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SINCE 1996
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Tom last won the day on March 29

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  • Location
    Cherry Tree


  • Season Ticket Stand
    Blackburn End

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  1. Think it varies but usually the buying club, in the tragic case of Emilano Sala the agent arranged it and blamed Cardiff for not sorting it for them though so it may depend how desperate someone is to move. Remember Odemwinge driving himself somewhere on deadline day to try and get a move
  2. He’d be a cracking option should we ever draw Blythe Spartans in the cup
  3. Shows that Swag is the one picking targets, is there any other constant between last time we were linked and now? Sad state of affairs
  4. Should have got everyone to lob a handful of chicken nuggets instead of tennis balls, easy to get in!
  5. It’s tragic but it well and truly feels like one of those hallmark seasons, I can see points deductions for unpaid wages, barely scraping a squad together and relegation with a whimper. Similar to Bolton a few years back my only hope is we shed the parasites and start to rise back with new owners and hope again.
  6. Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute…….who said anything about ‘battling’?
  7. Going to be the worst season in years but we have 3 stunning kits at least
  8. Random one but I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Pears go the Derrick Williams route and head stateside at some point. Think his Mrs lives or is from LA and he looked like he spent his summer there, could see him looking to get a move in the future. Not that it would be a huge issue we’d just backfill with Rochdale’s reserve under 21
  9. I can see him hanging his boots up soon, lost his spark and think attention is elsewhere
  10. I haven’t bought a football shirt for myself for a long time but I went and got this today; genuinely think it’s great for summer holidays. I anticipate we’ll sell out (not saying much given our usual stock) and will be one of the most popular kits in ages. Will probably get my daughter one as well. Macron certainly delivering the hits more than misses!
  11. I don’t think my house is on it - no buy
  12. If that was true it’s the most damning indictment so far. May scrape enough for a percentage of £500k Just put us to pasture now!
  13. Truly absurd, I’ve never seen anything like it at this level
  14. The noise went quiet without the club having to comment on it, think they got away with that one
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