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  1. Never expected this be a lot of naysayers and club bashers very upset at this. I had u derstiod he would not touch us with the proverbial barge pole. Good luck to him.
  2. But one has to have a good group at the helm. What is the good if Admin if at the end of the day the chickeneers are still our owners. They have to go, they hate us fans and are punishing us for our indiscretions. Not kissing their collective arses, throwing Snowballs, calling them names, calling them out. How dare us peasants do this. Well they are showing us now. Get rid of this cancer on our club. Please.
  3. If they can and won't what is the point if stcking around. May as well sell up and move on.
  4. Indon't see any signings who would command big money. Venks just not going to allow it.
  5. A brilliant day. Activities started about 8am in Accy and continued until the wee hours. Could barely move in the Longside. Friggin nervy ending. Rovers fans all over that day, in the pubs, grand day out Great win but if Fear had notched that pen would have been a cricket score. Hanging on at the death a draw would have felt like a loss.
  6. It seems like they have no intention or do not even want to return. Their lack of support for JDT when a return to the prem was on is just bewildering. Why are they afraid of returning?
  7. Given the euphoria over England playing well for a half plus 15 minutes in the previous game I can see where the we can beat Spain thiughts come from. In reality I think Spain will embarrass us on Sunday, hope not but I just can not see us defending their incisive passing up front. We need a lot more up front than we have shown. It will never happen but I am of the opinion that Wharton with a Toney or Watkins to run on to his sliderule passes would catch them by total surprise. Sadly it is a pipe dream.
  8. 6mil Beggars belief. Why don't they just sell up and eff off. Read some interest in USA, that be good .at e we can have a documentary then as they seem to be doing teams with yanky owners. Hell I would take about anyone over this lot. They will run us down the divisions, any talent we raise will be sold before they ever bare fruit for Rovers and then they will sell below market value. Do they just not get it they are a laffin stock. No one wants to come here no ine wants to deal with us, word is out we sell iur best on the cheap. What a totally idiotic set up, assets sold cheap, assets given away due to mis management if contracts. Waggit should be gone for letting about 20 mil wotth walk for free, any other business he would be fired for gross incompetence. Get rid cos I have just about had enough. If I still lived there I seriously doubt I would be tipping up my hard earned. Venkies sod off and let us enjoy supporting a proper footy team again. I despise you.
  9. I do not kike Vale at all Seen nothing to get excited about, dies not even orivide energy or effort. At least our Gally, who's not so great either gives us 100% effort working his socks off. A minimum requirement. We will have to hope Leonard comes good, he certainly looks more likely.
  10. Am I understanding this right?, if Venkies put in 2 mil to the club they have to match that? effectively doubling "their" expense
  11. Why would they we do not care about giving away our talent via total mismanagement of contracts. Even the one slated as an investment BBD we let get outta here for nowt. Clowns the lot of them, well maggot is ringmaster of this circus. Seems to me he steps over dollars to pick up nickles. I eish some one would just get rid of the lot of em and get us some proper football owners and a footy savvy management structure. From being wideky regarded as one if the best run football clubs to a laffin stock. As Mr Souness used to say, this is a PROPER football club. Not any more, proper fiddle.
  12. Okay, thanks for that. It did biunce up some and Pele was a lot further away. So both saves are closer to each other than I thought. What ever it was an excellent save.
  13. Poor lad is not going to get a kick with Southgate.
  14. Not even close, this came uo for him Banks had to get all the way down iirc and nostalgia has not distorted reality
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