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broadsword last won the day on April 27 2017

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  1. Yep, I remember all that. Post sent out class, milk for the teas rqtioned etc. It genuinely wouldn't bother me.
  2. You see that too me would be so much better than what we have now. Yes, we would be skint, but no, I really wouldn't care because Venkys would be gone
  3. Don't want to give myself false hope It's been thirteen years. It's been agony
  4. Picked this up from the framing centre today lads, what do you think? 100% certified venkys/Anderson/kentaro/orr/Agnew/Shaw/k*an free.
  5. Very good point. I think these new shirts look cheap quality, and I don't see much resemblance to the title winning shirt. It's rather buy a retro shirt
  6. Yeah, I don't miss feeling unsafe. I remember going to Wembley for that centenary celebration thing. Fans of loads of different clubs there, and they were all fenced off from each other. It's more the excitement and the fun of being a town team but having something to look forward to. And a lot has been lost along the way. We don't even do match programs any more do we
  7. Watched a bit of a podcast with yer man Howie Gayle last night. There was a definite Liverpool slant to out, and not much about rovers which is what I was really interested in. The main remark he made was that he really respected Don. Thought he was a fantastic football coach. Sellars got a name check as well Just made me think how much I really miss those late eighties days. They were the best days. We didn't win anything, but it was fun. Back when football was proper and none of this absolute nonsense you see now. Bar , out of town hotel stadia etc. no sky moving kick offs about, listening to radio two or five for the commentary. Jimmy armfield, Bryon butler, wish I could remember more of the names. Mike Jones I think was one. To my mind now, football is almost ruined. Just totally rubbish. All the things that made it good are gradually being stripped away
  8. I just don't care any more, just get them gone. I was actually in my thirties when these scum sucking filth bag parasite gombeen skidmarks arrived on the scene like an industrial pollution incident and chained themselves round our neck like lex luthor putting a kryptonite necklace over Clark Kent's head. I loathe then with every fibre of my being. Chicken shit takeaway adverts with fat boy David *get real" Dunno, shirts sponsored by a vape company and a bookies, a crumbling stadium that's covered in shit. An endless rogues gallery of management selected from a losers gene pool. There's so many reasons. Just go. We all fucking hate you. Go on home, and take your spivs with you
  9. Less than eighteen months to go until we turn 150. It will feel so hollow with these pricks still owning us
  10. Harry Kawasaki, whatever you want, just fuck off and never come back
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/may/16/dead-hand-of-the-immovable-glazers-keeps-strangling-manchester-united?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2lLVQ9AX5ho417sMHxjOotZ5m93DjI3eAbTJjBtay61x2PYNsD9IinsaU_aem_AeMJE0gIdDkKWVSX1AZxonMu5AQS578s-fUMNVX7Mqs_vOsB1IHyEgIU6iDmySs9j3O96uEPA2nOCKnypDXTG2L0 I read this piece and you could almost just change the names and you'd think, yeah, this is rovers. Such a strong feeling of deja vu. The writer talks about asset capitalism. I think the economic term is rentier capitalism. Sitting back and living off the income of the golden goose. At least that makes some sort of sense, if you're a beetley little weevil parasite whose station in life you owe to your accident of birth. With venkys they've long since turned the golden goose into glue. Haven't they?
  12. Could well do. In any case, if he stays with us, he's mental. Christ knows, I wouldn't stay with us 😆
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