I just can not get me head around Venkies and what they are doing. What do they want. Why do they insist on staying. Why do they not want a return to the top flight where the money troubles could be seriously minimuzed. Has someone told em that we just can not afford the investment required, are they being mislead because our over paid CEO COO enjoy the relative anonymity so they can ride the gravy train till THEY are ready to retire. Do they just not like VAR? Something is really wrong, all the other clubs owners give blood to try to get to the cash cow that is the prem Venks folks prefer to take our boood.
Look at it from any viewpoint and you can see we, the fans, are the very last consideration in any of this until season ticket time. What we want simply does not count. Looks kike they actually get a rise out of pissing us off.