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Manchester Blue

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Everything posted by Manchester Blue

  1. Spot on that Bob. I would have had no problem with Cole staying but can't see how we could have expected anything more than barely double figures for his goal return based on the last few years. 55k a week is a lot of money for that many goals. In fact hasn't Yorke scored about the same amount as him over the last 2 seasons and yet people can't wait to see the back of him.
  2. You miss the point Souness didn't pay over the odds, £2.5m was a very good deal at the time. The training ground incident is poor but has prompted Souness to stop playing in the 5 a sides. Bad tackles go on all the time in training and many managers play in the small matches. Tony Parkes even still plays in them so it's not unusual.
  3. But what would you propose if no clubs are prepared to pay anything for them. We payed over the odds for Cole maybe but Yorke at £2.5 was seen as a steal at the time, particularly after Boro agreed to pay £6m for him 6 months earlier. p.s. Ricky will you please stop replying a minute before me with the same point please
  4. His last story before the Cole one was that we have a £10million transfer kitty this summer. When that one comes true I will hold my hand up.
  5. Glad you're enjoying yourselves. Can't wait to come out hopefully to see the 'mystery trialist'. Have a good weekend on the pop and we shall see you Monday. cheers
  6. Exactly and he also got rid of the original big time charlie, Paul Ince. It's just nonsense to suggest that Souness can't work with big egos. Anyone that has met even a few of the players will know that the majority of them have big ego's. There is a difference between a player having a big ego and becoming to big for his boots. That is when Souness and Fergie, Wenger and many others get rid of the player.
  7. Funny how people's memories differ isn't it. Alan's is much more in line with what I remember whereas Waggy seems to have got the events jumbled somewhat. Strange that.
  8. Agree with BobF and the Capt. People are complaining saying that they can't relate to the players and they are overpaid etc. Then we moan that boro are buying Viduka & Hasselbaink. Hmmm that will improve relations between fans and players no end.
  9. I disagree. Dunny had a big ego and for a while he was Souness' golden boy. IMHO the way Souness works you can have as big an ego as you want as long as you are putting it in on the field.
  10. Fair point that Philipl can't really argue with that, it's something Souness must deal with obviously. As for the Cole comments, no you're right FLB & Rev, there are no direct quotes, but then that's hardly likely seeing as it would provide evidence for a disciplinary. I probably put a bit more trust in the story as it's in the LET but maybe i'm wrong for that.
  11. Maybe I am being argumentative but in fairness this is what I said at the time As you can see I thought Cole may well leave just not with a big pay off and still on our payroll. I might be wrong about that and if so i'll be happy to admit it. I have no axe to grind with you or Scotty i just really dislike lazy journalism, especially when it is a headline like that. p.s your last line sums up my point, most people just accept that but it infuriates me that's all. cheers
  12. No the headline said 'COLE FIRED' and stated he would be sacked this week and we would pay him off and then continue to pay half his wages. If all journalists were that 'accurate' in their work we might as well stop buying papers now.
  13. How was he right? It's Friday tomorrow and Cole still hasn't been sacked, the club have merely made it clear they will listen to offers, not pay him off. I talked about this at work today. If the meeting about Cole's future took place on Monday, where he stated his refusal to work for Souness. How did Nixon have the story on Saturday. Unless a certain unscrupulous player or agent fed him the story to strenghten his hand as he was already determined to move away. Alternatively it could have been an equally unscrupulous Manager doing likewise. Still doesn't make him right. Half right maybe or a little bit right, but then that's just half wrong as well isn't it.
  14. Souness packed him off to Turkey when he complained at being left out of the team. Weeks before, Souness had been lauding Sukur as "one of the best players he had ever worked with". Suker was still there at the end of the season. Suker complained at being taken off against Man U when he was poor. I've still never seen any evidence of a fall-out. You know like quotes and stuff. But then again what does evidence matter in the glorious world of the gutter press.
  15. Incidentally, please could you explain to me which part of Andy Cole refusing to play for Souness doesn't make it his fault. The only reason Cole hasn't been sacked is because in the wierd world of football you are allowed to withdraw your labour, be crap at your job, and commit all kinds of other acts that in any normal job would have you sacked. And even if the club do decide to get rid of you, you still get paid your contract in full.
  16. Cola is one of the worst headers of the ball I have ever seen play up front. Have a look at Dwight Yorke if you want to see someone win flick ons and proper heading. Cole has talents, heading is most definitely not one.
  17. I love the way you instantly assume Cole is the one in the wrong. Has it not occured to you that our manager might also be at fault here? Do you not see a pattern emerging? Souness has now fallen out with Todd, Cole, Flitcroft, Dunn, Yorke, Gillespie and Sukur- all within the space of two years - and those are only the ones we've heard about. Can you think of another Premiership manager who's fallen out so publicly with that many of their players? No, me neither. There's been some brillant posts on here spelling out why Souness's antics are causing us so much worry and yet you continue to defend the indefensible. Souness was brillant for the club during his first 3 years here. He's now become a liability. Get rid. But that's the thing I'm not defending Souness as such just refusing to accept that sulky arsed has-beens on 50k a week should be treated any better than being shown the door. You say I instantly assume Cole's at fault but I can say the same with regards to you and Souness. It was the same with Todd last season. A no better than mediocre defender who was taking us with him to 1st division. Souness gets his best players back and puts them in and Todd shows his arse. Who's at fault? Yorke well I like the guy but his attitude his hardly condusive to a relegation battle so a fall-out was inevitable. As I've said on another thread unless you know what has happened with Flitcroft I don't see how you can comment. Dunn got too big for his boots, Gillespie was crap and as far as i'm aware there was no real problem with Sukur. There are others you've left off by the way. Of course there is a pattern, Souness is an abrasive man who p1sses people off. He also gets results at least he did for 3 of the 4 years so far. You may feel now is the time to get rid, I feel he merits at least half a season with his first choice team. I couldn't give a fig if he upsets every money grabbing waster we have at the club if we win games. There is no problem with team spirit or dressing room atmosphere, you can either believe me or not.
  18. Just make sure you save some beer for us.
  19. What rubbish. If you had any understanding at all you would know the reasons behind Flitcroft being removed. Flitcroft knew full well he wasn't going to be captain this year. Souness told Flitcrofts agent he was being replaced, which was quite generous in the circumstances.
  20. Can I ask what kind of job you do and if you ever have to manage staff. Some staff no matter what are just unmanageable. If one of your staff announced he would no longer work for you, what would be your response? Sit him down and point out the error of his ways maybe. This is a man who has absolutely nothing to prove by the way so just how do you motivate him.
  21. Looks like their fans don't want him anyway:- Here are a few of the less offensive posts. 'whos gonna try and get a refund on there ST if we sign A ole 'hes that good relegation fodder blackburn dont want him.wonder why 'i f@**ing hope not, he is well past his best and even that was not very good. England didnt want him and we could all score goals for manure, please CC read the message board we dont want him if its true !!!! Those responses are very similar to the ones from City fans when a mooted swap with Fowler was mentioned. Some of us must see things in him that others can't because if you judge him off his stats then you can't really blame ths views can you.
  22. I've got the car for the night TND!!
  23. Looks like he may not go to Germany now. link Interesting bit is where it says 'Cole's relationship with Souness has deteriorated to such an extent that the player indicated he was no longer prepared to play for the Rovers boss during a meeting on Monday. If true what choice do the club and for that matter Souness have but to let him go now. I'd say no choice whatsoever.
  24. I'm sorry but those words can't go in the same sentence.
  25. I would say Dickov is much better at holding the ball up than Cole. The thing is my only worry with Dickov is his lack of goals, his overall play will be great as he will do loads of running and hold the ball up. Cole has scored 27 goals in 2 and a half years so it's not much to cope without is it. I still think we need another striker if Cole goes but lets not kid ourselves that he is irreplaceable. If he was as good as some on here are making out then clubs would be beating down the door for him wouldn't they.
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