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Everything posted by Bethnal

  1. I’ve been thinking about this since I heard the rumour. There’s either financial impropriety at play or reputational preservation, just as you said. It’s a strange occurrence otherwise. Administration makes little sense with the Wharton money on the books (depending how it’s accounted, I’m not familiar with how receivables work in football accounting terms) and an upcoming court case to determine whether more funds are sent, the last of which allowed funds to be sent. It’s a going concern, purely on the basis of those two points and - I assume - no radical cost increases across the business. From what we know, I can’t see administration. The other option - that something “serious” has happened in finance or they’ve been asked to do something “serious” - well, I can make more sense of that.
  2. LET printing this story shows that there’s serious discontent within the club, you would have to think the recruitment dept or GB himself. You would have to be extremely sure of this being the case to print it. Waggott is a lame duck/puppet/stooge and although not very good at anything a CEO would normally be expected to be good at, very good at the one thing the owners care about: deflecting attention from them. Suhail is the main antagonist. No chance he leaves without Venky’s selling. The Rao’s are the problem, they have been for 13 years, they will be until they sell. Heat needs to be turned up on them for the rest of the season, they have to feel the pressure.
  3. Something has told me - for a long time - that they’d rather see it burn than admit they got it wrong. That’s the issue for me. If they go unchecked, they will let it die.
  4. Any truth in the various bids we were lodging for players, before the “no permanent fees” edict was issued?
  5. Implication (subtle as it is) might be that he hasn’t left yet, but he will if this deal doesn’t go through. Either falling on his sword or saying, “nobody can do a job here while Suhail and Waggott are operating in the way they are.”
  6. Still getting ‘page not found.’ Can you briefly summarise?
  7. Yeah, agreed, we maybe need to be direct with the three siblings. "Venkys" is a one-word term you can say to most football fans to trigger the embarrassing memories of the Raos' ownership. Again, this is just a starting point.
  8. The briefest design brief I would give for this is "what would Gary Aspden do?"
  9. I know what you mean and we've seen it before from the previous rounds of protests. There're chickens and everything else that you can incorporate. This is purely a starting point, an easy thing for stickers, badges, flyers, whatever materials. edit: Also, the Venky's logo is gross, I've seen it enough for one lifetime.
  10. I'm designing while a couple of drinks in here, but I think a big part of protest is iconography. Symbols, flags, etc. People like things that resonate, so here's a starting point from me. edit: "LRVH" is an easy acronym and potential hashtag, along the lines of "COYB," "RTID" etc. It's positive about the thing we want to be positive about.
  11. It’s a good idea and especially if you actively leak it so that BBC are well aware of the plans to do it. It can’t be stopped, I don’t think. It’s disruptive, it stops the game, nobody encroaches on the pitch or throws missiles, players aren’t endangered and it’s actually just very funny.
  12. You should add “optimistic” to your moniker on here, because while you’re right, if the above were the case, we’re actually in a grey area, where we’re nowhere near trading insolvently, frustratingly enough. We sold one of our most valuable assets this week, which was Adam Wharton’s registration. We have quite a few of those left, as it happens. Adam Wharton’s is the kind of money that can cover a year-and-more’s forecasted losses. We can further cut costs than we have done, we could really drive everything down, long before you’d describe us as trading insolvently. Now, when you add common sense in, you realise and say, “but that’s no way to run a football club,” and you’d be right! The thing is, there isn’t really anything written down anywhere that prevents a football club in relative distress from selling its playing staff’s registrations. Except fan outrage, usually, but ours are seemingly not that fussed, for the moment.
  13. “gEt BeHiNd ThE mAnAgEr AnD tHe LaDs, FfS!” They’ll still be bleating on Twitter.
  14. You’ve saved yourself by being clear-eyed about it. No longer a fucking moron (in my eyes, at least!)
  15. I don’t think it’s exactly like this. I think the fact that the budget was being reduced was related to him, with the excuse of the financial difficulties in India. He essentially offered to leave on good terms, without a payout, because the club has changed tack and is suffering financial difficulty. They’ve very likely lied to him. “Well, it’s not as bad as that, Jon and our lawyers will have this sorted in no time.” April, is apparently the time it really raised its head, from memory. In February the year following, the Indian courts aren’t even picking up their calls, as it were. He’s mad that he didn’t put himself on the market over the summer at a club with a real infrastructure, real ambitions and even something as basic as a commercial operation. He’s probably most cross at himself for buying it. I think he’ll see the season out or at least until he’s sacked this season, on principle, but he’s essentially bulletproof for future jobs: ”Jon, your last club ended up relegated, can you explain what happened?” ”have you heard of Venky’s?”
  16. “I work in the M&A side of football, in that I was a biz dev exec for a poultry pharmaceutical company from India, after some time distributing sweets and fruit juice, all before my boss decided to buy a football club that none of us know how to run.” Give me a fucking break. This guy needs a light shining on him, he’s clearly the rotten apple.
  17. Without knowing who mentioned it, I can tell you that someone is a fucking moron.
  18. I’ve said it on here many times before… we are the unfortunate victims of two sets of children, inheriting the fruits of their talented fathers’ endeavours, squabbling and money-grubbing. Walker family deserve a lot of blame, but to be clear, there’s a guy in India currently plotting his next live appearance with Akon, because his whimsical demand to buy a football club didn’t work out and he’s too ashamed to do anything about it. Everything - EVERYTHING - wrong with the club is the Rao family’s fault.
  19. There are still people in the comments defending the ownership. I don’t know how clear it has to be for them.
  20. Coming out and saying you offered to leave for free in the summer because the goalposts have been moved implies that you were probably promised it would be rectified shortly. He’s had the rug pulled from under him, I suspect the only thing keeping him here is some sense of seeing the job through. He’s gonna be off in the summer. Cant believe fans don’t see the owners for what they are, but there’ll be another scapegoat along soon enough, for them.
  21. https://x.com/_elliottjackson/status/1753835435929767945?s=46&t=rnQVjbXz01IX6mfYRvVRfA
  22. This is the quandary that those on £X00000s/year at the club are paid the big bucks to answer, because it is a quandary: do you stick in the hope that recovery is possible or do you twist and accept you’re less likely to recover to potential, but also less likely to go down? I just can’t get past the lack of investment. It’s the common denominator, all the way through. “£5m of leased players” was the public declaration at the starting gun. They’re just so inept. Anyway, for everyone in an equally bad/downbeat mood; remember that the club was here before us and will be here long after us, some way some how.
  23. QPR beat us today. In scoreline and in the actual play itself. Tough to completely see what the play is like with RoversTV angles, but there’s no incisiveness in the build up. QPR are the kind of side that most teams in this division should be capable of putting 4 or 5 past. That they had a better chance of doing that to us is the biggest worry. Next 24 hours should be interesting, but I think it’s hard to argue that we’re not in danger of going down. Not gonna be popular, but for those saying JDT out, I have two questions: who should we get to come in to improve and - more importantly than that - how would they do it? So few resources, I think even Warnock would struggle to put something together.
  24. He’s definitely game for it and a hard worker but just looks like he needs a lot of polishing up.
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