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Armchair supporter supremo

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Posts posted by Armchair supporter supremo

  1. 2 hours ago, Bigdoggsteel said:

    That ship has sailed

    It is baffling he got a new deal only to be loaned out though 


    yeh, just meant more that there was a lot of optimism around him at the end of last season after his fairly fruitful stint at Shrewsbury. So just letting him leave on a free would have seen a bit of a fan backlash had he joined another club and carried on his good form there... 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Crimpshrine said:

    So, the obvious question - why did he sign him 3 times ?

    wouldn't be suprised if the decision to extend his contract was made by someone else,  most likely they know he's sort of a favorite with the fans and didn't want him just leaving for free and doing well elsewhere 

  3. 10 hours ago, bluebruce said:


    Gallagher decent, Nyambe never once given more than a mediocre performance. I can see how you might hold one of those opinions, but not both.

    Quite easily thanks

    (and i was being generous with Nyambe because whenever ive seen him live he's been utter sheeiiiite, same goes for Lenihan!! ) 


    as for gallagher (transfer fee aside) he's just a decent squad player at this level, on his day he can be deadly but sadly more often than not he doesn't deliver, but that goes for most of the team on matchdays really! and its mostly down to poor management and coaching i expect

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Bigdoggsteel said:

    Watched the highlights. Was that Gallagher who missed the one on one and hit the inside of the post? He was unlucky for the one off the post.

    Great finishes for our goals 

    Their first goal it was terrible by Nyambe. Really, really poor to let his man get that shot off. Lame 

    Their second goal out of context it looks very bad that we let him take to down so easily, but I suppose we probably had our backs to the wall a long time before that. Their first goal looked very soft. Nyambe gets way too much credit here at times. Gets caught like that ,is weak in the air and is pretty poor when it comes to end product going forward. 

    I don't get all the praise for Nyambe either, admittedly I dont go to many games but I don't think I've ever personally seen him give anything more than a mediocre performance

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, islander200 said:

    He has talked up Butterworth the last few days and then doesn't even give him a minute when Gallagher was poor 

    I'm not going to join the gallagher bashing band waggon, I personally think he's a decent player at this level when he's on form. 


    But as you and others have pointed out... all the talk leading up to the game bigging Butterworth up but then not even bringing him on as a sub (let alone start him) is just fkin bizare. 

    • Like 1
  6. nothing to add that hasn't really been said already 


    Mowbray MUST go now(well really he should have gone last year...) whilst there's time for a new manager to settle in, assess the squad, do a bit of dealing at Christmas and hopefully get us moving back in the right direction and generate some much needed positive buzz about the place



    • Like 1
  7. and all of those memes doing the rounds of chilleni and co. getting physical..... with headings along the lines of 'at least we didn't cheat' (seriously what kind of wet wipe carrying wussies come out with this rubbish) 


    🐂💩 i'd have loved to have seen us get stuck in like that as we used to pre 2000! then maybe at least we'd go down fighting. 

  8. 1 hour ago, CrouchingNunhiddenCucumber said:


    But, I will still take some joy in Mowbray leaving.

    I'll probably even convince myself at some point that they may get it right this time.

    They won't though, we will continue with this  shit show until they're gone. 

    tbf they got it right last time in signing Mowbraykeven if thay may just have been an happy accident 😅) he couldn't really have done much more in his first couple of seasons, but then the wheels came off and he's bee unable to take us to the next step and it's largely been down to his own doing due to poor tactics/strategies and general management so for the first time in the last 10 years not all blame can be put on the owners! they've allowed him to run the show as he(and his cronies waggot, et...) see fit and they've given them a reasonable transfer budget to work with over recent years and just left them to it for the most part it seems. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Hasta said:

    As a generalisation, I think the older you are the more you have seen of a well-run football club at Ewood. Therefore the more of a shambles you think we currently are.

    If you've only got into Rovers in the last 12 years we've either been for sale with little investment, or under Venky ownership. This younger generation haven't witnessed the decline. The currrent level we are at is as good as they have known, and they want to spend more time watching, travelling and supporting the club and not bitching about managers and management. 


    Great point tbf. there is now pretty much a whole generation of fans that will have no personal memories from the pre Venky era/s

    I was spoilt myself as a child-teen by growing up right through the Jack walker Era and only having a couple of vague memories from before that. 

    But I did also see the 'inbetween era' when the walker trust and John Williams was keeping us afloat with excellent club management right throughout the club and on a minimal budget! although they did have the best foundations to work from thanks to Jack walkers investments. 

    • Like 4
  10. my guess is they're currently scouring the free agents bin looking for a striker that will accept our crappy wages. 


    there are a few big and biggish name 'veteran' centre forwards out there looking for clubs, we could do with a bit more experience in the side if we could get one on a short term deal, but that doesn't fit on with the clubs "Philosophy" 🙄

    they should look back at last time we got promoted! we had some very good young players coming through then as we do now but without the experience of Hughes, stig, short, berg, berkovich, grayson... we'd never have got anywhere  

  11. 21 hours ago, K-Hod said:

    To be fair, Ben Frost has a point about sharing screen grabs of people on Facebook etc.

    We don’t like it when someone else that used to post on here would share posts from here on Twitter, so we can’t have it both ways.

    Quite a funny comment about hostility though, when every post he seems to make is hostile…..


    sorry to just jump on this thread without reading it all through properly, I'm not commenting on the subject matter at all right now just wanted to give my opinion on "screen grabs" in general, and that is that they should be banned and phones should have the action removed. 

    screen grabbing and Sharing private messages and images (usually cherry picked out of context from private conversations) causes so much trouble & embarrassment and in my opinion it's just a horrible sneaky two faced thing to do and makes it impossible to trust talking openly to anybody online these(even with actual friends)  😞


    Sorry, little rant over. 🙈

  12. 39 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

    But Balaji has decided to keep him here for the start of the season. That's could change if results start going badly. I don't know. 

    Some people on here. said they look at replacements in the summer. So if that true they clearly thought of a change of manager..

    Now if we were to change managers I know the 3 managers I would hope the club would target to replace when a change is done by the club. 

    you should be working for the nationals! in 10 years even they can't get communication with the Raos, yet you have a direct line to Balaj himself. 

  13. 4 hours ago, chaddyrovers said:

    For me, Mowbray look more focus then the previous 2 seasons(almost like the Promotion season focus for me) and will the young squad we got he has coach them and manage them. 

    Yes it will be long hard season but I did feel that the squad can achieve mid table finish(with a couple of January additions) and have a good season. We appears more solid defensive and have a plan A and B which I think last season we lack badly. Plus we need to use the counter attacking tactics and play Gallagher up front in 4-3-3/4-2-3-1 formation. 


    is a mid table finish even an achievement in this league!!!!!   for town teams or teams struggling financially... finishing mid table or just staying up in the prem league is a great achievement due to the obscene amounts of money the city clubs spend each year, but in the championship there's only really 2 things you can achieve play-offs or automatic promotion, so other than getting relegate anything else is just the truest definition of Meh! 

    p.s. chaddy I've started noticing your posts a lot lately and im sorry but you seem like an enormous flipflopper as far as your opinions go.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Colt Seavers said:

    There was always a whiff of the bully about Keane; both as a player and latterly a manager. Footballers in the last decade have become even more snowflakey and entitled. I can't imagine young players wanting to work for a man like that and I can't see Keane adapting sufficiently to avoid upsetting the precious little darlings. 

    yea there's always a fine line between being strong a strong willed disciplinarian and just being a bully and the likes of keane and souness are way past that line by todays standards. 


    tbh though i dont think discipline is an issue with our current squad though, so I'm not sure where this is coming from. To me the problem with the playing squad lays more with generally poor/sub standard training(which is an absolute disgrace considering the top class training facilities they have at their disposal) rigid transparent tactics with no plan b,c,.... and poor man management skills from Mowbray. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, RoversClitheroe said:

    I genuinely think we need to start holding Waggott, Mowbray, Venus and Park to account.

    We need to put together a well thought out statement and put pressure on, after an absolute shambolic transfer window not replacing 28 goals.

    There was zero plan, blocking youth development by signing loans and then not loaning them out.

    How do we start putting pressure on the awful management we have seen this past year.

    2 wins in 17 last year and not one bit of pressure on Mowbray.

    How do we get traction with statements etc etc? 

    @glen9mullan @RevidgeBlue@RoversTrust

    agreed (they all want sacking not just holding to acount) but why does this sunhail bloke get off? not much is said of him but he does seem to be heavily involved in things, especially when money and player transfers are involved. 

    • Like 7
  16. as much is i want Mowbray and his cronies to go.... All this talk of Roy Kean as a replacement is fkn absurd, the few managerial roles he had he was awful and he's not managed(or even been on a training pitch as far as i know) for around a decade!! 

    can people not remember the absolute shambles that Sunderland became during and after his time there. I thinkna lot of that was because contrary to what youd imagine he was absolutely awful at the player management side(along with all tge rest) 

    (for the record of the top of my head I'd want either someone young hungry and ambioutous like hasslbank or a solid proven manager that still has a lot to offer (and maybe something to prove now) like Hughes



    but all that said, unless there's real money available to spend, no player transfer interference from the owners(or their representatives) and a genuine ambition to get out of thos league asap! then i cant imagine why any intelligent ambitious manager would join. 

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