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Paul Mani

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Paul Mani last won the day on August 26 2023

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  1. Booom…cat amongst the pigeons!! Imagine if Chaddy had posted this…🤣
  2. Tyjon isn’t ready, Vale is terrible and Leonard still isn’t fully fit. We need another, if Sammie is going 👍🏼
  3. I must be the only person to have a) actually bought one and b) not been offered a bean to sell them! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m obviously not popular enough!
  4. I can 1000000% say I’m not being paid to post anything!! It was a genuine post… Kinel mate, talk about throwing me under the bus, bearing in mind you haven’t taken the time to ask me or find out. I can safely say, I don’t need any kick backs from anyone.
  5. I reckon we need a GK, 2x cb’s, 2x Winger / wide forwards and a Striker as well as Yuki…minimum. Id like loan cover at Lb and I still think we’ll get another midfielder like Baker in. That’s not including any sales and you’ve got to think Gally, Dolan and Hyam could go with bring in the last year of their contracts. They would need replacing… Anything between 6 and 10 signings may be needed, just to keep us competitive!! 😬
  6. Morning, I’ve found something to be positive about!! I found this beauty yesterday…Rovers training / track top between 92-94 and bought one for £45. I think that’s great value. I haven’t worn a Rovers shirt for years to the match…but I’ll gladly wear this!! Looks like our transfer biz is about to kick off too! 🔥🔥
  7. Discussion, speculation and rumour - I’m really glad you clarified that Josh. Because my post was regarding the number of people who *believe they actually know what’s going on. The most common reply to any transfer rumour in here is “That won’t happen…” My whole point, is that Chaddy is ridiculed and mocked for his opinion, by people who act like they’re working with facts, when in reality, what Chaddy talks about is as likely to be true as anything they assume. In fact, bearing the number of people he speaks to, he’s probably one of the most well informed posters on here.
  8. Presume & hope….in all honesty, we don’t know. That’s my point. When Mowbray et Al were in position is was probably the most stability there had been under Venkys. I could see a plan then, just like I can see one now. It’s not based on emotion, it’s based on what I know to be true, evidence…which is why I’m clear that we are going through a strategic managed decline. I can guess, though I don’t know the reason for it but the fact that budget has been cut year on year, added to selling the training ground and now cashing in on players with little or no reinvestment is proof of this process. Contrary to opinion, I’m not basking in it or ‘dancing whilst Ewood burns’. I just refuse to melt down over stuff that I cannot impact. General question, based on what Glen Mullan and some others went through….how many of those who supposedly care so much more than us ‘happy clappers’ are prepared to ACTUALLY do something about it? As in, protest? Stick your necks on the block?
  9. The truth is, none of us know. We don’t know if this is a huge plan to decimate us as a club or not…there’s a million and one scenarios that could be playing out. Are Venkys about to sell? Are we now self funding forever, or until we fold? Will the taps turn back on after the court case? Has JE been told he can have any money raised from a sale of SS? SG? I could go on and on…the point is we don’t know. Which makes yours and others strong assertions that there’s “no chance…” lack any credibility. We can’t even lean on precedence because we haven’t actually been in THIS Scenario before, even with these clowns.
  10. I agree with you on the character of those people. However, I don’t think they give a shiny shit about the masses and therefore wouldn’t care nearly enough to start fabricating rumours in this way.
  11. Honestly, I don’t buy the conspiracy theories. Why would we hire 3/4 people as heads of recruitment etc if we had no intention of signing anyone. Whats clear is that we’re skint and self funding until Venkys agree to start funding us again. I have a bit of insight into football transfers through friends who have played and now manage / coach in EFL. The picture changes hourly…eg - Rovers get an enquiry for SS at £8m and they want £10m. Thinking it might happen, they start putting enquiries out for a couple of fee costing signings and speak with the agents of (for example) Brannigan and Baker. Those agents then get excited and start contacting other clubs to get a bidding war going and it gets ‘leaked’….then the SS trail goes cold and we, looking from the outside label the media and ‘ITK’ers’ as liars…rinse, repeat!
  12. Trade for Buckley? Hasn’t kicked on and probably suits Schumacher more than JE?
  13. Liam Cooper and now Lewis Baker being linked after we signed McFadzean and Fleck in January. Seems the base of the team is being populated with experienced, ‘proper’ character types…which tells me they are preparing for a war. Gonna be a tough watch this season I think. I’m ready for it! 💪🏽
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