't imagine that he would have the first idea what to do if Mowbray went and he was left to appoint a new manager.

    It could be that the owners have lapped up the brockhall scheme and want to see it through. Just think - Make a few million from the land sale, reduce costs in the future and have a better training set up than we have now! what's not to like ? A few restless natives are a minor consideration. So they want Waggott to stay in place until it's well under way and that means Mowbray stays too - whether he wants to or not.

    Mowbray and Waggott are getting the brunt of the ire but they are just a symptom of the owners' ignorance and lack of interest. As always, I will continue to encourage people to boycott (when you have the opportunity). We need to let the owners know how we feel. Turning up at Ewood out of habit just encourages them.

    I know, some people will say we will end up like Bolton if Venky's leave. I'd take that swap right now. Bolton will be back in the Championship within 2 or 3 years with engaged owners, a clean slate, no debt and an excited, rejuvinated fan base. Where will we be ?

    I would agree with most of that apart from Waggott having the power to sack, that lies with pasha and balaji

  8. 1 hour ago, Boroblue said:

    I’ve come to read Mowbray press releases with a view of who it’s designed to speak to. It not for us it’s for Venkys. Does he speak regularly to them about games. Don’t make me laugh. He is telling them what he’s trying to achieve at that everyone can see how good the performance are. It’s not them telling him they agree. Then he does the good owners stick with managers. Have they said that. No way.

    He is appealing to them again for more time that’s my opinion don’t judge on results but performance that’s what good owners do.

    Desperate rather than devious and in limbo no reassurances just silence. Even Waggot doesn’t know what’s going on because by any standard he should be gone.

    The big question is why. He’s losing matches the fans and the players. I still believe Oldham and Mercer the clocks ticking.

    Ps mercer don’t quit there’s not enough of us anyway without losing loyal ones. I for one appreciate your opinions.

    Part of me wants to agree with this as I don’t take what Mowbray says at face value. When you objectively read and listen to what he has said. I think he is a man under pressure he’s sounded like this for weeks. Which does make me think he’s been told he’s being moved on in the summer. A lot of what he’s saying now is damage recovery as most now think we are underachieving and other championship blogs etc have picked this up. Playing the hard done to crowd isn’t to venkys it’s for his next job. Also I do agree mercer stay on here just because it’s not happened doesn’t mean it wasn’t true at the time 

    • Like 4
  9. 3 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    Even if that's entirely true I'm sure he could still stick his oar in and make it as difficult as possible by threatening to walk if TM is sacked (if Carlsberg did sackings) or refusing to deliver the news himself.

    i think mowbray will be gone at the end of the season, his demeanour is not of a man who is un sackable

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, RevidgeBlue said:

    **Desperately clutching at straws**

    Maybe just maybe it had been agreed for a relatively dignified exit in the summer but the wheels have fallen off so badly there's had to be a Hasty rethink but there hasn't been time to dot all the i's and cross all the t's on a new appointment yet.

    ** Then I woke up and remembered Waggott was Mowbray's immediate boss.

    not sure if its any better but pasha is the gaffer waggott has no power to hire or fire

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