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Posts posted by Vinjay

  1. 14 minutes ago, JoeH said:

    My personal view is genuinely that I'd rather see a home grown, young, hungry, energetic and entertaining side playing for a Play-Off spot in the Championship than a bunch of Bradley Johnson-esque 30 year olds scraping a promotion, to then play a dismal 38 game season in the PL losing week in week out. But that's why I find a lot of entertainment in Under 23's football and why I can admit I'm a bit of an odd one out.

    PL football isn't the be all and end all for me personally. Abandoning the clubs new found philosophies so soon after their implementation would be a mistake. We've had the "experienced" side before. It doesn't always work, the wages are much MUGH higher for older players and they don't always live up to expectation. Danny Muprhy, Nuno Gomes, Paul Robinson - older just means higher transfer fee's, higher wages, bigger expectations and less longevity.

    A back four of Sam Hart, Scott Wharton, Darragh Lenihan, Ryan Nyambe any day of the week over a back four of 30 year old Championship stalwarts past their prime on £20,000 a week pushing us into crippling debt.

    So are most people on here willing to have players that could potentially move to Burnley (under current circumstances) than risk an aging squad? As you point out scraping promotion would likely be the problem following season. That's why it would be easier to have a "no stepping stone" policy as a midtable EPL club. People would say well where's the ambition to move higher? It's been stolen by those lowlifes in Zurich that's where it is. The club never had a great run in the Europa League so perhaps that's still "uncharted territory" but the CL? Leicester proved nothing is impossible but it's hardly a realistic aim is it? Radical marketing is the way to grow the club now and the same applies across the Championship.

  2. 4 hours ago, JoeH said:

    I can see Travis at some point in his career playing for Burnley. I've had that premonition for some time. He's just their type of player and being from Whiston, Merseyside he doesn't have that much local loyalty to Rovers. Just have this weird nagging feeling that will happen one day.

    I thought about that possibility as well. Are people not terrified by the prospect of him joining and helping them to a 14th place finish? Surely that's a reason to sign players between 28-33 for their marketing value and to an extent playing value. I believe you can still be competitive in the Championship under those restrictions and the right recruitment. They might not have much of a sell on value but they might not cost a great deal to begin with. Many on here are of a mindset that holds the club back anyway so I don't know why they would be against a "no stepping stone" policy. Especially if it's not the "retirement home policy" either. 

  3. 41 minutes ago, Parsonblue said:

    I must admit Tyrone that I'm not expecting to be back in a football ground until the start of the 21-22 season - and even then I suspect it will probably need a vaccine before the government allow it or, indeed, many older folk would be happy to go back.  I noticed in the government guidelines for sport they had mooted the prospect of  'behind closed doors' sport until a vaccine or successful drug treatment had been found.  

    If they allow a reduced number of fans in the stadium (even if it was a couple of hundred) you might have a better chance of getting in than most because of all the youth/EDS games you attend. Didn't the commentator say there were a small number of fans at the Dortmund/Schalke game or were they all family/friends/employees?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Sparks Rover said:

    For them to say it's not the family so quickly, leads me to believe its probably the family.  My opinion and not the view of BRFCS.COM .

    I said they seem certain because of the remarks about the girl and her family being well respected in the community. They aren't quoted as if the first statement made was "it's not her family". Getting a bit conspiratorial if you think there's some community wide cover up.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Sparks Rover said:

    It's got honour killing written all over it  

    Occurred to me as well (though I wouldn't say it's written all over it) but the refugee charity mentioned seem certain her family aren't responsible. K-Hod should probably clean up this speculation really. Granted I said it may not be random but didn't claim it's her family either. Can you edit anything before this sentence (including the quote) rather than remove the whole post?

    More here. She was Muslim.


  6. More details here. I'm not entirely sure it's random (if it was we could have been looking at a Hungerford, Dunblane, White District scenario) but the victim was a young law student. Could it be because she was Muslim? Maybe. Without wanting to sound like someone on another forum blaming immigration in the area you could speculate on racial motivation for any random killing. Apparently nobody has been shot dead in Blackburn for over 25 years so it's a bit early to blame "the state of the town" isn't it? The majority of people in Blackburn (non criminals for example) have no reason to feel unsafe as far as I'm concerned. Well apart from what's going on everywhere right now!


  7. 9 minutes ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    Of all the nonsense you've posted today this takes the biscuit. Even Steven Gerrard will admit that Celtic deserve to be crowned champions (although he obviously has one eye on England when he says that!).

    You're obviously a big fan of tax dodgers. First Jack Walker, now The Glasgow Rangers 2010 or whatever they are fucking called these days?

    Celtic's lead isn't insurmountable. Name anyone who's ever thrown away a league title in Liverpool's position. City could have won every game and wouldn't come close. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, K-Hod said:

    Just on the naming names thing, if people do start naming names, the posts will be hidden and warnings handed out. The site CANNOT afford legal battles against the Walker family.

    I think if the Walker family were gonna try and sue anyone (other than that lawsuit with their trustees) they would have by now! I never asked anyone to outright name employees (so I'm not sure why you brought his family up) either. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    Ferguson was Dalglish's enemy, not Jack's. He hadn't even won one league title when Jack took over at Rovers, he was probably an irrelevance to Jack then, just another football manager. You are reinventing history to suit your vendetta now.

    Jack said that he wanted to "make Manchester United look cheap". That's not reinventing history it's the truth. Dalglish gets on with Ferguson now. Jack and Ferguson never got along. 

    Petty Vendettas? I've seen other football forums where people do nothing but rage at the press, media, etc and have countless grudges. Compared to some of them I'm actually quite reserved!

  10. 14 minutes ago, jim mk2 said:

    Jack Walker loved Thatcher, was a diehard Tory voter and a tax dodger.

    By all accounts he was a ruthless businessman who treated his workers badly - Thatcher would no doubt have approved. 

    Everything he did for Rovers has to be seen in that context. 


    All accounts? There's several people who loved working for Walkersteel. Said it was never the same after Jack left (and not in a good way)

    I don't know if he was always a Tory voter. Jack Straw was granted a honorary position it seems like Jack approved of the "new labour direction". I imagine he wasn't the greatest fan of unions especially when people who didn't even work for him tried to disrupt his business. 

  11. I understand what his point was. I just don't think the timing was necessary or merited. I'm sure you were "taking it in" just fine without a typical Blackburnian comment.

    At the time there's no doubt who was the best striker in country. Dalglish you could have argued was the top manager in country at that point. Presumably your Dad didn't know he had quit. The money that Jack spent between 95-99 was definitely enough to win the Championship again. It just wasn't used correctly. I know Harford's remembered more for his good points but really he did an awful job as manager. He split up the Sutton/Shearer partnership for one thing. Newcastle almost won league in 95-96 and you could argue that Rovers were better than them and that Leeds 1992 side. Hendry, Berg and Le Saux were better than any defenders Newcastle had. I can't believe they finished 2nd with Darren Peacock as a regular. I know people say teams finish where they deserve in the league but there are clear anomalies. 

  12. Who did people want as manager when Mackay was sacked? I know most of you didn't think Dalglish was possible so which name was coming up most? Some directors apparently suggested Steve Coppell (seen as an up and comer at the time) but what about anyone else linked? I suppose some fans suggested Parkes completely overlooking why Mackay was sacked. I've seen press cuttings from the day Jack took over and even then the ambition was evident. Peter White knew then it's almost as if the fans only woke up to it (and even then not fully) when the offer for Lineker was made. 

    Ferguson was Jack's biggest enemy in football. Nobody else came close. That's the reason for comparison. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Gav said:

    Several of my family worked at Walkersteel for years, they all hated Jack Walker with a passion and I don't use the word hate lightly. 

    They mellowed over the years, all massive Rovers fans, but they never let me forget what a bastard he was, as you say OJF, even when he didn't have to be. 

    Just to keep things on topic - Lenihan has all the tools to make it at the highest level, but the clocks ticking, he needs to build on his obvious potential soon or he'll miss the boat.

    Can't choose your family can you? Something you and Jack have in common. 

    Any stories about Ronnie Clayton being an unpleasant scumbag? Peter White being a white supremacist? 

    Nobody has ever said anything about Jack like this on the forum before. Seems strange that it's coming up now all as an excuse to defend a lowlife like Ferguson. Why don't you give some specific examples it's not like I'm asking for names and national insurance numbers. Not that I would agree with it anyway but at least try to back it up. The most negative thing I could ever say about Jack is that he was too nice. This ruthless bastard you're making him out to be would have fired Mackay the second he walked in the door. He would have got rid of several others too and I'm not talking about the players that were sold.

    Sure someone might bring up his tax exile status. One of the reasons he moved to Jersey was so he could safeguard his employees jobs whom he was so horrible towards. What about the workers who were loyal to the point they broke pickets from their own union members (but not Jack's employees)? Yeah he was an awful, dreadful man. ?. Even Ferguson with his media stooges can't cover up his bullying nature. You can't cover up any such stories with Jack because they don't exist. Your relatives must have confused him with Fred. 

  14. On 12/05/2020 at 14:04, oldjamfan1 said:

    Couldn't agree more - I was just curious to determine whether Vinjay felt like that too or whether he was just unable to bring himself to use the prefix with Fergie. 

    I'm not pro monarchy so it wouldn't make sense to acknowledge knighthoods. Not against the UK but would prefer if it was renamed the Union Republic. I don't care what his prefix is. Once again I bring up Liverpool Echo referring to the S*n, etc. If you insist on using a prefix how about "Slur Alex" which fits his reputation as a vulgar, crass person.

    What about the women's team who were denied a promotion because of United? What about the transfer ban Rovers got because of corrupt rules influenced by UEFA and United? There would have been countless reasons to kick the man out.

  15. On 14/05/2020 at 11:21, rog of the rovers said:


    But I remember the day after more clearly, going to Sacred Heart Primary School in my Rovers shirt and then down to Ewood at night for the big celebration, my lasting memory being stood on my seat (which I still sit in) and my dad said to me..... ''Take this in Roger, this will never happen again....''


    Did you disagree with him?

    If the mods remove this can you at least have the courtesy to explain why? Are you not allowed to ask questions now?

  16. 3 hours ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    How on earth do you know whether Jack's hiring and firing was always justified? You don't get to where Jack got to in business without being a ruthless bastard. And he was just that. One person's 'ruthless' is another person's 'bully'.

    Yes I love 'Uncle Jack' the benefactor for what he did for Rovers, but I knew plenty of people who worked for him and couldn't abide him, including Rovers fans. That's life, things aren't always as black and white or cut and dried as they seem. I've heard enough stories about Alex Ferguson around Glasgow to know that he has a very generous side to him as well. 

    So who are they? Genuinely I've not heard one person speak negatively of Jack in his roles at Walkersteel, Flybe, etc. There were strike pickets outside Walkersteel at one point but they didn't even work for him!

    Being around Glasgow I guess you have heard the stories about Jock Stein? An even worse bully who didn't even tell a player that his wife had suffered a miscarriage. Claims he covered up numerous cases of child abuse. Ferguson considered him a friend, worked as his Scotland assistant and no doubt patterned some of his bullying nature after him. That's the type of lowlife he associated with. You wouldn't hear Celtic fans say a bad word about Stein (which perhaps says more about them) but Rovers fans of course are very unique.

    If Jack was a ruthless bastard he would have fired Don Mackay the second he walked in the door. He only gave him the opportunity out of kindness. Kidd would have been fired after relegation. I was disappointed by Hodgson's firing but looking back you can't defend most of his signings. 


  17. Just now, Oldgregg86 said:

    Jack walker is a wonderful man and the best thing ever to happen to rovers and the town but let’s not pretend he made 300 million by being nice to everyone vinjay. 

    ...and when did he ever bully or use crass language? He fired a few managers justifiably and no doubt fired some employees during his business career as well. That's not being horrible to people. If anything Jack was too nice whereas his family (and likes of Ferguson) are the absolute opposite.

    Anyway I didn't mean to take the thread off topic (I was only responding with a question for someone else) and given it's only page 2 plenty of time to get it back on track. I won't prevent that.

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