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Posts posted by broadsword

  1. I agree that he should concentrate on kicking some butt, but I'm not sure that doing work for Sky interferes with being manager of Rovers.

    I think they concentrate on conceding goals in training. Dwights stays behind afterwards for a bit of "toothy grin" training.

  2. BobF - In a swings and roundabout way you might have hit it on the head there -in my opinion he should stop his SKY appearance and concentrate on our problems (if that makes any sense)

    Should he spend 24 hours thinking about Rovers?

    Should he be sorting out the back four while he's on teh crapper?

  3. Trust an American to be a free-marketeer!

    I don't want to get mired in a big argument about free-market economics, but I do think given Leeds current problems, it wouldn't be much for them to forego 30% of their earnings to potentially save a football club. This is an industry where even bit-part players can be set up for life by their mid-twenties.

    How much money do they need FFS?

  4. Tell you what Jim, why don't you do your job for 30 percent less?

    I don't think journalists get paid 40k per week to come in and train how to write stories twice a week and actually write an actual story on a Saturday.

    Footballers salaries are obscene and are proportionate to the Nation's never-ceasing hunger for wall-to-wall televised football, it has nothing to do with a fair day's work for a fair day's pay.

    They seem to be so far removed from reality that they'd rather their employer went to the wall than they take a (gasp!) 30% paycut. How thick can they be?

  5. The chef was sold to cut the wage bill and replaced with a toaster (interest free purchase from comet - with extended 5-year warranty at £700

    Does the warranty cover accidental insertion into Professor Reg Holdsworth's bumhole?

    "Could I have my toast back please Professor? It was that naughty Alan Smiff that did it! Squeeze your bum cheeks together and see if you can get a round out."

  6. Yes, yes, but have they found the kitten!?

    I'm getting quite concerned - it could be locked in the trophy room or something!

    Oh no, just had a terrible thought.

    What with the budget cutbacks, the chef's cooking might have suffered.

    Leave the kitten alone Mr Chef!


  7. Latest news from Leeds is that they've lost the remote control for a JVC Home Cinema surround TV Dolby pro-logic system (installed in the canteen), some Krugeraands and a small kitten.

    If anyone has a spare remote could they please send it on.

  8. Note the BBC report that Leeds' debts are now up at £83m- they have lost another £3m in the last month.

    They're so French Connectioned-careless over there, they deserve everything they get.

    Prof Reg Holdsworth: "Say Thelma, did you see that 3 million quid I left on the side-board this morning."

    Thelma: "Well funny you should say that Reg, because I do remember seeing it this morning, it was sat next to the goldfish. Can you remember where you had it last?"

    Prof Reg: "Hmmmm ... I seem to remember having a crap and wiping my butt with a couple of spare fifties, but other than that, I can't think"

    Thelma: "You've gone and lost it, haven't you? You French Connection-wit!"

    Honestly, it's madness at Elland Road. I dread to think how much of their problem is simply down to mislaying cash.

    A simple bit of cash management and it could all have been avoided.

  9. Probably - don't ask me!

    I may have unintentionally given the impression before that I knew something about finance by putting some trendy words in there.

    What Green could hope to get back by sticking some money I wouldn't know. He's so rich maybe it's just a bit of money to play around with.

  10. Do you mean Green was to lend money for someone else to buy the club, and their shares, rather than buying them out directly ?. I admit I have part of me that wants to see them go tits up as well. We might sign a few decent players on the cheap as well.

    Yeah, that's more or less it, Green was going to be one of Leighton's backers.

  11. Maybe that Green bloke who ows BHS will come steaming in on Saturday and save the day. It happened just before Chelski were about to collapse.

    From what I read, Green wasn't going to put money in as a principle shareholder, but was rather going to lend money to Leighton to leverage his purchase.

    From a purely mercenary point of view, I want Leeds to go into administration and get 10 points docked.

    Wolves have had it, and in the scenario above Leeds would almost certainly have had it, meaning that there was only one place to play for (or should I say, avoid). Dog eat dog in the current financial climate!

  12. Get the Tea Cake boy in.

    He could bring in 25 new signings on tuppence happenny and bring a refreshing windswept haircut into the dressing room. The half-time biscuity jam and marshmellow half-time confections shouldn't be discounted either.

    Although the prancing up the touchline to Bonnie Tyler is a different matter.

    When is a blip a malaise? Weren't we getting very similar comments on here two years ago before Andy Cole saved our hides?

  13. Just a personal view but I feel he'd be good management material, a view apparently shared by Jack Walker who offered him a long term player manager role before he left for Newcastle.

    hmm, but possibly only in the 10 minutes before he left for Newcastle, when all else had failed.

    I don't have Charles Lambert's book to hand, but I think it was the night before, at either Shearer or Walker's house.

    And Jack did (allegedly) persuade him. But KK came calling the day after and his mind was made up.

    If I was in his shoes, I would've left as well, to be honest.

  14. Why on earth would you want Shearer to be the manager of Blackburn Rovers?

    Just a personal view but I feel he'd be good management material, a view apparently shared by Jack Walker who offered him a long term player manager role before he left for Newcastle.

    Hell's bells, are you serious?!

    Have you observed his managerial attributes at close hand?

    We gave Howard Kendall a job because we were skint. What we need now is not a new manager but a new benefactor.

  15. Anyway, got distracted half way through that so if it doesnt make perfect sense, soory, but basically what I am saying is leave Souness alone, just bring in Mark Hughes as coach!!

    And yu could do that over Souness's head, could you?

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