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Manchester Blue

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    Walkden, Manchester

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    Salzburg Away 2006

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  1. You'd presume if they're talking about a million then he must has a contract of some kind. However the Rich Sharpe article today suggests he doesn't have a pro contract yet. Don't know the exact figures but there are set fees now for players dependent upon length of time at the club, category of academy etc, it's been one of the criticisms of the new EPP as it lets the big clubs come in and pick up 15/16 yr olds for peanuts. I'd say unless we get him to sign up we'll be getting nothing like a million sadly.
  2. Does anyone know if he's actually signed a pro contract? If he hasn't I'm led to understand we'd get a fraction of that due to academy rules in place. Hoping he is in that case.
  3. Oh don't get me wrong, I don't in anyway believe he'd do it deliberately and/or any conspiracy reasons. Just some managers over the years are big on pushing kids through and some are more reluctant to trust them. For me he has so far seemed a little more in the latter category. However as you say no way would he do it for anything other than correct reasons in his view of what is best for the team.
  4. I'll happily give Mowbray benefit of the doubt and hope over the next few months if form continues some of these lads are given a chance. It is a concern though given how they're playing that we're bringing external people in ahead of them, or seemingly at least.
  5. Apologies if mentioned elsewhere but hadn't realised Tre Pemberton had gone to Stoke and is playing for their U23's now. I knew he'd been released and/or left of his own accord. Will be interesting to see how he does next week in that case.
  6. Ha sorry my bad, not always easy to tell with some folk on here ;-)
  7. Obviously that's your choice but there really isn't a system as such. It's either £18 or £22, depends if you're a season ticket holder/1875 member or not.
  8. I think Prem away tickets are standard maximum £30 now aren't they?
  9. Interesting to compare the price to Sheff Utd for same round: Blades v Leicester, League Cup, Tuesday 22nd August. Adults - £15 Concessions - £10 U18s - £5 (Even better for season ticket holders - £10, £5, and £2). I generally think we are pretty good for prices on the whole, United game last year where I agreed with the price and some didn't but does seem a missed opportunity a little.
  10. I think there'll hopefully be a decent crowd on with it being the holidays still and priced like that. Ok £18 not the cheapest for a League cup game but for me I can take both kids for £6, I'm sure others will do, They often miss the midweek games but will be no issues with school etc so hopefully can get a few in.
  11. The one near us was keeping well out of the way and we could not blame him in the slightest. I fully hope the guy pulls through but could understand the stewards thinking at the time to let the idiots chuck stuff at each other. Sadly it got far more out of hand than anyone could have thought possible.
  12. I don't think anyone could sort him out. The man is an animal, always has been and always will be and nothing will change that. I've read a few interviews where he pleads that he is a changed character or that it was down to booze but it's happened to many times on and off the pitch for it to be something that could be worked on. I very much doubt Newcastle will sack him but more likely move on to a club like West Ham. I'd be very disappointed and even more surprised if we went anywhere near him.
  13. Haha I can just imagine the Missus face if I told her I was taking her there.
  14. Not got loads of time at present but my favourite Italian in town is Piccolino which I think is outstanding. Just near Albert Square and although not as cheap as some it's certainly worth the money. Opposite that is Croma which is decent and not particularly pricey. If you want decent Italian and don't mind the place being a chain then one of the many Pizza Express in Manchester i'd recommend. I think there are at least 3 of them and they all do decent enough Italian food at good prices.
  15. What a set of quarter finals so far? This is the best championships I can remember. So many close games that could go either way just highlights the strength in depth these days. 6 or 7 years ago Taylor used to walk through the whole thing and only ever get occasional fight if Part was on form or a couple of others. So many of the games you really struggle to pick a winner and that is a great thing to see. Cracking entertainment.
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